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Question number 1 and with the realist point of view ( one of the uploaded files )

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In June 23rd, 2016, the world experienced a unique occurrence, the voting in England to decide whether to remain or exit the EU. The outcome was even more shocking; Britain citizens voted for exiting the EU. This decision has bore various political impacts on the world. It challenges the Western establishments as well as alliances which were created following the 2nd World War and which have had the world power from their formation (Yardley et al. 4). Within these alliances, the UK has been a pillar and a beneficiary, for example, the UK has a vital position within the UN as well as a crucial function within the NATO that are global establishments created for the promotion of world peace and security (Yardley et al. 5). With the Brexit, the UK has caused a crack in these alliances and may weaken the EU’s position as the world’s politics. Brexit also weakens the agreements of the world alliances between states that were meant to maintain globe’s stability. In the essay, the writer asserts that the realism theory best explains the power implication of the Brexit. The writer shall discuss the elements of realism theory and why it is the best theory to explain power implication of the Brexit. Lastly, the author shall use the concept of balance of power, alliances and national interest to predict the likely outcome of Brexit.
Realism Theory And Why It Best Explain the Power Implication of Brexit
The realists argue that the world does not have a single power that controls the states to decide their conducts (Walt 110).

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Therefore, the correct actors in global issues are the states which cannot be ruled by any other body. Due to the absence of the central body controlling the states, they are in constant state of anarchy, and in this condition, they rely on themselves. The state’s major interest in foreign matters is its survival as a result of the world’s uncertain future. This survival is conditional on the state’s power particularly military power (Walt 110). Realists view military capacity as the real meaning of power since it provides the state the capacity to deter or launch assaults and ensure its security. Further, the realists assert that international relation is typified by power balance among the nations. Power balance is a concept in which states manipulate their abilities such as via formation of alliances with each other to oppose a stronger force that threatens them (Walt 111).
Realists explain that it is the states but not the individual people that determine the states’ conducts (Walt 110). The Brexit issue is between the UK and other EU countries. It is the exit of the Britons through the UK state. The negotiations of the exit occur between the UK and other countries and not between the individual citizens.
According to the realists, the international relation is typified by power balance among the nations (Sagan 161). The EU members are united not just for economic benefit but also to combine their sovereignty to balance its political power with other world powers such as the US. Since the UK was a pillar in the EU, its exit from the union may weaken this power balance and make other nations to gain more power than the EU. For example, After the Brexit, China welcomed Russia for a short state visitation (Yardley et al. 10). This visit is seen as the strengthening of the alliance between socialists in the face of division (weakening) among the capitalist states (EU members). Therefore, the power may shift to the socialist states such as Russia and China. Further, realists contend that states always create alliances to oppose possible hegemony that may dominate them. The EU has been rising as a powerful union that rival and may be more powerful that other states such as the US and Russia. Therefore, Russia as well as China has always opposed the US-led global structures with the Russia operating in latest times to separate as well as weaken the EU (Yardley et al. 10).
The rival theories such as liberalism argue that nations are more interdependently connected. However, the exact opposite view has happened with the Brexit. The UK has separated from the union; therefore, Brexit exhibits the UK’s independence from relying on other EU member states. Secondly, liberalism holds that it is not just the states who are the actors in IR. Liberals argue that within the IR, there is an emergence of non-state players such as the international non-governmental organization and the UN. However, in the Brexit’s case, the world has witnessed only the states as the players as asserted by the realists. Non-state actors such as UN have not played any role in the Brexit making realism as the proper theory to explain Brexit.
Possible Outcomes of Brexit
With the weakening of the EU as hegemony, Russia and China may form a strong alliance with other socialist states to replace or counter the EU’s position as the globe’s hegemony as well as counter the dominant world powers such as the US. This is already taking shape with the Russia’s visit to China immediately after the Brexit (Yardley et al. 10).
Balance of power
By exiting the EU, the UK may feel alone and frail against its potential enemies. Therefore, it may seek to join forces with individual states within Europe or from other regions. This may result in other political or military formations between the UK and other states. For example, the UK premier has visited India to strengthen their ties after the Brexit which may be seen as a formation of an alliance and power support in the Far East region.
Security Dilemma
After exiting from the EU, the UK may feel alone and weak; this may also result in the UK spending more on its military to increase its domestic defensive capacity since it now lacks the defense support of the union. Relists affirms that the concept of security dilemma means that if a state establishes its protective capabilities, other states will also develop or increase theirs (Sagan 154). Increasing its defensive capacity will also make other European states to enhance its defense capacity. Moreover, realists state that the endeavors of states to shift power balance as well as protect their national interests might result in a security dilemma. Therefore, with the UK forming alliances with other states such as India and strengthen its ties with the US in an attempt to shift power balance and safeguard its national interests; the remaining EU countries shall also do the same by strengthening their ties within themselves and with other outside states.
Brexit has impacted world’s political power, and in the paper, the writer has asserted that the realism theory best explains this power implication. Realism provides that states are in anarchy and they survive due to their military power. They also pursue their interest. Further, through the concepts of the alliance, power balance and security dilemma, the writer predicts that socialist states such as Russian and China may form alliances to replace the weakening EU as hegemony. The UK may seek to form an alliance with other states to balance power with other European countries, and The UK will strengthen its national defense which will make other EU states to fortify their militaries resulting in a security dilemma.
Works Cited
Sagan, Scott D. “1914 Revisited: Allies, Offense, and Instability.” International Security 11.2 (1986): 151-175.
Walt, Stephen M. “Alliances: balancing and bandwagoning.” International Politics: Enduring Concepts and Contemporary Issues (2000): 96-103.
Yardley, Jim, Ben Hubbard, Jane Perlez, and Alison Smale. “Britain Rattles Postwar Order and Its Place as Pillar of Stability.” N.p., 2016. Web. 18 Nov. 2016.

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