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Reflection Essay

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The current system of education is wired to promote crass memorization of everything in all its entirety. Memorization is found everywhere in the system ranging from the school surrounding to the inside of the classrooms where teaching takes place. We memorize for exams. It does not matter where one goes to school, be in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Brazil, Australia or anywhere, within the globe, everything is about what memory one has from the experiences he/she had in his/her college years. The memory can be negative or positive, memorable or forgettable.

All the same, it is what captures the mind, stored in the brain, or any piece of device that supports memorization that counts. We tend to talk about trivial things such as little pictures; we took with our friends at some birthday party, as what we can remember or put in our memory bank during our college days. These are always two, three, four, or even five minutes’ activities that capture our imagination and tend to take precedent over other more important, though less memorable activities in school. Against the backdrop of memorization in school, and after spending time in this class, I will thus endeavor to discuss things I will remember after five years.

The first person I will remember without even battling an eyelid is the course tutor who is one of a kind. He ranks high in the list of things and people I will remember five years after leaving college because apart from being kind, he is the most captivating lecturer to have ever taught me.

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He is witty and funny in equal measure. This enables him to move the class as he passes his message across so that nobody is left behind during his lessons. Another attribute he possesses is premised on his insistent critical thinking when tackling questions in class and while addressing issues outside the comfort of class.

Secondly, since everything is about memorization and reflection on past experiences in school, I can never forget my first day in the class of the units I undertook in college. One has to understand that everyone is predisposed to remember his/her first experience in class regardless of the faculty one is in. These units include language classes-whether French, Spanish, Deutsch, and Chinese, where one remembers the first word that is always the salutation. If the first experience is in business, a student is bound to remember the profit margin. In economics, one will always think of demand and supply whereas, in theology, a student will always remember who and where God is. These are basics.

As such, I will remember the verve, the energy, the enthusiasm, and the laughter of my fellow students as they were entertained by the lecturer. I will also remember the graduation photo that I took with the members of this class and the aftermath party that was put in our honor. Moreover, the way the mood of the class swung from one of somberness and utter shock when the lecturer pointed to some hard truths such as putting priorities first, to one of the pure ululations when the tutor made fun of the education system such as memorizing for the final examinations and paying some dollars to graduate with a college diploma cannot depart my memory. This is my reflection of the class in five years’ time.

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