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Moral Imagination
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In the recent past companies and organization have been facing a number of challenges, which in return has resulted in the loss and deteriorating reputation in the society. The management of the companies tries to introduce problem-solving initiatives which are only used to bring back a good reputation among their customers but not strictly followed to solve the existing problem. Moral imagination is an essential tool for solving organizations disabilities and weaknesses. Through ethical imagination thinking managers or even support staff can be in a position to identify a problem in a system and to be able to address the alternative of such a system should be performing. Most of the managers and staff have worked for an organization for so long they usually get trapped within the organizational cultures, views and mental habits, which inactivates creative thinking. However, applying moral imagination, managers and workers can be able to view a situation from a different challenging perspective. Moral imagination allows managers and supervisors to understand their employees and the society’s issues and concerns from a perspective entirely different from that of an executive member or management team.
African Rainbow Minerals is a mining company based in South Africa. The company has adopted a code of ethics which concerns safety, health and environmental responsibility. The company states that it is responsible for any employee, who encounters a potential health or safety risk.

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The company also has published that it is committed to conserving resources, which includes re-using and recycling supplies and materials where necessary. Moreover, this organization has published in the code of ethics that the company will practice operations which address the environmental impact of its activities. Through integrating pollution control, waste management, and rehabilitation activities (Werhane, 2008)
Having all the plans and strategies published there have been more cases of environmental degradation. This has been reported to be going against the environmental registration. The environment is the heart of every living creature. Soil, air and water pollution have been reported to have increased with the increased rate of mining activities of African rainbow minerals. In return crop production, disease spread and loss of human and animal life’s have risen. Inadequate waste disposal methods and uncovered old mines are the major failures of this company. Among other problems such as deaths resulting in uncovered mines water pollution (“home,” n.d)
Although the company has tried to create an impressive picture through its written code of ethical consideration, this organization continues to operate in immoral action going against its written promise. The environmental concern should be viewed as a common good to both the company and the surrounding societies where they should practice proper waste management policy. Respect of lives and the concern for the future generation should also be in the minds of the organizations’ management. Covering of old mines as a concern of accident which can result in future and proper water, dust and other companies waste are among the critical turning point to the ethical practice of the company.
De Colle, S., & Werhane, P. H. (2008). Moral motivation across ethical theories: What can we learn for designing corporate ethics programs? Journal of Business Ethics, 81(4), 751-764.

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