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Latin America And The Feudal System

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Latin America and the Feudal System

Today Latin America is a continent with capitalist and socialist countries, forms of government that have succeeded in certain countries and otherwise, but what was Latin America in its beginnings?, when it was under the control of the European continent ¿feudal or capitalist?We take into account that feudalism has to do with the relationship between feudal and vassal, which had to work the lands, in return it had a roof where living and protection, instead capitalism has to do with private property and accumulation of wealth.

In the course of conquest of Latin America, Spain was going through drastic changes in the form of government and the economy for several factors, such as the coup between European and Muslim culture, where there was incursion by Arabs and Jews, which carries To the middle class grew, which resulted in, a new social class, the bourgeoisie emerged, the peasants mobilized to the city, the bankers retouched the economy in the Middle Ages etc. The Arabs were not only involved in Spain, they also had a place in central and southern Europe. Because of this, the Spanish monarchy had to review the socioeconomic system that took They can comment on state affairs, of course not at the same level as that of kings and nobles, but over time the bourgeoisie was moving forward by the courts, it was then that Spain began to advance from feudalism to capitalism. So when the conquest in Latin America carried out, there was an objective which was to exploit metals such as gold and for this the economy was based on exploiting raw materials, which required a large number of workers, which in a certain part They were native to the continent and in another the African race.

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This was already being carried out in a capitalist and non -feudal way. The monarchy wanted to evade the emergence of groups of certain people who can contradict their authority for it in 1542 laws were created that were in a certain favor with workers such as the elimination of the perpetual concession of parcels, in which the Indian or native no longer He was a slave or worker of a encomendero, was the vassal or citizen of the king, this was not carried out by appreciating the Indians, but for protecting the workers, their exploited workforce, which benefited them since the natives or Indians provided precious crown stones metals. In 1549 the servitude of the Indian was eliminated in the parcel, but he had to pay tribute and in 1569 that tribute should be paid for money, all this was already related to capitalism. Now what related to the feudal in the colony, reason to become independent from Spain. Here a Creole bourgeoisie was born, who had enough power and was made up of landowners, merchants, owners of mines, farmers etc., Which guided the independence of Latin America, likewise the duty of Latin America as the creator of raw material began in the colonial period, where the colony was responsible for exporting raw material and importing manufactured products.

In conclusion from my point of view Latin America was capitalist from the beginning, since it was possible to conquer it since in certain parts of Europe as Spain a change was being carried out, which is from feudalism to capitalism, and in Latin America it took In order from the beginning the exploitation of metals using labor, generating wealth, also the payment with taxes, all that was already capitalism and the fact that there were also certain foundations related to feudalism does not mean that America was feudal it was already because They still had certain feudal customs so they were in a certain period of course, to the capitalist. 

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