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Osteoporosis is a disease that causes bone density to decrease, minimising its strength and leading to fragile bones. This condition literally results in an abnormally proliferous bone. The weak bones tend to break frequently with or without much strain on them. Fractures related to osteoporosis occur mostly in the wrist, hip or spine. Being a living tissue, bone is invariably being broken and replaced. Osteoporosis exists when the removal of bones surpasses the production of new ones, (“Osteoporosis | NIH Osteoporosis And Related Bone Diseases National Resource Center” 1). Osteoporosis affects people of all gender and race. But Asian and white women especially that past menopause are most likely to develop the condition. Currently, over 53million persons in the US either have osteoporosis or are at greater risk of developing it. The fact that a large number of people either have or on the verge of developing the disease proves that it is worth researching about However not all hope is lost as certain medications, exercises and healthy diet aid in preventing bone loss and strengthening the already weak ones.
A person can have osteoporosis for decades and not be aware of it. This is because the condition causes symptoms at the time of fracture. Also, some osteoporosis-related fractures escape detection. For this reason, a patient may only be aware of his/her osteoporosis after suffering a terrible fracture. The most common symptom is a pain, usually where the fracture is located, (Epstein 6).

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The symptoms of osteoporosis are the same in both genders. Spinal fractures cause serious “band-like” pain that extends as far as body sides. Uninterrupted spinal fractures induce height loss as well as lower back ail. Stress fracture, also known as minimal trauma is the kind of fracture that happens during a normal activity. For instance, some patients develop feet fractures while walking. Hip fractures normally result from a fall. With osteoporosis, a trivial slip exercise can result in a hip fracture. Other symptoms include a bent posture and a fracture that develops more readily than anticipated.
Bones are continuously being renewed. This means that as old bones are being broken down new ones are made. When a person is young, the body manufactures new bones speedier than it gets rid of old ones. This is the reason that young people have more body mass than adults. For most people, the peak bone density occurs in the early twenties. As one gets older, their bone mass is lost quicker than it is made, (Riggs 207). The likelihood of developing osteoporosis partially depends on the amount of bone mass one obtained during their youth. More peak bone density translates to fewer chances of developing osteoporosis.
Risk factors
Several factors increase the likeliness of developing osteoporosis including one’s age, lifestyle choices race, medical conditions as well as treatments. The first category of risk factors is unchangeable risks. These are factors that an individual has no control over. Examples of such are age, race, and family history among others. Generally, women are more prone to osteoporosis than their male counterpart, (“MedlinePlus – Health Information from the National Library of Medicine” 1). The chances of osteoporosis are greater as one gets older. A person of Asian or white decent has the highest risk of osteoporosis than any other race. Having a family member with osteoporosis especially a father or mother puts one at a higher risk of osteoporosis. Individuals with smaller body frames have a higher risk of acquiring the condition than those with bigger body sizes.
Osteoporosis is prevalent among individuals with too little or too much of certain chemicals in their body systems. These hormones include sex and thyroid hormones. Low sex hormones cause weak bones. Oestrogen, for instance, tends to be low at menopause putting women at the highest risk of osteoporosis. The level of testosterone hormone in men reduces gradually as they grow old. Treatments for prostate and breast cancer in both men and women tend to speed up the bone loss. These treatments reduce the levels of testosterone and oestrogen respectively, (“Medlineplus – Health Information From The National Library Of Medicine” 1). Higher levels of thyroid hormones lead to bone loss. This is especially true with an overactive thyroid or administering too much medication for underactive thyroid. Also, overactive adrenaline and parathyroid glands have been associated with osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is more popular in people with low calcium intake, eating disorders, and gastrointestinal surgery.
