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Pornography is a current issue majorly among the youth; that is being addressed in many platforms but not being analyzed in its full measure on both its merits and demerits. This paper, therefore, collects the views of different authors pertaining pornography at large and their specific conclusions on their subject matter. This topic also discusses how it affects the various age groups among them, children, adolescent, adults, and married couples. The merits and demerits of pornography are then evaluated from the accounts of ten different articles while cross-referencing the main topics or aspects of pornography discussed by various authors. All the findings are then compared and contrasted with the biblical or the religious teachings by also centering on the main points addressed in the articles. The results indicated a discrepancy in Christian beliefs given pornography and what the modern contemporary society perceive while taking into consideration the role of the internet in promoting this particular topic. The paper concludes that the religious teachings disagreed with what modern society seemed to believe or say about pornography but both parties related to some few points.
Keywords: Pornography, Biblical, Religion, Internet, Youth
In her book “We need to talk about pornography,” Vanessa Rogers highlights how pornography affects three major pillars of a person’s life, that is, how they relate to other people, their self-esteem and the image they want to portray about their body (Rogers, 2016)

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She addresses the issue of awareness on the impacts of this vice on the personal life of an individual. She confirms that adult entertainment has been there since time immemorial but is concerned with the need to educate the youth at the present day because accessibility to these sexually explicitly materials is rampant with the advancement of the internet.
She asserts that body image is affected negatively by pornography whereby when individuals see naked porn actors with perfect bodies they end thinking less of themselves. This explains the trends in fashion where the celebrities are imitated in every aspect from hair extensions to facial makeovers among others to increase their own self. On relationships, the effect of pornography may be disastrous in the case of relationships built that dwell on sex rather than love. This is where youth and children know much about sex and nothing regarding functional relationships this breeds quarrels in relationships and even revenge porn, where a partner posts or distributes private sexual materials without their permission or knowledge (Rogers, 2016). Her article also notes the contribution of media in the propelling to pornography through commercials and also computer games that have been sexualized to make them more appealing to the audience.
Judith Shulevitz directs her opinions on porn to the parents of the supposed kids watching pornographic materials on the internet or buying magazines with explicit content. She criticizes the parents for being liberals in this dynamic world that need addressing of issues in time to warrant its effect on the children (Shulevitz, 2016). In her article, she acknowledges the problem and the challenges encountered by the parents to try and keep up with their kids in controlling the internet content they are accessing. But at the same time maintaining a healthy relationship and giving them enough privacy to study, mingle and grow.
Time has evolved, so as accessibility to pornographic materials according to Shulevitz, she compares porn in the past where it was regulated because you had to buy it from books store, which was only sold to adults. However, in the modern day porn industry, everyone with internet access can easily access the many websites online offering free videos and images without caring about the age of those accessing it (Shulevitz, 2016). Her article does not vouch for the blocking of the porn sites by the parents to tame the children but suggests to the parents to try and instill high morals and build a character of discernment for their kids from a tender to help curb this crisis. Although she talks about porn, this article does not particularly have an issue with pornography itself but the problem of pornography watched by the teenagers.
According to the article “Neuroscience of Internet Pornography Addiction: A Review and Update,” which takes a more scientific, behavioral and intellectual inquiry into internet pornography; tries to explain the aspect of addiction to Internet sexually explicit materials (Love et al., 2015). Pornography has been found as a psychoactive element that when started by an individual the process reiterates itself and becomes a habit. In the research on addiction in this article, pornography has been related to vastly and well-researched addictions such as gambling, social media, and online gaming. This was to analyze the patterns and trends of the different addictions habits. This illustrates some instances where a person is aroused immediately by clicking a mouse and watching any internet related material.
The research in this article bases its data and analysis on adults, specifically young adults, they findings were that; young adults averaging at twenty-five years of age were less likely to be aroused by their spouses and thus relied on internet porn. This illustrates its effects on the marriages and relationships. Porn viewers are categorized as either regular or moderate porn viewers. The authors of the article concluded from their research that, those avid or regular views of porn became tolerant with time and became less aroused instantly as compared to the average viewers (Love et al., 2015). This, therefore, forces them to search for greater visual films with unique or new twists for them to be aroused. It hence concludes that internet pornography is not similarly addictive as gambling regarding patterns.
