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Measures Of El Diario Super To Combat Fake News

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Measures of El Diario Super to combat fake news


Presentation of the different theoretical processes of media literacy argued in authors that exhibit important content for the good development of research, which focuses on the analysis of the national media called Diario Super and its fight against fake News in times of Pandemia. In addition, the results are explained through an observation method, thus checking that the segment called this is a fake news story contributes to the restoration of the journalistic exercise properly, since the false news has an alarming power, since they reach the massesAnd they persuade them to believe anything and not be able to distinguish between what is true and what is false. Finally, the conclusions of the investigation are shown as well as the recommendations so that the example of this means of communication is not overvalued and is an impulse for the other means in force in Ecuador to adopt this new way of doing journalism, educating their audiences andmaking a contribution in media literacy that lacks power today.

Keywords: Fake News, Communication, Media, Ecuador.


In this new media environment where the so -called users are sometimes beaten by an overinformation or a great abundance of sources, it is essential to verify the veracity of the news. This has allowed the media to keep in mind how to educate their audience, designing various tools to verify the quality of information.

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At present it is necessary to put knowledge in people and facilitate the acquisition of media skills. That is, to know how to access, analyze and distinguish between real and false news. Nuria Fernández (2017) in his article called Fake News: An opportunity for media literacy, states that “following the false news there is a renewed interest in developing media literacy. If the new generations obtain their information from social networks and other online resources, they must learn to decode what they read ”(P.75). In that sense, the only resource to combat false news is to carry out initiatives to educate citizens in basic issues of journalism, strengthen the abilities of distinguishing real and false news and contributing to the construction of an informed citizenship that can decide freelyand fight the fake news.

General objective

Analyze the segment This is a fake News story belonging to the media super communication as a contribution to media literacy. An education for peace, in order to combat the misinformation that exists in this time of pandemic through social networks.

Specific objectives

  •  Detail the different processes that have contributed to media literacy in recent years.
  •  Describe the segment called this is a fake news story as a contribution to society and media literacy.
  •  State the benefits of the segment and the contribution it makes in today’s society, when living with the health emergency nationwide.



The present research will focus on analyzing the national media knew as Diario Super and its recent struggle to combat the misinformation that exists in the country with the propagation of fake news or false news that circulates on social networks, since due to theHealth emergency initiated in March 2020 and that plagues the entire world since December 2019, misinformation has been latent in the virtual world, causing the audiences that consume content in social networks being the most vulnerable in believing any type of information issued,Without having full knowledge that it has been true, real and proven information. This creates a constant transmission field of false news that pass from portal in portal, accepted by thousands of users and causing the outrage, concern or alarm of society in general.

The present work will allow to deepen the theoretical concepts on the processes of media literacy and show that the segment called this is a fake news story belonging to this means of communication, it is a good contribution to media literacy that is based on education for education for thePeace search, where the only beneficiaries will be the local population.


The excessive boom of false news on social networks began with the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States, but has visions to extend much more than his mandate (Jané, 2017)

In November 2017 Collins Dictionries covered the front of the press worldwide when he announced that the new term he admitted in his thesaurus was Fake News (false news). And he pointed it as "false, often sensational information, disseminated under the disguise of news information". The false news in these times are not considered a new phenomenon, but, the ease with which it can spread on social networks, in which the deception with entempration and a great abundance of sources is surprising, is surprising, being necessary to verifyThe veracity of information.

The press and informative in traditional media lose audience among younger generations, for which social networks have become primary.

For this reason, the lack of digital literacy constitutes a great barrier in social and cultural development. Media literacy is considered a new conceptual paradigm that allows to decode the existing concatenated elements between the media and visual codes from the autonomous, critical and creative point of view, and not only of spectator.

Theoretical framework

Media literacy also known as digital literacy, is the successor of media education, stereotype that developed in the last decades of the 20th century and was strengthened at the beginning of the 21st century, whose attention was focused on the critical reception of the mediaconventional masses. For this reason, media education is responsible for studying the media and digital information technologies, in order to know the constructions of the reality they carry out, as well as offer the instruments to express themselves through them.

From this beginning concepts arise that are compacted to media literacy and fake news.

Pérez (2015) refers to media and informational literacy as a new conceptual paradigm referring to the capacities that allow critical, autonomous and creative use by people and communities of any means of information, communication and expression, andtheir specific languages. These capacities range from the simplest technical skills for the use of media to the cognitive used in information processing and the use of much more complex languages and reasoning (p. 4). It should be noted that the day to day has transformed into routine the permanent use of technological devices that convert interpersonal communication into a connection between the form, content and context.

