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Safe Sex And Coronavirus: Pandemia Behavior

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Given the potential viruses that have been presented in this 2020, many questions have emerged in many areas of daily life, especially in sex. Some people have wondered if they have sex can get infected with the virus. Well, that and other doubts will be resolved in this post.


Is COVID-19 transmitted sexual via?

No, it is not really a sexually transmitted disease, because, genital fluids do not infect the virus. However, it is spread by the respiratory tract, so, this means that by intimate contact with the couple, the disease is contracted, if it is infected. The World Health Organization has made it very clear that, the infection of one person to another occurs through the particles that come from the nose (mucus) and the mouth (saliva) when someone who has the Vesso, sneeze or virus, sneezes orExhale. For this reason, the greater the contact, the greater the risk of contracting it.

According to specialists in the area of sexology, the greatest risk could be in kisses, because, it is where there is the exchange of saliva and, in addition, for the near breath. They also indicate that, there are no reasons to despair for that, since, only certain hygiene regulations must be followed, that allow the full enjoyment of both, without fear of getting sick.

So what is the most convenient in times of Coronavirus?

If our immune system is in perfect condition, it is not necessary to worry, we can cope.

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What is necessary is to take the necessary forecasts to avoid being infected or infecting other close people, in this case our sentimental partner. With this we mean that, if you are going to have sex you should try to avoid kisses and not put your hands or fingers to your mouth if you already passed them through your husband’s mouth or wife.

Other recommendations that we can give you are that, try to try positions in which they are not close to the mouth and nose, as well as shower and use antibacterial gel after the sexual encounter. If, on the contrary, you see that your partner has the symptoms of this virus, it is not convenient that you kiss him, they must simply meet a period of abstinence until he can recover.

You should avoid the virus as much, placed cappes and save the quarantine.

Sex could rather help, then, during orgasm, oxytocin levels increase in the blood, which makes a positive effect for the immune system. Likewise, when we want to do something and we cannot do it, an extreme stress is generated that is very harmful to health. The most advisable, then, is that, if you live moments of pleasure with the loved one, but without previous games, that is, only coital sex, without any caresses and kisses, that, although it would not be so pleasant, at leastHelp satisfy the need.

Can you use mask during sex?

It can be used, but it is not a 100% safe method, since the particles are transferred, especially when breathing begins to accelerate as it usually does during sexual intercourse. Similarly, the Council is to take care of, comply with quarantine and take the forecasts that we mention before to avoid possible contagion and enjoy a healthy and conscious sexuality.   


With this we mean that, if you are going to have sex you should try to avoid kisses and not put your hands or fingers to your mouth if you already passed them through your husband’s mouth or wife. Other recommendations that we can give you are that, try to try positions in which they are not close to the mouth and nose, as well as shower and use antibacterial gel after the sexual encounter.

If, on the contrary, you see that your partner has the symptoms of this virus, it is not convenient that you kiss him, they must simply meet a period of abstinence until he can recover. You should avoid the virus as much, placed cappes and save the quarantine.

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