Yaman Akdeniz writes about child pornography and the legislation that is linked to it, to regulate and restrict its access or distribution to minors. The author analyses the laws and policies put in place in different nations or wider geographical areas. He starts with national policies to govern child pornography where he studies, England and Wales, United States of America (Akdeniz, 2016). The author describes the first instances of England and Wales as having a vast technological gap to cover in curbing the issue of child pornography while the US had a challenge of passing into law concrete bills that govern this type of porn. The regional policies, for example, the European Union is used to help share information and ideas on jointly promoting the campaign against child porn.
Pedophilia and internet porn are to vices that fuel each other as sex offenders with fantasies about children are the most aggressively fought against. The legislation is implemented widely for the purpose of protecting children which are a universal concern for all the nations. Large organizations, for example, the UN has taken matters into their hands to regulate and restrict child pornography among all its member states. They have achieved this by enforcing these laws to those countries without laws governing this type of porn. In the interest of regulating the use of Internet has a tool, internet service providers have been given the mandate to monitor their traffic regarding child pornography (Akdeniz, 2016). They are responsible for ensuring that real images and videos plus computer generated porn are not offensive or portray paedophiliac characters.
Basing on a journal article in Medicine titled, “Is Internet Pornography Causing Sexual Dysfunctions? A Review of Clinical Reports” pornography has been linked to the rise in the cases of sexual dysfunctions (Park et al., 2016). This is because traditional reasons can no longer adequately account for the exponential increases in these cases involving sex between partners, particularly below forty years of age. In the discussion of the reasons that relate erectile function to Internet porn, the article uses a case of a how an average erection can be achieved through brain co-ordination and the rest of the peripherals. The effect of porn was then assessed, and the finding indicated that the random and instant arousal when watching forces some of the brain activity and the chemical processes involved. This disorients the functional parts and thus during erections longer time is taken to harness and gain proper control.
Pornography can, therefore, be seen as affecting the sexuality of an individual concerning, sexual desire or libido, satisfaction and consequently delayed ejaculation. The relationships and self-esteem of individuals at this stage is thus diminished, and behaviors are somewhat affected in the long. Masturbation is also another habit correlating with pornography whereby the viewers get satisfaction through this method because they are not attracted to partner sex (Park et al., 2016). These adverse effects of pornography from a scientific point of view is vital in making critical decisions regarding watching porn. This spreading of awareness and knowledge about the effects that are brought to not only the individual but to marriages and relationships should be considered to protect the family as well as the image and health of a person.
According to Samuel Perry and George Hayward, sexually explicit materials have played a critical role in the development of the religious lives of many young people. In their paper, they acknowledged the increased accessibility with the presence of the Internet; which is characteristic to the youth. In their article, they address the topic neglected by sociologists that outline the effect porn on the social and religious structures (Perry, & Hayward, 2016). They studied different age groups randomly and compiled their factors about the spiritual strength of the subjects that were considered. The most important aspects of religion that were highlighted were those pertaining church attendance, the beliefs of the people both before watching pornography and the aftermath.
The two authors came up with impressive results from the sample they had selected, which illustrated the direct effect sexually explicit materials have on the religious robustness of a person despite age. They note that the effect this vice has on religion is directly proportion to the closeness of the kids to their parents and the relationship they share. They also indicated that with the high rate of porn use by adolescents, the future of the broad American religion is at risk. The secularizing or religion is the promoter to this rapid decline, and in the attempt to curb this growth this should be the first issue to be addressed (Perry, & Hayward, 2016). In conclusion, they also asserted that the effect of the religiosity was more significant in adolescent youths as compared to adults because the child’s beliefs in God are not as firm as that of the adults; this explains the natural brainwashing.