Long-term usage of corticosteroids medications like cortisone and prednisone intervene in the bone-rebuilding procedure. Osteoporosis is also linked to medications intended to prevent seizures, cancer, transplant injection and gastric reflux. Also, people with certain medical conditions have a greater risk of this bone disease. These medical problems include celiac disease, cancer, lupus, kidney disease, multiple myeloma, rheumatoid arthritis among others, (“Osteoporosis | NIH Osteoporosis And Related Bone Diseases National Resource Centre” 1). Certain lifestyle choices tend to increase one’s risk of developing osteoporosis. These bad habits include sedentary lifestyle, unreasonable alcohol consumption, and tobacco use. In terms of sedentary lifestyles, individuals who spend a great deal of time sitting down are more likely to develop the condition compared to those who do not. Generally, weight-bearing practices and activities that encourage balance and great posture tend to benefit the bones. But walking, jumping, running and dancing prove to be helpful.
There are certain things an individual needs to do to attain optimal bone density. The first consideration is calcium intake. Shortage of calcium can induce osteoporosis. Many studies link low calcium consumption with less bone density, high fracture rates, and speedy bone loss. Foods that are rich in calcium include cheese, yogurt, and leafy vegetables among others. One can also consume calcium supplement in addition to what they obtain from food. The body’s demand for calcium changes over time, the greatest demand is during adolescence and childhood, (Baron & Hesse 312). Therefore, it is necessary to eat the amount that the body demands in order to avoid certain complications over time. The next consideration is vitamin D which assists in bone health and calcium absorption. Vitamin D can be obtained from eating egg yolks, liver and saltwater fish. The production of vitamin D decreases among elderly people. Therefore adults should increase their daily intake to 600 international units. Weight-lifting exercises that operate against gravity are the best for bones. People especially women should avoid smoking as it lowers oestrogen and makes them reach menopause earlier. Finally, alcohol and other medications that induce bone loss should be minimised.
The treatment for osteoporosis focuses on exercise, proper nutrition, and safety measures that minimise that chances of fracture causing falls. In addition, medications that minimise or prevent bone loss, improve bone density and minimise fracture risk may be prescribed by a doctor. The foods that we consume contain various minerals, vitamins and other vital nutrients for healthy bodies. These nutrients should be taken in balanced proportion. Particularly, vitamin D and calcium are required for strong bones and proper functioning of the heart, nerves, and muscles. Exercise is very important in treating and preventing osteoporosis, (Baron & Hesse 313). This is because of the various roles it plays in the overall health of the body. For instance, exercise adds strength to muscles, increases muscle coordination and balance. Even though exercise is crucial in the treatment of osteoporosis, one should be careful such that it does not strain their bones. Therapeutic medications available to treat bone osteoporosis include; bisphosphonates, antagonists, oestrogen therapy, calcitonin, and RANK inhibitor. One should follow the dosage recommended by a physician in order to achieve the results needed.
Osteoporosis causes bones to become thin and weak. Such bones are fragile and can easily break, especially those in the hip, wrist, and spine. Millions of people in the US either have the condition or are at the risk of acquiring it. The women are more likely to acquire the disease than men. Menopause and low oestrogen level are the factors that put women on the frontline for the disease. The disease may be present in an individual without his/her knowledge. This is because symptoms do not manifest during the initial stages. Several factors may put an individual at the risk of developing the disease. There are factors that an individual has control over for example lifestyle choices while those like gender and age cannot be controlled. In order to reduce the risk of acquiring the condition, one should avoid practices that may put them at risk. People with the disease can manage it by taking medications and other treatment procedures prescribed by the doctor.
Work cited
Baron, Roland, and Eric Hesse. “Update on bone anabolics in osteoporosis treatment: rationale, current status, and perspectives.” The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 97.2 (2015): 311-325.
Epstein, Sol. Osteoporosis. Philadelphia, Pa., Saunders, 2014.
“Medlineplus – Health Information From The National Library Of Medicine.” Medlineplus.Gov, 2018,
“Osteoporosis | NIH Osteoporosis And Related Bone Diseases National Resource Centre.” Bones.Nih.Gov, 2018,
Riggs, B. Lawrence. “Age-related osteoporosis.” Nutrition and Aging (2014): 207.

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