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Reform Movement of Antebellum America.

The Antebellum American period is argued to have been between the years 1787 to the period just before the Civil War, but there seems to be a consensus that it took place from 1812. A reform movement is based on liberal idealisms, and it is different from a revolutionary kind of movement. This period saw the formation of the United Stated Constitution in Philadelphia in the year 1787 after the Articles of Confederation failed to maintain a stable economy.
According to Carwardine (1997), the religious revival that took place stirred many reforms and the realization that an individual could relate with God without a spiritual leader overseeing them lead to the liberation of the people. It is said and I quote “If all men are born equal, and all endowed with unalienable rights by their creator, in the blessing of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, then there can be no just reason, as a cause, why he may or should not think, and judge and act for himself in matters of religion, opinion, and private judgement.”
One reformer by the name Nat Turner led a rebellion in Southampton County Virginia where 60 whites were killed but as a result, 56 slaves were executed on suspicion of leading the rebellion. It brought such disturbance that there were 100 to 200slaves killed in the paranoid aftermath and slave restrictions made more intense (Bates 2010). Shortly after that, John Brown led some followers in raiding the Harpers Ferry arsenal in Virginia.

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The aim was to arm the slaves with weapons so as to fight better and engage in effective combat. However, they were caught and executed. The way that they executed them brought an unsettled state between the South and the North. When the Northern abolitionists turned him into a mature, the Southern whites feared a war of extermination. The execution led to a tense state between the two sides. It this incident and a few more that fueled the civil war. The Antebellum period was a radical reforming one that led to many breakings and mending of structures that we enjoy today. Freedom and peace are a great gift; we must cherish them dearly.
Bates, C. G. (2010). The early republic and antebellum America: An encyclopedia of social,
political, cultural, and economic history. Armonk, N.Y: Sharpe Reference
Carwardine, R. (1997). Evangelicals and politics in antebellum America. Knoxville: University
of Tennessee Press.

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