In another scientific article, “Without Porn…I Wouldn’t Know Half the Things I Know Now” talks about a particular population, low income Hispanic and Black youth, in their study about pornography. This article summaries, the positivity towards porn displayed by the subject individuals. They have taken porn materials online as an educative tool on the matters concerning sex and sexuality; this view is based on what they grow up believing and adopting from their older siblings (Rothman et al., 2015). This particular group is, therefore, prone to sexually transmitted diseases, unplanned and early pregnancies and risky sexual behaviors. The part played by the parents in this paper was also probed, and findings were such most parents were liberal and did not address it directly while other tolerated porn and a small number were strict and reprimanded kids who were caught watching porn. The keywords of various porn searches categorically place these youths in a more racial orientation regarding the sex films they watch. They watched porn that was acted by their color compared to other races, for example, the Southern States and States with many blacks were associated with keywords “black” and “ebony” which is a clear indicator of their porn orientation.
American College of Paediatricians in the article “impact of pornography on children” defines pornography as sexual exposure of images or in script aiming at causing an excitement to the individual viewing it. This article argues that the increase in porn viewing is owed to the growth in the accessibility via the internet where they are either free or cheap (Perry, 2016). The confidentiality characterized with these sites is also a factor that promotes it’s spreading because of the anonymity it comes with its access. This article also shows that the primary consumers of pornography are young men and young women who get exposed at their youthful age. Children get into contact with pornography at school through viewing material on the Internet and even getting exposed through parents or close porn materials which have made sexual predators achieve their goal in exploiting the children.
Grooming makes the children have a risk of having bad behaviors and effects to their way of thinking. Also, Pornography use and exposure has effects on children, adults, and adolescents. The article concludes by advising parents on how to regulate sexually explicit material by placing computer away from the kid’s bedrooms and placing them in open places to avoid the temptations to watch porn. The adolescents and adults are also advised to avoid porn through self-discipline has it distorts the thoughts and perception about human sexuality (Perry, 2016). This diminishes the value of relationships among modern day youth and with low-income family structures the society will be weak and of low moral standards.
Peggy Orenstein talks about how pornography has been perceived as a source of educational material for sex. She notes that teenagers and youth all belief that porn teaches them a few aspects of sex and therefore, the consult porn once in a while (Orenstein, 2016). She also notes that parents have intelligent conversations with their kids about relationships, but when it comes to matters of sex, many parents become liberal and are uncomfortable with the topic. She also writes about oral sex whereby; masturbation has been left for the boys while oral sex has been taken up by the girls. This orientation at an adolescent age is allowed to the watching of porn than shapes the cultures and perceptions regarding sex. Orenstein in her article asserts that moms major on the risks involved with sex while teaching their daughters while dads did not take an active role in the education of their sons. She, therefore, concludes that the sexual teaching and awareness gap has to be filled for the purpose of diverting the consideration of porn by adolescents. in their article written by Emily Shackleton describes the advantages that are associated with pornography; they take a positive stand away from the majority of authors who write about the topic. In her article, she claims that sex increases Libido but specifies that this applies to those individuals with a low sex drive who in turn boost their sex drive after watching visual sexual stimuli (Shackleton, 2016). She also says that pornography reduces stress, and to justify this she uses the hormone cortisol that is linked with problem-solving capabilities of the brain; she claims that watching porn releases this hormone and this diminishing in the level of stress is a consequence.
Emily associates porn with understanding porn in a positive way unlike other authors; she supports the idea as porn helps individuals to know and understand their sexuality better and be well versed with their feelings regarding likes and dislikes. She also introduces a new term “Ethical porn” whereby porn producers merge to produce responsible porn, this she writes, enables people to watch pornography and not feel bad about it but inspired. The positive view of individual regarding porn has been cemented by an astonishing 73% votes for “Yes” and 23% for “No” in response to the poll question, “Is porn bad for you?” that was presented below her article (Shackleton, 2016).
