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Leisure Facilities

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Leisure Facilities
Leisure facilities comprise resources and equipment which are used by people during their free time. In most cases, individuals spend time in these facilities doing the things they have interest in and can enjoy. There are different leisure facilities which include swimming pools, sports centers, cinemas or even parks. In most cases, these resources are situated in the same building for convenience (Liu, 2009). An example is a sports center and a swimming pool where people go swimming after participating in sports activities.
There are two main leisure facilities in our area. One of them is student accommodation, and the other is a gym. These facilities fit in a field near an institution where students have a lot of free time. The gym and the accommodation are situated in a town near the college in our area. This is because students need something to keep them busy when they are free from their regular duties. Most of them visit these recreational facilities during the weekends because they do not have classes to attend.
The student accommodation provides various services and products to the clients. They offer meals to the people who visit the facility at low prices. It also offers accommodation to the people who attend gym services to give them adequate time to relax (Howard, 2007). Apart from giving accommodation, it also provides entertainment facilities like music and movies. There is also access to a free WIFI network in the accommodation.

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On the other hand, the gym offers gym services to the clients. It has equipment which is used by people who visit it to strengthen their muscles and burn the excess fat in their bodies. The gym and student accommodation operate in the private sector. This is because they are owned and managed by individuals whose main aim is to maximize profit. Most of the goods and services offered in the two facilities are charged at high prices so that the investors can achieve maximum profit from their investments (Robinson, 2003).
Both the gym and student accommodation affect the operation of each other in various ways. First, the people who go to the gym require a place to relax after completing the exercise. Location of the student accommodation near it increases the number of people who visit the gym because they are assured of a place to relax. This implies that availability of accommodation services near the gym enhances its operation and increases its profitability (MacVicar, and Susan, 2001). On the other hand, people who spend time in the student accommodation need things to keep them busy apart from the entertainment. Most of them prefer to visit the gym during the time they are in the accommodation facility to keep them busy. The location of the gym near the student accommodation significantly impacts its operation. This is because it ensures that the people in the housing have something to keep them busy. In most cases, the clients only prefer to stay in the accommodation after spending the day doing something to keep them busy. As a result of the availability of the gym, many people visit the accommodation during their free time because they are assured of other facilities in the surrounding. This improves its operation and enhances its profitability (Howard, 2007).
The gym and student accommodation are situated in a town and are adjacent to the high way. Their location enhances their accessibility which increases the number of people who visit them. Clients do not spend a lot of time searching for them. Additionally, they are located in a big shopping center where many people go to buy goods on a daily basis. The location of the facilities increases the number of people who visit it because. The market also provides availability of other products which one may require when in the gym or student accommodation. Moreover, the two facilities are located near a college. This significantly favors its operation because the students in the institution have a lot of free time and require recreational facilities to keep them busy. Thus, the two facilities are located in a very favorable environment which enhances their operations and profitability (Davenport and Julia, 2001).
The gym and student accommodation, which are leisure facilities in our area, have significant impacts on the economy. First, they contribute a lot to the reduction in crime and antisocial behavior. This is because many people participate in illegal acts when they are free (Liu, p.334). With these two facilities, individuals have a better way to spend their free time. A gym is a right place for rehabilitating people who had been previously convicted of criminal offenses. Another importance of these leisure facilities to the economy is that they enhance establishment and growth of other businesses. This is because they cannot be purely independent. An example is a gym which uses materials and equipment produced by other companies. The student accommodation requires services and products from other firms for it to operate efficiently.
Another contribution of these leisure facilities to the economy is that they increase the number of tourists who visit the country. This is because they visit areas of their interest during their free time. Availability of the gym and student accommodation in the area attracts many people from both within the country and abroad to visit the facilities. These tourists boost the growth of the economy by bringing in foreign exchange (Robinson, 2003). The gym and student accommodation enhance economic growth and development because they offer employment opportunities to the people who manage them. These workers pay tax to the government out of their salaries. Additionally, these facilities operate as corporates and pay a fee to the government. This increases the amount of revenue collected by the state hence it has more funds to use for development activities in the country. Thus, availability of the gym and student accommodation in the area has a positive contribution to the economy of the region and country as a whole.
Leisure facilities are essential to the society. Organizers of these events in the area should come up with strategies to improve the products and services offered in the facilities. First, they should come up with ways of enhancing cleanliness (Abercrombie et al., 2008). This can be achieved by hiring people to clean the area where these facilities are located. The organizers should also concentrate all the recreational facilities in the area at one point. This will enable the different owners to share the cost of managing and providing the services thus improving their quality. Most recreational facilities require improved infrastructure. To enhance the quality of services offered in these facilities, they should jointly invest in infrastructure linked to the facilities (Abercrombie et al., 2008). This will help to improve the quality of goods and services provided at the leisure facilities in the area.

Works cited
Abercrombie, Lauren C., et al. “Income and racial disparities in access to public parks and private recreation facilities.” American journal of preventive medicine 34.1 (2008): 9-15.
Davenport, John, and Julia L. Davenport. “The impact of tourism and personal leisure transport on coastal environments: a review.” Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 67.1-2 (2006): 280-292.
Howard, Elizabeth. “New shopping centers is leisure the answer?.” International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 35.8 (2007): 661-672.
Liu, Yi-De. “Sport and social inclusion: Evidence from the performance of public leisure facilities.” Social Indicators Research 90.2 (2009): 325-337.
MacVicar, Anna, and Susan M. Ogden. “Flexible working in sport and recreation: current practices in Scottish public, not-for-profit and private leisure facilities.” Managing Leisure 6.3 (2001): 125-140.
Robinson, Leigh. “Committed to quality: the use of quality schemes in UK public leisure services.”Managing Service Quality: An International Journal 13.3 (2003): 247-255.

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