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Media Bias

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Media Bias
How is the media, biased, more towards progressive-liberal values, conservative values or in both directions depending on the specific media outlets you may access? Explain your response.
Media plays an integral role in disseminating information to the public. It is a medium of information propagation that many rely on to keep abreast of what is happening around them. There are several singled out cases of media being biased on reporting. These cases go against the ethical code of journalism and should be actively advocated against. Media bias involves reporting that conceals some message and only highlights a point of view that suits the journalist covering it. This paper will address the media bias towards progressive-liberal values and conservative values within our settings. It will also highlight practical examples of the same.
Media bias on progressive-liberal values
Progressive /liberals believe that the government should be on the forefront of promoting equality among its citizens while at the same time ensuring that it protects civil liberties and human rights of its citizens. Progressive values tend to critique the existing systems with the aim of improving them. It tries to better the traditions and values in place through looking them at a different dimension all in the effort of ensuring that everyone’s interest is catered for constitutionally.
Media has shown bias towards progressive values more. They highlight every move of the government and put them under a microscope for critiquing to ensure that they make decisions deemed progressive.

Wait! Media Bias paper is just an example!

A practical example can get drawn from the calls by the media on bringing the troops in Afghanistan and Iraq back home. The Huffington post covered an article on 7th July 2011 gave 10 reasons on why the USA should pull back its forces from the war-torn countries in the middle east. Part of the reason they gave was that America’s involvement in the wars of the country angers the locals there hence their continued task of trying to attack the Americans in their homes. The existence of American soldiers in the countries paints a giant target on them hence the bombings of American embassies that occurred in Africa. The articles fueled Trump to initiate the speedy return of the American soldiers back home although he later re-tracked. Other reasons stated by Huffington post include wastage of Tax payer’s money and the loss and wounding of American lives over 2000 soldiers have lost their lives while fighting a war away from home.
The media bias on progressive values has also risen as more people are now championing for their rights. The media knows that issues touching on rights are very crucial and should be addressed as a violation of rights for one is a violation for all. A good example is seen from the LGBT community case on same-sex marriage. The media highlighted the plight of the LGBT community and their move saw the Supreme Court grant them the right in 2015.
Media bias on conservative values
Conservatives are individuals who strongly believe in personal responsibility. They uphold and protect America traditional values. They believe in a strong national defense and believe the government should provide the freedom for its citizens to pursue their individual goals. Media biases towards conservative values has shown itself in the past and it still exists up to today. The media knows how the American people have a strong sense of pride towards their tradition and in reporting it ensures that it keeps check of the conservative ideals. A good example is in the case of gun control. The debate on gun control has been addressed by the media in depth. The BBC on 2nd October 2017 highlighted an article by Anthony Zurcher on why Trump turned against the gun control. The article highlights how guns help individuals to defend themselves against criminals. It also writes that gun ownership is protected by the second amendment. The article in a way advocates for war against gun control (“How Trump Turned Against Gun Control”). It only looks at the good side and it doesn’t address the negative effect of gun ownership like the loss of innocent lives. Owning a gun is a tradition that is entrenched in the constitution (“How Trump Turned Against Gun Control”). The article in question is voicing the idea of conservative values.
The idea of conservative values is what ensured America sent its troops to the war-torn countries. The media made a huge deal on how the superpower should be on the forefront of ensuring terrorism gets dealt with. Mounting pressure on the world’s superpower by the media made The USA flex its muscle by sending troops abroad to live up to their ranking in terms of might.
Example of Media Bias
Soldiers in Iraq.
The photo with a CNN and Aljazeera logo shows how media can be bias. The case the fake photo was addressing was that soldiers were brutally handling the locals in Iraq in their quest to flush out Taliban. The photo with an Aljazeera shows a soldier holding a gun on the head of a local as if ready to blow their brains out the photo, however, had been snipped to remove the part where another soldier was giving the man water. First glance would tell you the soldier was carrying out an execution of an unarmed individual. The second one (with the CNN logo). Shows that the soldiers were carrying out an act of kindness by giving the poor man water.
Obama PAC
The photo media of cartoon is used to show how Obama has dragged the American people down. It shows how the media has been critiquing Obama as a hindrance to development. It goes ahead to show how the Republicans are so much ahead and how they would have made the ideal government. The truth, however, is not what they say. Obama has had a success story in his legacy (“Obama The Greatest Presidents of All Time”). He is credited with initiating the Affordable Act Care that has uplifted the health sector in America. The healthcare commonly referred to as the Obama care has insured many Americans and enabled them to get health care services that they wouldn’t be able to afford. Apart from that Obama has also played a significant role in cutting down the unemployment rate from 10% to 4.7% (“Obama The Greatest Presidents of All Time”). His administration ended the war in Iraq. It also ensured the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden.
In conclusion, media bias has deeply affected the way news gets propagated. They incite the public on matters and drag progress through question and casting doubt on the moves of an existing government. It is therefore very vital for media to retrace its step and deliver news objectively without trying to sway the moods of its intended audience. It should paint the clear picture of the news on the ground without controlling the narrative to suit the audience need.

Work Cited
“28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time.” GOOD,
“How Trump Turned Against Gun Control.” BBC News, 2018,

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