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Mario Benedetti The Exile Of Poetry

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Mario Benedetti the exile of poetry


Mario Benedetti was a Uruguayan author who self-exiled in the sixties to the eighties, time of Latin American dictatorships, in which Benedetti had a creative turn when writing poetry. When reading and investigating him, the impact that exile in his poetic style was evident, specifically in his poems, which went from having simple and simple themes to having subjectivity of emotions that due to the historical context coincide with feelings thatThey could be shared by a large number of individuals. Exile made Benedetti change the style of his poems.

As a result of feelings and experiences that even allow establishing a similarity between him and other exiled Latin American authors, such as expatriation and the difficulty of adapting to another idiosyncrasy, so it is possible to establish that the estrangement of being out of Uruguay (in the casein question) caused loneliness and nostalgia (elements of poetry of exile) because of the lost, which affected its creativity, since it was outside the area in accordance with one by nature, its home. To argue, poems written by Mario will be analyzed during exile, in order to find the message that wants us to convey us.

And see if there is a relationship with other Latin American authors, of which you select your vision or work to discover more about the literature of exile. Who was Mario Benedetti?, His work is composed of both literary texts and poems and stories and non -literary as essays and newspaper articles, which makes it a multifaceted person.

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He was born in 1920 in Uruguay, he published his first poems book called "The eve of the indelible" in 1945, in Montevideo he met his future wife Luz López Alegre, with which he would marry a year later publish his first book. 


Benedetti emerged with the collection of poems "office poems", as described. He continued traveling through different parts of the world and publishing multiple texts, but Uruguay’s self-examination in 1973 due to the coup d’etat that there was, generating a dictatorship that would last twelve years (1973-1985). This political phenomenon was not only going through the eastern country, but most Latin America was suffering the breakdown of democracy, there was a struggle between socialism and capitalism that was being a threatening issue.

Since the socialists were believed to take control of the continent, so they suggested dictatorships to maintain capitalism, this process started with militarization that eventually resulted in coup d’etats, in which military institutions organized violent shots of the organs in the organs in thewhich political power was located. Benedetti spent 8 years living the reality of exile, until he publishes "wind of exile" abroad. Within the poems we can find "the magnet", here we understand the situation that is happening, which is reflected in this poem by a speaker who has no company and resigns to play with an unknown child and a magnet.

But none of these satisfies their desire to be accompanied. In the first stanza when he says "here loneliness becomes darker (…) and although I would like to provide with someone I drink the wine in a wrinkled glass glass", of these verses we find that the feeling loneliness predominates, which is implicitly said saidFor the speaker, but that reinforces him when talking about wanting to have someone to accompany him, but who in the end knows that no one will arrive and will continue to take in a glass glass that over time has been wrinkling, accepting lonelinessFrom the speaker comes with the verse "ended the wine without despair". 

We can relate this to the remoteof the mothers of both. Following the poems we find "the landscape", the text in question has a poet as a speaker, which feels that his works have taken a creative turn, they went from being as he describes them "poetry of black and white" to have aspectsMore colorful such as "Red Framboyanes", to be more extensive by having "branches, hills, farellones", refers to aspects such as the language used in poems.

Uruguayan colloquialism that was previously more frequent and was replaced by more technical words, full of emotions that are already used explicitly and not implicitly, the strange structure when comparing it with other conventional poems, this falls to the separation between words used by theAuthor making a kind of ladder with them, similar to what I use in "Man who looks at his country from exile" in "poems of others", also change the themes and receptors of the poem, since they adapt to the historical context,Thus it is possible to make one feel identified with the verses and give them their own interpretation instead of keeping the message in black and white.

"Pine Memories", the word memory, when we take it to the Benedetti field, we relate it to its homeland, an essential element for the yes not for any exiled author, since being away from the country in which one grows is forgetting,Leaving one with nostalgia and with the desire to return, this can be summarized with the phrase of Iván Carrasco “’the present of others that is being done and the absent of his own that is being done’ in his text called“ Trends of theChilean poetry in the twentieth century "of 1999, where" La "refers to both the country and culture. This case of exile literature occurred in Latin America.

When one decides to leave his own will, it is due to the disagreement with the current situation of the country and because one believes that it can become damaged in a physical or psychological way, this exile is called “exile culture” that was the caseof many Latin American authors from 1970 to 1980, such as Julio Cortázar, an exiled Argentine novelist who speaks of the exiled writer as “someone stripped of everything his, many times of a family and in the best of cases in a way and a rhythm oflive ”, an author like Pablo Nerud.

This poems and basically the literature of exile was based on the various experiences of the banished as the expatriation that one suffers, the difficulty of fitting in a new world in which customs and culture are different and also the hope of returning homethat as time progresses it is lost. We see this last aspect in "vice versa" Benedetti poem that he wrote during his exile in which he uses a duality between his lady and his beloved homeland, two aspects of his life that sees them with nostalgia and with little probability of seeing them again to theTo say that "he is screwed" but that at the same time he feels that he has "urgency to hear you" and "desire to find".


He referred to nostalgia and hopelessness, feelings that until this point did not appear in Benedetti’s poetry, as in his most recognized work "office poems" with which we can establish a comparative link between these two stages of Benedetti’s life, a recounts the problems and experiences of the office worker such as "Monday" poem in which after the weekend you can see how difficult the routine of every day, which despite being tedious in the end "gives us"Our bread ”as the speaker says and another stage marked by the estrangement and loneliness of both Benedetti and others.

It can be said that Benedetti’s creative turn was inevitable, since it is a changing characteristic of the human being, which in this case was largely affected by a fact that marked more than the authors, a generation, which were lowsadness and fear. When doing this work was to benefit you about a time of which I had no notion about the impact that could cause and nurture through visions and work of the time, which had easy accessibility and validity in terms of the historical context. If something came to limit me it was to find a specific issue of Benedetti’s life, since he had many chapters in his life, of which he could win multiple awards and international recognition of which make him ten years after his death, let’s continue talking aboutthe. 

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