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Local And Regional Development

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Local and regional development


Local and regional development

Citizen participation and its spaces at the local level

General objective:

  • Strengthen the full exercise of rights related to citizen participation in decision making, planning, and management of local affairs and their representatives, deepening and strengthening the participatory democracy of the village Las Lagunas San Marcos.

Specific objectives:

  • Identify whether there are spaces for citizen participation in the village of Las Lagunas, San Marcos
  • Promote and promote the full exercise of the rights of participation and the incidence of citizenship at the local level, through spaces and participation mechanisms, in the village of Las Lagunas, San Marcos.
  • Promote citizen participation initiatives of the people of the village of the San Marcos Lagoons so that the exercise of rights is guaranteed.



Citizen participation is the inclusion of citizenship in the decision -making processes by incorporating particular (non -individual) interests, citizen participation generates institutional commitments and requires creating a community work climate public deliberation, social interaction and respect for pluralism are values are valuesand positive and essential practices of democracy

However, it is a concept related to participatory democracy. It is the integration of the general population, in decision -making processes, collective or individual participation in politics, understood as something that we all are part of.

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However, participation will be oriented by the principles of equality, autonomy, public deliberation, respect for difference, popular control, solidarity and interculturality. The participation of citizens in all matters of public interest is a right, which will be exercised through the mechanisms of representative, direct and community democracy.


In this sense, citizen participation is an essential part of a democratic system, therefore, it is of great importance to generate the spaces that contribute to constitutionally and institutionally established rights and duties being effectively recognized and exercised.

In the local, the decentralized autonomous governments are the first spaces for receiving and relationship of citizens with the institutionality created to know the needs, aspirations, concerns, demands and the strategic vision from the citizenship and, from this, to build the prioritiesThey will frame local development.


  • Jimènez, c. A. (November 2010). Community participation and political incidence. Guatemala.
  • Mèndez, m. d. (2014). Participation and empowerment in local development policy. Guatemala.
  • Soza, d. M. (s.F.). Citizen participation and social control. Bolivia.
  • Tamayo, m. L. (September 2013). Citizen Participation, Public Policies and Education. In Latin America and Ecuador.
  • Vila, J. S. (2009). Citizen participation for deliberative administration.

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