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Sexual Health In Humans

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Sexual health in humans


Sexual and reproductive health in adolescence is a stage from which one must learn to handle in a responsible way, requiring clear care and information to be able to lead it in a better way and to obtain as a result a good development for adult life. It is important to carry out the study so that many adolescents who do not have reliable means of information or, in some cases even none know about prevention measures, risk behaviors, self-care, contraceptive and condoms for the care of a healthy healthy sexual life.

The low information is a serious problem that affects the entire community, if it continues, in the following generations the abandonment of secondary education, or poverty in urban areas in such a way that it would be repeated inspiral. The adolescent must understand that decision making is free about the aspects of sexual health as long as it has a good induction of the subject. Similarly, to achieve better performance, fundamental tools must be obtained.

A visible change with this study is expected, so that adolescents understand about their sexual and reproductive life in a better way, about the freedom to decide when, as and with whom, having healthy growth and physical, psychological and sexual development,And above all, investigate complete, scientific and secular information suppressing sociocultural barriers that hinder and limit the enjoyment of the same.


The concept of sexual and reproductive health (s.

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S.R.) He was born as such in 1994 in the Action Plan of Cairo, the term known today was not the same that was presented in ancient documents. For many years there has been the concern of the population increase and the impact that it would have on the development of the economy and basic services such as adequate education and housing for adolescents who have pregnancies at an early age.

This concern resulted to establish information and family planning programs. Sexual education begins in an indiscernible and not deliberate way since we were born. In some countries you can still visualize the existence of myths and taboos, a central approach are those of low economic resources.

Sexual and reproductive health in adolescence has evolved in recent years around the world in a significant, but not very advanced way. To solve the problem, the fundamental components have not been integrated into sexual and reproductive health programs in adolescence, this is an important role that should be considered to optimize the service and quality of adolescent health.

It is important that the youngest population is informed about all positive aspects in their sexual and reproductive life to be able to lead to a better way and avoid poor health and mortality in children who were born by an early age. Definition of the problem in the world, in particular in Third World countries there is a crucial stage in the search for solutions to the problems of adolescents in relation to poor sexual and reproductive health, which, due to lack of information, risk risksuffer consequences that do not want.

Despite the different contraceptive measures and methods, there are aspects associated with the increase in sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and pregnancies at an early age. In spite. The minds of young people unfortunately have not formed it in a correct way to talk about the aforementioned topic.

Near my place of residence, a large number of pregnant adolescents can be visualized, despite being in educational establishments, they do not properly receive the guide and information about their respective autonomy and sexuality. In other cases, countries must remove, legal and regulatory barriers to sexual and reproductive health to adolescents, so that it is no longer an issue of which they are ashamed.

Information must be a key and valuable element for the development of individuals and societies. It is pertinent to study on sexual and reproductive health in adolescents, specifically on contraceptive methods and sexually transmitted diseases, because in the process of development of the case study we can learn different measures that provide successful results when it comes to putting them into practice andBe more useful for adolescents, thus obtaining positive results. The study can also be used for the population of limited resources, since they need to learn more about all the methods that were beneficial in the fields of physical, social and mental well -general well -being in everything related to the reproductive system.

Usefulness of your case study

The case study is useful for the development of society because with sufficient information you can help future generations do not make mistakes about ignoring the care of your sexual and reproductive health. You can help adolescents interested in promoting the topic and appropriate uses of it. It will also help parents have a more open mind with their children and so they can provide more reliable and concrete information from home.


The main benefits of studying this case are to decrease early pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. As well as in educational establishments, it can be socialized in a better way on the subject and a very early start of reproductive health in adolescents will be avoided.

Deepen knowledge and meaning about the concept of sexual and reproductive health in adolescents through a deep investigation of it eliminating and overcoming the most frequent fears and myths that exist in today’s society.

Understand sexual and reproductive health as the teaching and structuring of positive values, attitudes and feelings linked to activities related to truthful instruction and dissemination.

Know and learn to correctly use condoms and contraceptives to be able to make the right decision to initiate sexual life in a healthy and above all responsible way. Sexual and reproductive health in adolescence studies a healthy coexistence and comfort with the body, teaches the correct way to take care of it and attend it to obtain an active sexual life without risks.

For the World Health Organization (WHO) through its project, sexual health is a state of physical, mental and social well -being in relation to sexuality, it requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality, as well as the possibility ofhave pleasant and safe sexual experiences. A teenager must be clear that he is free to enjoy his intimacy, sexuality and sexual health,

The lack of information in adolescent is a big problem worldwide, since she promotes pregnancies at an early age, abortions or pregnant women, and especially discrimination and exclusion. The World Health Organization (WHO) explicitly recognizes that the current and future demand for services, especially as regards their education and employment that have very large populations of young people, represent a challenge and responsibility of great importance for families, communities, countries.

The existing major population includes adolescents, therefore it is necessary that each of them receive current information in the best way, to avoid future risks in each of them.

Sexual and reproductive health, including the use of contraceptive methods, with them can avoid early pregnancies, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), if they are not pronounced, the adolescent will not have a peaceful sexuality. Some health centers dispense several free contraceptives. You must understand that if used incorrectly, contraceptives will not have the same efficiency and function. There are six types of modern contraceptives, currently the well -being of each person who uses them, prevents and significantly reduces the possibility of a pregnancy or contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STDs) has been chosen.

