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World system theory
Immanuel Wallerstein first developed the world system theory and it emphasizes on a world system rather than a nation -state system as the primary unit of social analysis. He explained the world system to be made of conflicting forces that hold it together. According to Immanuel Wallerstein, the world system has characteristics of an organism which changes during its lifespan in some aspects and remains stable in other. His main idea in the world system is the world economy that is economy integrated through the market and not a political center. In the global economy, regions are interdependent on necessities. Further, two policies are in a race trying to attain supremacy by avoiding the occurrence of a center. Wallerstein points out that exchange of products and partition of labor define the world structures. The periphery and the core are two regions that are independent and arise due to the separation of labor. In the current world economy, there exists a power hierarchy were by the powerful and wealthy that is core societies exploit the poor and weak peripheral communities.
The realism theory shows that anarchy is the core of the international system. This means that it has no central authority. States are independent and sovereign. No inherent structure attempts to regulate relations between states. In such a system state power is the only variable of interest meaning that only through power is states ale to defend them.

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Power hence is the determinant of survival of states in realism theory. International politics are dependent on the material potential of a country. Realism theory is blind to the actual role of power. The role that Power plays in this theory makes survival the primary goal of every state. Hence this makes a foreign invasion on a state the most pressing threat that a state can experience. Realists emphasize on acquiring more material interests so as to maximize their power to maximize their likelihood of continuing to exist. The realism theory assumes that all states possess military capacity. It also assumes that states are no aware of what the other states are up to hence this makes the world a dangerous and uncertain place. Therefore, strong and powerful states will rely upon weaker ones due to the division of labor as indicated by the world system where as power, authority and control are the focal points of the realism theory. Unlike in the world theory, the role of power in the realism theory means that distribution of redistribution of surplus from weaker states to the stronger states would not be possible.
Liberalism theory view is that the characteristics of individual states are the determinant of their international relations. Liberalism emphasizes on equality support the idea of free markets. In Liberalism, theory states do not have the same international goals and behaviors. This means that self-interested actors pursue wealth or survival. The ideology of free trade in liberalism means that trade is regulated by forces of demand and supply and it is free from intervention from any government or any other authority. This creates an environment that makes activities such as price fixing possible. Liberalism hence undermines the role of trade in the world economy. According to Immanuel Wallerstein, the existence of class struggle in the world systems makes it possible for hegemony that enforces free trade to be diffused. Hence the trade plays an importance role transforming states from poor peripheral to medium peripheral and finally to core societies. Hence it gives states opportunities for development.
According to Constructivism variables such as military power, trade relations domestic interests and international institutions are important because they have a certain social meaning. Constructivism critiques materialism and emphasizes on social constructions. Social constructivism means that people act toward objects that are the meaning that the objects have for them. It emphasizes on the theory of blind obedience. Constructivism means looking at the international relationship with an open eye saying that people and states behavior in world politics is presumed to be based on their understanding of the world around them. Its assumption that material power is not important in deciding international relations is not practical.
According to the world system theory, there is a power hierarchy between the core and peripheral societies. Technology mostly determines the positioning of a region as either core or peripheral. Countries with advanced technologies are core, and those who are less developed are peripheral. There also exist semi-peripheral nations that are in the midway. These nations struggle not to drop to be peripherals while trying to become core nations. These nations act as buffers between the peripherals and the core nations regarding politics the core states use their class forces to pursue their interests. Politics in the world system can be described using imperialism were the core states dominate the peripheral regions. The equilibrium of ability is maintained by one central state that additionally plays the role of promoting free trade especially when it favors the core state. The powerful core state is subject to change since there is always a global class struggle.
The world system opens a door of a lot of possibilities for activist groups and non-state actors. The system provides an opportunity for states to rise from one level to another through development. Though there are powerful states in this system, there is also a possibility of the weaker states to become powerful. The existence of a buffer that is the semi-peripheral states also provides some form of a regulator.
The world system analysis focuses mostly on the economy and does not give enough consideration to cultures. It also is also to core-centric and state-centric. The world system does not focus on the up rise of globalization since it has got no interest transnational social forces and relations advocated for institutions that are located. The world system analysis also gives power to the core regions. The principal areas are the prime receivers of a world economy. The world system is like a renewal of the concept of the colonialist. It can be defined as modern colonialism. Due to the core/peripheral system despite the absence of colonial administrations, the idea of power results in a colonial way over the world population. Another problem with the world system analysis is that it focuses on a global economy. This means prioritization of the world markets and neglect of local markets. Though the world system analysis has several problems it widely recognized around the world. Limits, systems, member organizations and regulations are the defining factors of a social structure when establishing the legitimacy and togetherness of the structure.

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