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Response to Different Questions
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Response to Different Questions
Question 1
People who have chosen different wants are likely to have different connotative meaning. The fact that people attach meaning to a word based on their experience and emotional reactions, including judgment that they link to the word causes such differences. In the many cases, people associate words with their knowledge and emotional responses they had before (DeVito, 2017). For instance, “childish” is one of the words that always have connotative meaning to different people. To some people, the word means a person who is not yet mature while others link the word with being lively and energetic. Therefore, personal experience and emotional reactions significantly influence how people understand the connotative meaning of different phrases or words. Hence, different connotative meanings of the same world are one of the main reasons why people have misunderstanding and conflict when communicating with one another. For the conflict to be reduced, it is essential to accept that connotative meaning differs from one individual to another (DeVito, 2017).
Question 2
A monologic communication is a situation where only one person is speaking while the rest are listening. Besides, the communication lacks active interaction between participants mainly because the communication is one directional (DeVito, 2017). In many cases, monologic communicators are insensitive to the feeling and attitude of other participants as they only care about achieving their objective.

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Dialogic communication, on the other hand, is a genuine two-way communication in which all parties actively participate as senders and receivers of the message or information. According to DeVito (2017), both the listeners and speakers have the right to contribute to the discussion.
I have encountered some situations characterized by monologic communication. Moreover, I mostly remember when I was in school, and one of the teachers was asked to give a speech on behalf of others. The teacher gave a speech for about 30 minutes without any form of interruption from the audience. The speech or monologue by the teacher affected his relationship with the audience. Specifically, the audience lost concentration and started dozing off. At the same time, some felt that the teacher was talking about unnecessary or irrelevant issues. As a result, the teacher lost touch with the audience, making his speech ineffective. Therefore, the monologue is likely to affect the relationship between the speaker and the audience (DeVito, 2017).
Question 3
The two main stages of relationship deterioration include interpersonal dissatisfaction and interpersonal deterioration. Interpersonal discontent occurs when one or both parties in a relationship start to think negatively about their interaction or relationship (DeVito, 2017). Some communication patterns are linked to interpersonal dissatisfaction phase. However, the main apparent communication patterns include increased rate of lies or deceptive information, a reduction in positive messages and an increase in negative words as well as a decline in self-closure. Notably, negative messages and information are common in the interpersonal dissatisfaction phase.
On the other hand, interpersonal deterioration is when people in a relationship go apart and are no longer in touch with one another (DeVito, 2017). Lack of communication is the dominant pattern in this phase. People in the interpersonal deterioration phase do not express their feelings and thoughts because they have lost interest in the relationship. Other significant communication patterns include lack of empathy and trust, which are essential in any relationship. Therefore, communication plays a vital role in any relationship.
DeVito, J. A. (2017). The Interpersonal Communication Book, 15th Edition. Pearson

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