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Society And Its Vision Of Gender Performativity

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Society and its vision of gender performativity


Gender ideology is still a controversial issue, since it covers a set of ideas that are contrary to those norms and behaviors that society has established, such as the relationships between men and women, or fundamental institutions for the familyLike marriage and procreation, however, there are currently confusion about gender, wanting to go against human biology and even divine creation.

This ideology is trying to impose on society, through laws that protect this small group of individuals, or through early indoctrination in schools where this worldview is taught, making this be normal, when in reality it is only a formwrong to think about a sociocultural movement, causing children to feel confused in their sexuality, since they are easily manipulable, for everything they see and listen and not become aware of the future consequences of their decisions, such asthe rejection of the family or the psychological problems that carry.


Pope Benedict XVI intervened in the problem of gender to explain about the position of the Church and faith in the Creator, God created the union of a man and a woman through marriage as a sacrament for a lifetime giving new birth to newBeing, the UN General Assembly mentions human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity, having declared the efforts to violently condemn homosexuals, bisexuals and hermaphrodites, promoting alternatives to eliminate positions applied byThe discrimination.

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Catholic religion considers that free sexual acts between people should not be treated as crimes, because who has the power to judge is divine authority. Therefore the Committee of Latin America and the Caribbean (Cadem), has implemented a strategy to obtain the equalization of same -sex unions such as marriage, abortion, sterilization and the possibility of adopting or procreating children using reproductive technology,which was rejected by the UN, because same -sex people would not provide a good life such as education, food, putting freedom of expression of thought, consciousness and religion at risk.

Gender ideology and Gnostic liberalism

According to the gnostic ideology in the embryonic stages there is no identity and the individuals who show underdeveloped mental abilities are not considered people, they do not involve feelings with people in order to feel pleasure. Sexuality dependent on human biology, when man and woman get married and formalize a home, where it is also observed that there are marriage equality groups such as transsexualisms, since social liberalism supports and sees normal, this type of relationship.

Liberal ethics defends same sex marriage and relates them as sexual or non-sexual poly-love groups. The Pope does not agree with the ideals of social liberalism who wants to instill children, the power to make their own decisions choosing what they want to be, when man and woman is born biologically.

Papal pronouncements

Gender ideology denies the natural relationship of men and women, represents a society without differences in sex, which leads to an ideology of training plans and norms that promote a personal identity and a way of being able to disconnect from the relationship between men andThe woman, but it is also important to know that everything we have has been a gift from the creator.

The Bible considered as a book of wisdom, specifies that man was made in the image and likeness of God to which he was sent to a woman so that together they represent a complete humanity, but currently the human being doubts his nature and gives rise toideologies that lie in their personality, and that discourage those fundamental norms that wantunderstand what they were created and their importance in society.

Chile and gender ideology: imaginary and distant enemy?

The gender ideology aims to end the teachings instilled on human biology where there are only two genres, the masculine and the female, its fundamental basis is the self-perception of people with respect to their genres, but nevertheless it is addressed byAn inadequate form, since this worldview is about imposing in a totalitarian way, sometimes punishing those who oppose their ideology, since laws are created to protect a “vulnerable” sector of the population.

This ideology is trying to impose on schools in many countries causing children to have identity problems that at their age should not be feeling, arriving in some cases to sanction those who want to teach the opposite, with this worldview they are being damagedInstitutions as fundamental to life such as family, marriage, paternity and motherhood, this being a real danger that affects society and Christians.

Orientations on family and sexuality.

The family was established by God, and gave as an example to the sacred family of Jesus, Joseph and Mary, the current situation that is presented by gender ideology, is caused by the departure of the human being towards God, however, we mustTo those identified with her, without urging discrimination. Man and woman complement each other, God did not create two men or two women, but male and wife, he did not do one above the other, but created them similar to him, with the same rights, becauseNone can live without the other.

Women should not fight to do the same things as man, because those differences enrich us, Jesus Christ himself defends the equal dignity of both man and woman and rejects the permission that God gave Moses to repudiate women. At present it is becoming increasingAnd this cannot be achieved if there are relationships between two men or two women.


Pope Benedict emphasizes this, since he will remember those divine creations of God which is the human being and which was sent to earth so that together with a woman they formed a family, however the human being has gone inIn contradicting this divine work accepting abortions and inclusive artificial creations of the child with parents of the same genre even the UN gave their point of view on these issues, the human being cannot avoid what was already created or go against this. The existence of gender liberalism that accepts marriages and relationships of the same genre which entails a discussion and disagreements within a society,      

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