It is important that a doctor report which is the most appropriate method in each person. Each one has a different function, but everyone reaches the same purpose. The most common and used contraceptives are the condoms, both female and masculine, in women the contraceptive pills, hormonal implants, tubal ligation, intrauterine devices, hormonal injection, vaginal ring and patches, and in men the vasectomy and hormonal injections. To determine how effective these methods have been, it is measured based on the number of pregnant women who use these methods.

It is important that adolescents also have knowledge about (STDs) to avoid more contagios. Sexual transmission diseases (STDs) or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are caused by bacteria, parasites and viruses transmitted by intimate contact, the most common are, HIV / AIDS, the human papillomavirus, syphilis, gonorrhea, gonorrhea,and genital herpes. They do not present many symptoms, most diseases are treated, but if proper treatment is not carried out they can present serious problems.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can also be transmitted from mother to child at the time of delivery, or in blood transfusions. Not presenting almost visible symptoms, you cannot know exactly if a sexually transmitted disease (STDs) has been contracted, they can go unnoticed in any person who is in perfect health. These diseases can be contracted when there is no good care of sexual health, such as having sex without condoms, having sexual contact with several people, injecting drugs, or abusing alcohol.

Pregnancies at an early age often cause interrupted pregnancies or abortions, this is due to the misuse of sexual intercourse. The main reasons why a teenager opts for abortion, is that having a child would make his education or work difficult, in addition to not feeling prepared to be mothers at that time. Many times adolescents also raise the decision to abort for opinions, discrimination, exclusion or what other people will say, the non -support of parents is also included, mainly of the mother.

It is very common in these times to have problems with the couple about pregnancy at an early age, since sometimes they do not want to take responsibility, for the lack of economic resources or not wanting to take charge at an early age of a child.

The prevention of each of these factors in adolescence is to have the short and long term life project well defined, to raise clear objectives and goals for the future, seek physical, virtual information or in health centers on related topics on thesexual and reproductive health. If a teenager is already a mother, he should not interrupt his life project, he should continue informing about the other things and thus be able to prevent a second pregnancy.

Teenage mothers must be included, not discriminated against in the social environment so that they can feel good, and safe to follow their project already established. Due to the World COVID-19 Pandemia, the Ministry of Education raised, to third-year-old Unified Baccalaureate students of the year 2019-2020, a degree project (case study) with a respective tutor teacher to direct and socializeon the orientation of the same.

The degree project is made up of four parts to promote critical thinking towards various situations and problem resolutions. It was chosen between eight macrotems and proposed learning fields and a topic that relates to some real situation in the environment, in everyday life, in the family or in the community was elaborated because through it you can develop, analyze, analyzeand describe correctly, each corresponds to a subject of the school related to the topic chosen.

In the brochure of the guidelines for the elaboration of the degree project of the Ministry of Education, it highlights that this educational proposal bases the choice of the final third year project, by applying the knowledge acquired through its training process in the different subjects to give answersto specific situations.

Thanks to the different learning methods on scientific research throughout all years of study, a case study pertinent to the subject can be specified. The methodological technique that has been used is content analysis, this consists in obtaining information on the case study ‘Sexual and reproductive health in adolescence’, with it you can analyze the situation they live in adolescents who do notObtain good information on health and sexual reproduction through different reliable sources, in this case texts, books and internet in order to meet the proposed objectives, especially the specific objective that deals with the general topics such as their concept and measurespreventive of it.

The reliable sources and the way of investigating that it has been used has been the documentary through research projects of the World Health Organization (WHO), of the National Health School – Carlos III Health Institute: Sexual and reproductive health,The book Sexual and reproductive health in adolescence: a right to conquer, and the book of the Secretary of Health of Quito: Stock Vocers and Counseling Manual (Knowledge Paste Full). The analysis process was carried out through the thorough research of the aforementioned research projects, found on the web and in physical books, through them the most important parts were extracted to take them as a reference in the form of an appointment and be able to develop in the best wayThe case study.

The investigation mainly focuses on analyzing Ecuador since it is the place where the case study is developing and the problem is somewhat extensive in its region, also to the countries of South America, since they are poorly developed,poor in quality education and do not have access to good information on the central theme.


 In the methodological framework it is described that content analysis would be used as a technique. In the results obtained through the analysis, it is found that there is a considerable increase in pregnancies in adolescents and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) especially in the poorest and poorest regions of Latin America since they do not have enough resources to dispose of quality education.

According to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO) ‘Acceleration of progress towards reducing adolescence in Latin America” 66 births are reported for every 1000 adolescents between 15 and 19 years old.

When a country shows instability, the fertility rate in adolescent women increases notoriously. Being a mother at an early age entails health risks, as a high percentage of mortality at the time of childbirth due to her low body mass, making the newborn not develop with the conditions that a normal baby would develop, she would have weak health andIt would fall into poverty, since 80% of adolescents at this stage have no support or any work because they are studying secondary education.

The lack of information and sexual education is directly related to teenage pregnancy, this causes a high abandonment of studies, making a future impact on work opportunities due to lack of basic and higher education. It is also determined that a forced sexual relationship, rape or incest is very common in adolescents, therefore it is there also acquire an unwanted pregnancy, or some kind of insecure or homemade abortion.

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