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Peer Review Guidelines

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Peer Review Guidelines
Read through the draft quickly. If you’re having trouble focusing, read the essay outlook. My approach to editing online: use all capital letters to make comments. I may put parentheses around something the writer should omit. I may put a * next to some error. It’s good to comment on both what you thought worked well, and what didn’t work so well or was confusing.
General Comment: Write a quick list of dominant impressions. What stands out? What examples or phrases are particularly vivid? What strikes you as most illuminating about the analysis? What do you like about the draft?
Primarily, the essay is well drafted with good use of language and grammar. Additionally, the writer has used conjunctions and relevant phrases in making the essay appealing. One thing I like about the analysis is the in-depth details that the writer gives to each subtopic that in one way or another affects the freedom of speech.
Read silently through the paper again. What is the strong point of this paper? What do you like the most?
Apparently, a keen understanding of the essay draws on the key topic of freedom of speech. All through the article, the writer takes a closer look at the different freedoms of speech and how they can be misused on the hand. One thing that fascinates me most in the essay is the fact that the writer also highlights the necessity of implementing and incorporating law in the freedom of speech so that it is not misused.

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By so doing, those who violate other people’s rights can face the full force of the law.
What new insight does this paper give or suggest about a particular aspect of free speech and situations in which it might or might not be limited?
The paper gives an insight on telemarketing which indeed in the recent past has been misused by the service providers. The same telemarketers violate the freedoms of the customers by advertising through calling and even sending messages to people who might not be interested in the products being promoted. An instance where it cannot be limited is for the case of conveying some important and relevant message.
What suggestions do you have to help the writer to appeal to his or her audience?
For the writer to make the message more appealing to the audience, repetition of words should be minimized to avoid boredom. Additionally, the speech should not be so plain but rather should incorporate some fun and comic sentences to make the attention of the audience high. Asking questions and suggestions is also a good way of appealing to the audience.
How is the essay organized and how could this be improved?
The writer has properly organized the essay by giving a good introduction to what freedom of speech is and how it is mostly violated. Additionally, a good comparison is evident between the human rights infringement and freedom of speech. The writer could still organize the essay better than this by adding titles and subtitles for the different sub-topics that are considered.
Try to paraphrase the purpose or thesis of this paper. If you’re not sure what the main point is, try to offer some advice to help the writer clarify and build a thesis.
The writer fundamentally bases his argument on how people misuse and infringe other people’s rights in the name of freedom of speech. It includes cases such as tribal misalignments, unpleasing utterances, and even intrusion of privacy. Therefore, the essay dwells more on the ways people misuse freedom of speech and how such an act can be controlled. What ways might the writer improve the focus? How does the writer build upon a particular essay we read in class? What could the writer do to broaden or narrow the topic to make the paper better? How can the writer go into greater depth with his or her analysis?
The writer could improve the focus by only considering one way in which people misuse the freedom of speech and discuss it exhaustively. By combining human rights and freedom of speech in a single essay, the writer adds up to the knowledge learned in a class of increasing the scope of a specific study. Finally, the writer can increase the depth of his or her analysis by including evidence of past scenarios where freedom of speech has been violated.
What are some ways that this paper relies on evidence for support? How has the writer incorporated quotes from the class readings? How has the writer drawn from specific cases and definitions from the passage to ground his or her argument upon known facts, examples, and precedents?
The writer has entirely made use of direct quotes with proper in-text citations which confirms the authenticity of the information and facts outlined. The different understanding and definition of key terms have been pegged to the exact people who wrote or published about them.
What would more about this topic you like to know that the writer does not tell you?
One thing I implore to know on this topic is whether the telecommunication service providers an exclusion in considering the freedom of speech because they can monitor and show evidence of any form of communication at any given time.

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