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Oppression In Women Rights

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1678, 1869, 1960, 1963, 1979, 1992, 2010 and 2018. These are years that refer to the revolution, the development and evolution of women’s rights, to liberation. Respectively, these years allude to: Elena Lucrezia Corsano Piscopia: First woman to doctorate in philosophy, beginning of the suffragist movement, Ruby Nells Bridge Hall, the first color girl to go to a school "White", Viviane Juanita Malone Jones, first womanAfrican -American graduated at the University of Alabama, Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women.

Start of the third wave of feminism, decriminalization of abortion with organic law 2/2010, allowing the name change to major and minor transsexuals in Spain in Spain. Feminism since its inception defends the liberation of women in all areas, but what women?. In 1989, she is the teacher and activist Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw formally establishes the term intersectionality. That is, a frame or approach that demonstrates how gender, ethnicity, class or sexual orientation can overlap creating multiple levels of injustice. 


That is, as the social boxes named "far from the natural" or "biological" are related (Platero). What is intersectionality? It has its origins in abolitionist and feminist activists such as Frederick Douglass, Michelle Wallace, Angela Davis, Bell Hooks or French Baole that admit the existence of "double" discrimination against African -American women.

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If we rely on the theory of Patricia Hill Collins we observe as not only social categories overlap but also the structural hierarchies of power and social acceptance. 

The cisgenero, white, heterosexual, middle -class man is defined as normative, so that the greatest distancing of this, generates greater oppression, that is, an individual can suffer not only discrimination but several. If an individual X was differentiated in one of these characteristics, for example, sexual orientation (man, cisgenero, white, homosexual, by Alejandra García Espinosa Group 14 middle-high class) would suffer a "simple" oppression. On the other hand, that individual who differ from this subject in several characteristics such as gender and race (cisgenero, black, heterosexual, high middle class).

Then I would suffer double discrimination, and so on. The consideration of these conditions of the human being as individual and unrelated was what he did to Professor Crenshaw to coin the term "intersectionality". In his theory he metaforizes intersectionality as a road crossing referring to the case of Emma Degrafenreid. This African -American woman decided to denounce a car company acclaiming that they had not hired her for being a woman and black. The judge denied the case exposing how the company hired women (White), and also people of color (men). 

And there the looked related to the categories cited at the beginning. The judge studied these spheres separately when there is a great bond between them (intersection). Croww refers to two roads that intersect at one point, a road imagines sexism and the other racism. The intersection point is where Emma Degraffenreid was. Similarly, the roads correspond to the way in which the workforce is structured based on ethnicity and gender and traffic that circulates through them is the policies of contracting the companies. 

Thus, atgraffenreid at the crossing point, the "oppressive impact" of both roads suffered. (Croww). "Classic" feminism emerged suffragism advocates the liberation and equality of women. But what women includes? What voices elevates? The beginning of the feminist movement is closely linked to the abolitionist movement, but suffers a segregation in the US when the XIV amendment was proposed that allowed the vote to the released black slaves and did not grant the female suffrage. Many suffragist white women decided to focus expressly on women’s rights.

Thus excluding many African -American women who integrated in the feminist movement issues of race, claiming that they diverted the importance of the feminist movement. Thus, it became a "feminism" represented mostly by middle -class women. (Angela Davis class, race). "When you repeat your question, aren’t I a woman?, Nothing less than four times, he presented class prejudices and racism that permeated the new women’s movement. Not all women were white and not all women enjoyed the material comfort of the middle classes and the bourgeoisie." 


Referring to the protest of Sojourner Truth at the Seneca Falls Convention (First Convention on Women’s Rights) July 20, 1848 in New York. Apart from this, some white women adhered to this abolitionist feminist movement were maintained, not letting themselves be carried away by the racism of the feminist movement itself in the S. XIX like the Grimke sisters. At present, the need for intersectionality is urgent in the feminist movement.

The emergence of different conditions in women forces the movement to evolve and not stagnate with that imposed core of the white heterosexual tank woman, since the homogeneous consideration of women by many feminists exclores the suffering of women due to the scaleo levels of oppression. We can see how the answer to what women includes? It must be to all, unconditionally of your ethnicity, condition or capacity orientation. 

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