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Part 2 Communication Announcement

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Part 2: Communication Announcement
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The business acquisition deals are important in making the required changes in business, especially increasing market shares, employees’ productivity, and profitability. According to Cellier and Laine (2014), 80 percent of merger deals fail due to some factors. Among these factors, communication challenges top the list. Therefore, it is important to ensure that there are effective and engaging strategies for communication both to internal and external stakeholders. In this paper, the two kinds of stakeholders are considered, and important information such as the completion of merging transactions, the objectives, their roles and the process of change implementation are communicated to them. In so doing, the leadership of the company ensures that everyone who is part of the process is well informed, engaged in core activities and involved in decision making (Rivero, 2013). Consequently, the new company is likely to get impressive momentum particularly in employees’ performance and productivity thereby steering it towards the success (Cellier & Laine, 2014). More importantly, the leadership together with the employees, managers, customers, suppliers, and advisor will have prevented destructive mishandling of information and gossips that may discourage the unity needed during the change implementation.
Keywords: Merger, acquisition, announcement of acquisition, stakeholders, communication, leadership
Part 2: Communication Announcement
Merger Announcement to External Stakeholders
January 17, 2018
To our beloved and respected customers, suppliers and advisors:
I believe this announcement finds you well.

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It is with pleasure that we announce that AT & T will merge with Time Warner Inc. from February 2, 2018.
This comes with our sole objective to enhance the quality of our products and provides better services to our customers who have been our greatest asset. As the two companies join forces, our customers and all those involved in their satisfaction will remain an important part of the planned success.
Our aim in this journey is to come up with a company characterized by great experience, expertise, and care for its customers, suppliers, and vendors. Therefore, the merger will introduce new infrastructures with expansive opportunities for increased convenience, affordable prices, quality of our services and products.
In its time, AT & T have cared for its customers infinitely. Consequently, we have been proud of the trust and loyalty they have shown us and the precious chances to serve them. Similarly, Time Warner Inc. has taken its portion of pride in serving its customers. It has come a time for us to increase the value our stakeholders by merging.
We will operate as a single company, AT & T, but our values and philosophies doing business remain. We will focus on providing excellent services for our clients, uphold integrity and propagate customer services. Therefore, we ask our stakeholders to stand with us and expect so much more with the new change.
All information on the process and the progress will be communicated promptly to all our stakeholders. We also invite questions and concerns with both hands as we embark on making our relationship great.
Please support us as we look forward to great moments of growth, expansion and prosperous future for our customers, suppliers, partners and our legal team.
Eric MorwesEliud White
AT & T Time Warner Inc.
Merger Announcement to Internal Stakeholders
January 20, 2018
To all Employees,
I hope you are all keeping well at this tough time in our company. It is with pleasure that we announce the acquisition of Time Warner Inc. by AT & T. It is with your great efforts and dedication that we have accomplished this wonderful milestone in the history of our business.
The new company is an entity dedicated to improving the needs of our customers, employees, and communities. It is, therefore, focused on expanding our services, improving our qualities and introducing new products. As such, employees remain critical to the company. Your efforts, experience, and expertise will be highly appreciated during these moments.
As expected, the organization is about to undergo some changes to see that the diversity the two companies bring together is harmonized. During this time, we speculate there will be a lot going on. We request that all employees stay focused, seek information always, and remain available for emergencies and news. With this, we will match ahead together towards our goals.
Our team of management will keep all communication channels open to ensure easy and convenient dissemination of all information. Also all employees should see that they seek instructions and clarifications from their supervisors. All new concerns, reporting, and observations should be communicated through the same channel.
Please support us in this period of change as we venture into exciting and prosperous times of our professionalism, our customers, advisors, and communities.
Eric MorwesEliud White
AT & T Time Warner Inc.
Cellier, C., & Laine, J. (2014). Recommendations for improving internal communication at UM. Montana: Provost and Gordy Pace in Information Technology.
Rivero, O. (2013). Rumors in the Workplace Affecting Organizational Change Readiness. Global Journal of Management and Business Research Administration and Management, 13(12), 1-2.

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