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Lesson 5, Lesson 6, Lesson 7

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Lesson 5, Lesson 6, Lesson 7
Lesson 5
According to the results of the Binet’s IQ test I generally have a high IQ and my grade is a genius. The results for the Binet’s 4 Elements of intelligence were as follows:
Direction: I have the ability to think critically and improve my IQ in the future.
Adaptability: I also have the ability to adapt to different situations easily and that I am at the top of the charts.
Comprehension: my level of comprehension is also high and I have the ability to handle complexities and see the logic in everything I encounter.
Self-Evaluation: I am also self-aware of my abilities and I have the brains for most occupations.
Mnemonic device: The Loci method of improving memory involves the use of landmarks to remember so that when a person is in a certain place or sees room in the house they remember something. This method is effective because it enables easy recording of information thus easy remembrance.
Elaboration: An example of using elaboration to improve memory is assigning some old meaning to new information in order to remember the new information. It is effective as it helps to remember complex information, for example, safe combinations and objects in a painting.
Principle learning:
Chunking: an example of chunking is breaking up long numbers with numerous digits into smaller chunks that can be remembered easily. This method is effective because it enables people to remember complex information by breaking it down.

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Lesson 6
According to the four main personality tests, the student has an amiable personality meaning that she is spontaneous. She is not assertive because she is not a go-getter and her performance in class is not high. As much as she is expressive, she does not a people-pleaser and she flows with the pressures from her peers mainly because she wants to have fun. She is also not analytical because she does not weight options before making decisions and instead flows with the decisions made by her friends. To her life is a thrilling adventure and she loves anything that is interesting and gives her life a thrill. She sees life as full of possibilities and the glass is always half full. She is always drawn to the excitement and any exciting ideas from her friends are always welcomed even if it means getting in trouble or skipping school. She is already popular in school because of her love for parties and hanging out. She attends at least four house parties every semester and goes out almost every other weekend. The reason she parties a lot as she says is because it is what her friends do and she does not want to be left behind when the rest are having fun.
Lesson 7
Frustration is an emotional feeling of being upset because of the lack of ability or capacity to achieve or deal with something. It is a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself because of lack of fulfillment of individual will. Stress is a psychological and mental reaction to a stimulus that upsets the mental or physical equilibrium. Unlike frustration, stress is caused by an external reason or event. Conflict refers to a state of disagreement or disharmony between two or more people or within oneself. Conflicts may arise because of clashing ideas, decisions or personalities. Like stress, conflict is caused mostly by external stimulus or factors beyond the control of an individual experiencing the conflict. On the contrary, anxiety is a feeling of nervousness, worry, unease, apprehension or strong concern for something. It is usually as a result of the desire for a certain outcome. Anxiety can cause panic attacks and compulsive behavior as a result of excessive feelings of unease.
Differences between Type A and Type B Personalities
People with Type A personalities are usually preoccupied with their self-esteem, social status and accomplishment in life. They are impatient, quick to anger, and domineering. This personality is also associated with a high risk of heart diseases as compared to people with Type B personalities. In addition, they are high achievers and are great at multitasking. They are always in a race to achieve higher goals in their lives and they set lofty aspirations even when they have achieved their set goals. They do not accept failure and they are ever in a race against time. They find it difficult to relax because of the sense of urgency and the need to compete. They are usually self-driven and have high-stress levels.
People with Type B personalities have a lower risk of heart complications as people with Type A personalities. As much as they too enjoy achievements, they understand their abilities and work steadily towards their achievement of their goals. Unlike people with Type A personalities they do not stress too much on excelling and they accept failure more openly. They enjoy playing games and competing but for the sole purpose of having fun. They are innovative, reflective and even-tempered. At times they can be too laid-back and relaxed that they do not gain the drive to enable them reach the top of their careers. On a general level, they live stress-free lives.
A healthy personality is characterized by the “Big Five” personality traits namely;
Openness: This refers to being receptive to everything about life such as experiences, ideas and accepting new changes in life. It includes eagerness towards new things in life, adventures, risks and curiousness.
Conscientiousness: This refers to the efficiency and self-organization in life, as well as, being competitive and competent. A person with an ideal personality should be goal-oriented and should have a perspective of what they want in life. One should not be too hard on oneself by over criticizing, but should always strive to be better.
Extraversion: This refers to a person’s general disposition while in a social setting. A person with a healthy personality should be welcoming and warm to other people and should make acquaintances with ease. A person should also be friendly and outgoing and have many friends.
Agreeableness: A person with a healthy personality should have a high level of trust and a balanced outlook towards trust and intimacy issues.
Neuroticism: A person with a healthy personality should also have control over their emotions, and should be devoid of any unwanted or unreasonable emotions towards oneself and other people.

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