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Solving Ethical Dilemmas: Part 3: Application and Reflection
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Part 1 and 2 of the assignment was keen to look at the ethical perspectives of any organisations. The Davis’ Seven Step is identified as the perfect guide towards solving ethical dilemma issues in a workplace. The case identified was on sexual remarks made by male staffs towards their female colleague. The way of intervention was through talking out with the two individuals who were also my workmates. Their aggressive response led the matter to the human resource where corrections measures (including dismissals) were to follow through. This is, however, not seen as a permanent solution since any other person may engage in conflict issues again. By this, therefore, there is a need of bringing in a permanent code of ethics that would prevent such occurrences. The code is based on the Six Pillars of Character which include trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. The code will revolve around conflict of interests, law abiding, integrity, respect and service delivery.
Keywords: Dilemma, ethics, codes, reflection, resolutions, Davis’-Seven-Step-Guide, Character
Application and Reflection
The paper is a continuation of the previous papers with the intention of solving an ethical dilemma that was faced in an organisation. Just to recall, upholding of ethical –practices in any organisation is a mandatory requirement as it allows a peaceful and mutual coexistence among the people in the organisation (Levitt et al.

Wait! SOLVING ETHICAL DILEMMAS paper is just an example!

, 2015). In such a set-up, there are different people with different characters and this indifference may lead to unstable relations between the workers if morals and ethics are not considered. The major source of reference used in the ethical issues identification was the utilisation of Davis’ Seven Step Guide for Ethical Decision making. The guide stipulated the necessary steps that needed to be taken towards identifying and solving the moral issue at hand. The process starts with the identification of the problem and going further to stipulate the possible alternatives and settling for the best (Sheperis et al., 2015). The identified dilemma issue was on sexism within the workplace. A lady staff was under a series of attacks through sexual remarks from other two male counterparts. These remarks not only alienated the lady but also made the other workers who feel uncomfortable. There was no one in a position to offer help to the lady, and this made the remarks keep on coming. I, however, opted to step up and seek a remedy to the situation. The best option of dealing with this was to make the male colleagues aware of the fact that their comments were not going down well with the lady co-worker and they needed to stop and start keeping it professional. However, they took it negatively and became aggressive, and the matter was forced to be taken to the human resource where a possible dismissal was awaiting.
Despite being dismissed, the fact remains that this ethical dilemma is always a major problem, especially in multi-gender organisations. It can be said to be a common issue in all places since gender discrimination on jobs is a thing of the past. This is the last part of the assignment and will focus on formulating a code of ethics regarding the ethical issue of sexism. This code of ethics will be based on the six pillars of character. Upon designing of the code of conduct, the paper will also focus on reflecting upon the worldview implications on the moral dilemma scenario, that is, sexism and any other dilemma that will come along.
The Six Pillars of Character
In understanding the applicability of the code of ethics to be developed, it becomes prudent to develop an understanding of the six pillars of Character. This is a series of values that have no political, religious or cultural biases and that is why it becomes easy for it to be adopted I any organisation (Character Counts, 2018). These characters are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. Each of them is represented by a unique colour which is blue, yellow, green, orange, red and purple (Character Counts, 2018). The developed code of ethics will, therefore, be based on these characters which are used in the acronym TRRFCC.

The SIX Pillar Character Code of Conduct
With concern with ethical conducts, the code of ethics developed relies on the following major areas of concern:
Conflicts of Interest
As a member of the organisation, one is expected to display high levels of trustworthiness in all their dealings. The major area that all workers, managers, and any other third party in a contract with the organisation need to be keen on is on conflicts of interest. The trustworthiness should be displayed with the readiness of the individual coming out and outlining any conflict of interest that may hinder their expected duties.
Financial Integrity and Responsibility
In the handling of the financial finical issues of the organisation, workers, managers, board members and any other third parties are expected to display high levels of integrity in their dealings. Self-responsibility should be used as a tool for ensuring that any financial resources of the organisation are not used for the selfish gains of an individual/ individuals.
Service Delivery
The sole aim of the organization is offering services of the highest quality to the esteemed customers. In as much as the clients are viewed as the kings and queens in many other organizations, this organisation in particular views them like the special people in need of the services offered. By this, therefore, all members of the organisation are anticipated to display high levels of care. By this, therefore, no services should be withheld to any customers as far as they are merited to the same. Additionally, fairness should be displayed when offering these services. No customer should be given priority over the other on the grounds of nepotism, racism, or social class. All customers are viewed as being equal.
Law Abidance
The organisation is a family of people intending to meet the same objectives, that is, succeeding in the economy hence improving the nation’s economy in the long run. The organisation is, therefore, working tirelessly to ensure that it develops a team of staff and managers that are good citizens. Attaining this is through ensuring that all that form his family respects the laws of the company and that of the nation.
Respect to all around us
The organisation has brought together people from different places with different histories. The fact that all members are striving to meet a common goal means that they are all one and should treat each other as such. By this, therefore, respect should be the governing attribute among all the people associated with the organisation is their daily interaction. None should look upon the other regarding sex, race or social class.
Sexual discrimination and offenses towards women is one of the issues the world has fought against for many decades and the success has been tremendous. It is therefore a moral responsibility to ensure that no such acts occur in all places. By this therefore, it is clear that the action against the discrimination in the work place was undertaken through a consideration of Davis’ Seven Step method. It is a method that has no bias and leads to truthful findings therefore easily accepted in a Christian world view. Going further, the code of ethics adopted in dealing with this dilemma and any other that may arise in the work place can be said to adhere to a Christian worldview that can be easily adopted in any place since it aims at avoiding any conflicts or ethical dilemmas that come along. The fact that the code utilizes virtues including trustworthiness, kindness, caring, responsibility, fairness and citizenship means that those under it are trained to be better people. It is the anticipation of all humanity that people strive to be better people on a daily basis and this is something this code has attained.
Ethical dilemma issues are very common in any workplace and there is always a need of seeking a suitable mechanism of dealing with it. One of the most common dilemma issues is on sexism that has in most cases affected women in the workplace. The utilisation of Davis’ Seven step model in the ethical decision making has been a good way of dealing with any issue that arises in the workplace. However, bring in line also the formulation of a code of ethics that relies on the Six Pillars of Character is a suitable way of creating permanent solutions in any organisations as far as ethical dilemmas are of concern.
Levitt, D. H., Farry, T. J., & Mazzarella, J. R. (2015). Counselor Ethical Reasoning: Decision‐Making Practice Versus Theory. Counseling and Values, 60(1), 84-99.
Sheperis, D. S., Henning, S. L., & Kocet, M. M. (2015). Ethical decision making for the 21st century counselor. SAGE Publications.
The Six Pillars of Character® – CHARACTER COUNTS! (2018). Retrieved 6 February 2018, from

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