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NY Times artical “where you live can hurt you” by Anemona Hartocollis

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According to the article where you live can hurt you by Anemona Hartocollis it develop an insight of health problems that are caused by lack of participating in physical activities. However, lack of participating in physical exercise is probably caused by where someone is living. Furthermore, people living in suburb area are less likely to walk in short distances compared to people who live in urban areas. They normally rely on cars and would avoid walking whatsoever, besides engaging in walking is something that has been in existence and a recommended exercise than going to gym (Hartocollis). However, chronic diseases are normally caused by the lifestyle of where people live probably as a result of lack of engaging in physical exercise.
According to the research study, it reports that chronic diseases are the leading cause of death and disability globally and mainly in the United States. Moreover, the health and conditions of the chronic disease involve heart diseases, diabetes, arthritis, stroke, cancer and obesity. These diseases are caused by the health risk behaviors that are probably unhealthy behaviors such as lack of physical exercise, tobacco use, alcohol consumption and poor nutrition. Also, these diseases are expensive to prevent and treat of all other health problems. An epidemiology research study conducted in between 2010 and 2011 reports the prevalence of the adult people in the United States that had, at least, one out ten chronic diseases were approximated to be 117 million which was half.

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However, the figures of the prevalence show no decrease in the consequent years and, therefore, people are continuing suffering from these diseases. Obesity is a serious concern of health and illness issue. According to a research study conducted on the prevalence concerning adult obesity in the United States, it shows that this health issue is associated with quite some increased risk of health conditions that include hypertension, diabetes, cancers, arthritis and stroke. During a period of 2011-2012, research shows that a more one-third of US adults were obese and this prevalence never had a significance change in the consequent years. The one-third population of adults with obesity was contributed by 33.5 percent of men and 36.1 percent of females. However, the research further conducted the prevalence by race and Hispanic group whereby the rate of obesity in non-Hispanic Asians adults was lower compared to non-Hispanic white adults between the years 2011 and 2012. In the same period, the obesity rate in children and adolescents between the ages of 2-19 years was 16.9 percent that included 16 percent of boys and 17.2 percent of girls (Ward, Schiller, and Goodman).
Obesity is an increasingly common health condition problem that is influenced by the modern lifestyle. However, obesity is the condition that a person is considered to overweight whereby a person’s health weight about may be classified in many ways. Also, obesity carries with various risks that may lead to more serious health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and some types of health cancers such as breast cancer and bowel cancer (“Obesity – NHS Choices”). It is most important to take actions to prevent obesity since it may lead to psychological problems such affecting self-esteem of a person or even cause depression. According to research study, it shows that obesity is caused by consumption of excess calories especially those found in fatty and sugary food besides avoiding to burn them by engaging in physical exercise (“Obesity – NHS Choices”). Moreover, the best way to curb this health condition is by exercising regularly and eating healthy for instance engaging in activities such as fast walking, jogging or swimming at least for thrice per week. Also, lifestyle is another factor that normally contributes to obesity, for instance, people living in suburbs hardly walks hence mostly rely on cars even to reach short destinations. The consequence of this habit is seriously dangerous to a person’s health and also the environment.
On the other hand, obesity is considered as a chronic disease since which is associated with the risk of more than twenty chronic diseases. Also, these chronic diseases are health conditions that are considered to cause devastating consequences and increase the mortality rate. As earlier mentioned, people who are obese are at a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes that may is associated with several risk factors such as high blood pressure that result in damaging blood vessels and abnormal cholesterol levels, stroke, kidney failure, blindness and also amputation. Therefore, the mortality caused by diabetes is a consequence of overweight and obesity. Furthermore, there are several different types of effective treatments options of obesity that includes: regular physical exercise, proper healthy diet, behavior therapy and drug therapy. The best-recommended treatment option is engaging in physical exercise and lifestyle interventions that are related to the environmental factor (“Obesity – NHS Choices”).
In conclusion, Hartocollis describes that some of the health conditions and illness are caused by environmental factors where by people living in suburbs area would rarely engage themselves in simple physical exercise such as walking. This is due to the effect of the environmental adaptation. However, lack of physical exercise and rapid weight gain would probably lead to serious health conditions and illness such as chronic diseases that are costly to prevent and result in causing mortality day in day out. Therefore, it is important to prevent these situations by engaging in cost-effective activities that will keep the body fit and healthy.

Works Cited
HARTOCOLLIS, ANEMONA. Where You Live Can Hurt You. N.p., 27 Feb. 2005. Web. <>.
“Obesity – NHS Choices.” NHSChoices Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2015.
Ward, Brian W., Jeannine S. Schiller, and Richard A. Goodman. Multiple Chronic Conditions Among US Adults: A 2012 Update. N.p., n.d. Web. <>.

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