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Repercusions Of The First And Second World War

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Repercusions of the First and Second World War


Taking into account the nineteenth and twentieth century concepts, periods, chronological orders of events, their background, crisis among other things, we are aware that they were extremely important centuries for everyone, socially, politically, politically and economic, were seen.In the nineteenth century, terror times lived with wars, they saw their economy fall and their rights, how Nazism was born and as everything gives an unexpected turn, that is why we will continue in chronological order of the events to be able to understand thoroughly andUnderstand how I pass.

The background they have is that the great European powers are disputed by continental supremacy and colonial spaces for the widening of their areas of influence and effective control are disputed. Under this issue the various political leaders quickly identified the need to establish advantageous alliances in the event that an international conflict states in the future.

This is how Great Britain aligned with France and Russia in an alliance that would be known as the triple entente or entente cordiale. On the other hand, unified Germany allied with Austria-Hungary, alliance to which the Ottoman Empire would also be joined in what would be known as the central empires or central powers.


Once these blocks or alliances were formed, an arms race quickly began. Unified Germany experienced a rapid process of industrialization and militarization starring Kaiser Wilhelm II (emperor from 1888 to 1918), who promoted the construction of a naval fleet that could rival the British in quantity, capacity and technology.

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Great Britain immediately identified a threat in this situation and simultaneously began a process of modernization of its armed and naval forces. We also have to locate the first events that were made known in World War I these were:

  • The entrance of the United States in the conflict, in favor of the entente: the economic, material and human imbalance in favor of the allies caused the German troops to begin to transfer the conquered land. The allies won in the second battle of Marne, in Aisne and in Amiens.
  • The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia: despite the serious internal crisis in Russia, the Russian-German armistice is not carried out until 1918. The German counteroffensive gives rise to the peace of Brest-Litovsk, for which Russia leaves the war and loses Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, among other territories.
  • The war of movements is the name that was given to the first phase of the conflict. The German objective was a rapid conquest of France and Russia through great offensives. French resistance in Marne (September 1914) stopped the German plans of a rapid victory. German penetration was greater in the Russian front, although the final results were the same.
  • The trenches war: from the end of 1914 to 1917 the fronts remained stable, despite the attempts for both sides of carrying out great offensives. Especially bloody resulted in the battles of Verdún and the Somme, in 1916, with thousands of dead, although no army obtained a clear advantage.

Great depression: about the crisis that hit the world economy in the interwar period.

First of all, the great depression was a deep world economic recession that began in early 1929 and ended at different times of the 30s or early 40s, according to the country. It was the greatest and most important economic depression of modern history, and is used in the 21st century as a reference point on what could be a future fall in the world economy. 

The great depression originated in the United States. This had devastating effects both in developed and developing countries. International trade was deeply affected, as well as personal income, tax revenues, prices and business benefits. Cities around the world were seriously affected, especially those that depend on the heavy industry. Construction practically stopped

in many countries. Agriculture and rural areas suffered when prices fell between 40 and 60 percent. Faced with the fall in demand, with few alternative sources of jobs, it was the areas dependent on the primary sector (industries such as agriculture, mining and logging of trees) the ones that suffered the most.

After the great depression the Second World War emerged

The background of World War II emphasizes their economic situation since this was one of the extremely important factors.At the end of the 20s, the Crack of 29 took place in the United States, being a fall in market values in the United States that caused the greatest economic crisis in history for the American country. 

In those years the American economy was already close to European powers, so this situation also caused economic problems in countries such as France or Germany. Important is the case of Germany, who was paying great taxes for his responsibility in World War and urgently needed greater income.

To get out of the crisis the United States made a series of reforms called New Deal, which were imitated by the Germans, causing the Germans to begin to bet on the war industry.The main battles were:

  • Italy attack to Ethiopia and Albania: Short.
  • Spanish Civil War: a civil conflict happened in Spain in which many states supported one or the other side, such as Germany that supported Franco’s side.
  • Second Chinese-Japanese War: a great military confrontation between China and Japan, whose beginning tends to place before World War II, but ended at the same time.
  • German invasions: in the years before the beginning of the war the German State achieved a series of not too violent annexions, the most relevant being those of Austria and that of Czechoslovakia

End of World War II and Reconstruction: Occupation of Germany and Origins of the Cold War.

The occupation of Germany in Potsdam was said that as long as the occupation lasts, all Germany will be treated as an economic unit. The issue seemed framed by two mother ideas: freedom of access to Berlin and treatment throughout Germany as an economic unit. The Russian revolution arose after a series of consecutive military defeats, the Russians were fed up with the war. 

In February 1917 the heaviness of winter, the shortage of food and the accumulated resentment towards the Tsar, finally exploited in a series of popular movements. The bustle of the population was so strong and uncontrollable, that on March 2 Nicolás II abdicated on the throne of Russia, the Tsar was not replaced by his son or his brother, the Duma (Parliamentary Corps of Russia) proclaimed a provisional regimeAnd officially abolished the monarchy.

The new regime suspended hostilities with the central empires to try to establish calm inside, however, the antagonistic political groups led to a continuous state of tense calm. In October 1917, a new revolution began in Russia that we commonly know as a Bolshevik Revolution, under this new conflict Los Rojos (socialists) faced whites (moderate monarchists).

Emergence of totalitarian regimes (fascism and Nazism).

This constitutes a complex phenomenon that acquired different characteristics according to countries. A controversial example is the "Francoism" that, although he shared with the fascism and national socialism important features, had some differentiating elements (especially the weight of the Catholic Church) with respect to the Italian and German regimes. And Nazism is the ideology of extreme nationalism that occurred in Germany between 1933 and 1945. 


After the First World War, the Weimar Republic was proclaimed in Germany, named because in this city the Democratic Constitution was approved, by virtue of which, the previous Government of the Kaiser or Emperor was replaced by a president, elected by 7years. The new president was the socialist worker Federico Ebert, chosen in 1919, happening to Marshal Pablo von Hindenburg. The march on Rome and Matteotti’s murder were important events in fascism. And the Reichstag fire, the night of the long knives and the night of broken crystals were also important events of Nazism.

As last highlights the points of chronology, why? For the same to know in depth about their background, how it was lived in the first and Second World War, highlight concepts to know how they arose and that are exactly, as well as their important events of them, it is important to know and learn well whatwhich was from the nineteenth and twentieth century, to be aware of this issue.

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