In comparing the reviews of the different authors in this paper with the biblical teachings concerning pornography, there were both similarities in some cases as well as dissimilarities. Starting with the similarities; Most of the authors, notably Samuel Perry and George Hayward agree strongly on the aspect of degradation of the religious moral and virtues of the youth through watching of pornography. According to the Bible, sex is sacred and is meant for legally married couples and the purpose of procreation. Vanessa Rogers is also in line with religious teachings that calls for the molding of the inner self-regarding personality rather than following the trends and lifestyles or porn actors to make them feel more poised and positive about their bodies (Rogers, 2016). The majority of the authors also agree on the aspect on child pornography where they universally condemn this vice which can be related to the Bible where children are referred to as the most precious and pure in spirit. These similarities go a long way in trying to compare the positive impact and change that can be attained by combining religious and social science efforts to discourage the rampant spread of pornography.
Regarding the differences in the views of the article and the church, Emily Shackleton’s article stands out as the most openly disagreeing paper. In her point that porn helps enhance knowledge on sexuality, she fails to agree with the teachings of the church that mandates such knowledge and pleasure being kindled in a marriage institution rather than via the internet. Rothman et al. also disagree with the religious view on the unity of the church as one community that does not consider race or color (2015). They link pornography in a particular group to watching porn acted by their races, despite the vice being evil itself, the biblical teachings disagree with racial orientation at any level. The current community view on sex and pornography as portrayed in the content of most of the articles is a clear indication of deviation from the strong virtues and beliefs preached by the church; this demands reforms and actions to counter these vices to ensure a stable and moral society.
Given all the information reviewed in the paper, therapists should take the initiative of dissuading their clients from pornographic materials in general. They can do this effectively by explicitly citing the demerits that are involved in the watching of porn. They also advise the clients to be concerned with the development of a whole person rather than a sexually active but low body image and self-esteem. They should emphasize on the pillars of proper relationships being rooted on the religious aspect as a step in the positive direction because sexuality can be better understood and appreciate if within the legal and moral confines. The therapists can also advise the clients that personal satisfaction and responsibility of reshaping the society starts from the family institution. Therefore, as parents they should take the primary role in educating their children on matters of sex at an early age, to tame the anxiety and curiosity to watch internet porn to gain insights. The therapists can, therefore, be a vital part in revolutionizing the view on pornography in the modern day society.

Akdeniz, Y. (2016). Internet child pornography and the law: national and international responses. Routledge.
Love, T., Laier, C., Brand, M., Hatch, L., & Hajela, R. (2015). Neuroscience of Internet Pornography Addiction: A Review and Update. Behavioral Sciences, 5(3), 388–433., P. (2016). When Did Porn Become Sex Ed? Retrieved 7 December 2016, from, B. Y., Wilson, G., Berger, J., Christman, M., Reina, B., Bishop, F., … Doan, A. P. (2016). Is Internet Pornography Causing Sexual Dysfunctions? A Review with Clinical Reports. Behavioral Sciences, 6(3), 17., L. (2016). The Impact of Pornography on Children. American College of Pediatricians. Retrieved 7 December 2016, from, S. & Hayward, G. (2016). Pornography Use and Religious Bonding Among Heterosexually Married Americans: A Longitudinal Examination. Review of Religious Research., V. (2016). We Need to Talk about Pornography: A Resource to Educate Young People about the Potential Impact of Pornography and Sexualized Images of Relationships, Body Image, and Self-Esteem. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Rothman, E. F., Kaczmarsky, C., Burke, N., Jansen, E., & Baughman, A. (2015). “Without Porn…I Wouldn’t Know Half The Things I Know Now”: A Qualitative Study of Pornography Use Among a Sample Of Urban, Low-Income, Black and Hispanic Youth. Journal of Sex Research, 52(7), 736–746., E. (2016). 6 reasons why your porn habits might actually be good for you. Retrieved 7 December 2016, from, J. (2016). It’s O.K., Liberal Parents, You Can Freak Out About Porn. Retrieved 7 December 2016, from

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