On the other hand, Peguer and Martínez (2016) claim that in Latin America media literacy initiatives are frequently linked to non -formal education, popular education and civil society. Media literacy constitutes a crucial element to reduce or increase the digital divide between people who have access to technological media, with the difference that it will allow them to intelligently use the media.

Marc Amorós (2018: 35) considers that fake news are false information designed to impersonate news in order to spread a deliberate deception or misinformation to obtain a political or financial purpose.

It seems unquestionable that the existence of global networks and the propagation at the speed of the light of information, has evidencethat the contagion and the accelerated reproduction of a virus in different versions represents a danger of formidable size.

Likewise, López-Borrull and Vives-Gràcia (2018) are manifested who determine that the challenge of journalists is double, on the one hand, specify the degree of confidence of a source of information and, on the other, to combat the viralization offalse information.

However, freedom of expression and information are basic foundations of our democracy, but it is necessaryopinion.

Medium analysis

The problems become opportunities to be able to carry out a critical evaluation of the media contents and the information that comes from different sources, and at the time of Covid19 Pandemia, this media study becomes necessary to diagnose fake news, for this reason, in thisProject The observation method was used to analyze the segment that promotes media literacy within a means of printed communication of the province of Santa Elena.

Marshall & Rossman (1989). He mentions that “observation as a description is a systematic process of events, behaviors and artifacts on the social stage chosen to be studied’ (P.79). In this sense, the observations empowers the observer to describe existing situations using the five senses, providing a ‘written photograph’ of the situation under study.

The media whether printed, television or radial dissemination have great power that is to inform their audience. In addition, they have the duty to be able to face the fake new that are generated in the field of the immediacy of social networks, they can generate or create spaces consciously or unconsciously so that the public is educated in the field of media literacy.

For a sample of a button, in this essay, the work undertaken by the Super Peninsular newspaper has been highlighted in the face of the literacy process in media education. It is known that the printed medium is doing a great job and during the months of the health emergency it could be evidence. Thanks to the support they received and that continue to monopolize, they have added to their pages other themes that deserve to be attended, including the aforementioned section, this is a Fake New story, where there are viralized information on social networks that are false, emphasizingin which society should verify the source before sharing news on the web.

This new segment arises to counteract the infoxication of the false news that is generated every day in the country and more since the health crisis began. In this way, it is unconsciously super educate citizens so that they also take the initiative to learn to classify and discern the information they find on social networks.

Media literacy depends on the entire society, because technology is available to everyone today and that makes them vulnerable whites. Remember that not only older people are those who use social networks, it is more the smallest of the home already know about this virtual world because they are the so -called digital natives.


As well as in primary education when classes on different topics were explained, it is also time to be ableIt is still generated in these times.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the abundance of misinformation could be evidencethat carry content that are not precisely certain. The printed newspaper Super has acted in a laudable way by implementing this type of information that is immensely educating society for the search for peace.


  • Continuing with the propagation of false news is detrimental to the entire society, that path has not been, nor will it be correct. Users should have the initiative to discern and classify what they see in the media and social networks. Not everything that is seen must be believed, but if it is involved at a time given by these situations, as responsible users should prevent them from spreading on a large scale. However, how to do that does not happen? Well, not sharing misleading information, and focusing on finding information that truly provides veracity and credibility.
  • That users before sharing some type of information, first check if it is a reliable and contrasted source to be able to proceed to replicate said content.
  • Support the new initiatives that have implemented mass media. One of them that has potentiated the newspaper Super with its space called this is a fake news story.


  1. Alexandre Lopez-Borrull, J. V.-G. (2018). Fake News, threat or opportunity for information and documentation professionals? The information professional. Obtained from https: // reyt.FECYT.It is/index.PHP/EPI/ARTICLE/VIEW/EPI.2018.nov.17
  2. Amorós, m. (2018: 35). Fake News: The Truth of False News. Barcelona: Editorial Platform.
  3. Gracia, n. F. (2017). Fake News: A media literacy opportunity. New Society No. 269, 75.
  4. Jané, c. (2017). Half of the news circulating in 2022 will be false. Retrieved on August 17, 2020, from El Periódico: https: // www.the
  5. Kuchorski. (2016). POSVERDAD: STUDY OF THE EPIDEMIOLOGY OF FALSE NEWS. Obtained from Nature, N. 540 (7634), pp. 525-525.: https: //
  6. Marshall, c. &. (1989). Designing Qualitative Research. Newbury Park, C: Sage. Participating observation as a data collection method1, P.79.
  7. Martínez, p. Y. (2016). Media literacy in Brazil: experiences and models in non -formal education. Communicate.
  8. Pérez, J. M. (2015). The emergence of media and informational literacy. A new paradigm for public policies and research. Telos Magazine (Communication and Innovation Notebooks), 100, 99–102.

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