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Stores Decoration In The Purchase Decision

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Stores decoration in the purchase decision

The objective of the decoration of stores seems evident to the naked eye: sell more. The general public understands that the settings in commercial premises are oriented to stimulate them so that they are encouraged to buy the products they offer. However, behind these excellently well recreated climates, studies on consumer behavior that they don’t even imagine are hidden. Let’s see what it is!

The stimulation of the senses through decoration

When we talk about store decoration, it is not just about making them look pretty, but about getting the place, attracting people and providing them with a purchase experience that is unforgettable. Who does not ever remember a store that has impacted it? Or maybe a smell that reminds you of a shopping out? Those memories that remain in our mind thanks to well -worked stimuli, respond to an intense marketing task by entrepreneurs who are dedicated to looking for the best ways to position their business in the memory of their customers.

To achieve this, they make decorations and distributions of merchandise that allow their visitors to use all their senses, or at least most of them;To conquer your attention, make them remain in the store as long as possible, persuade them to buy and of course, get them to return. One way to understand it better, is observing how each sense can be stimulated by decoration.

The sense of sight and decoration

The first sense is undoubtedly the view, since it allows the attention of customers to capture with a completely harmonized place, well -distributed colors, strategically placed lighting, advertisements according to the theme and nature of the business and finally, goods exhibited according to themore obvious focal point, that is, what is most sought after should be put in clear visualization sites.

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Not satisfied with this, you must play very well with the distribution of products to guarantee a simple search, especially if the space is very large and with a high variety. The intention is that they use the view, not that they go crazy looking for.

The sense of the ear to stay in the store

Even if you do not believe it, through the ear it is possible to achieve sales. In addition to the melody, the volume of this must be taken into account. Everything will depend on the type of business. For example, if it is a playground aimed at a teenage audience, modern and high volume rhythms can get more easily. Now, if on the contrary, we talk about a family restaurant, moderate and soft music will be more relevant when considering that it will visit you an audience of all ages than eating, they will surely want to talk. Even certain studies reveal that slow music makes the customer walk more slow?

The sense of smell to remember more

The sense that has the greatest connection with the brain is smell and our memory acts much better in the face of smells. Did you know that? Well, it is a reality and in stores they use this information very well to make a difference and achieve buyers. Those who use this resource most are restaurants, who let the smells of their kitchen escape to the external space to attract diners. Another way to do it is always cleaning the store with a specific smell that is lasting, pleasant and difficult to forget. Moreover, some brands send their own aromatizing fragrances to mark a more accentuated differentiating thread.

The sense of taste for quick decisions

Like smell, the sense of taste is intimately linked to memory. Who does not easily remember a delicious saucer or sweet? It is almost impossible not to do so. Decoratively, the incorporation of stands or store sections aimed at tasting certain products has always been a magnificent sales strategy. Although in sight, the decoration of the point is striking, what really remains in memory is the taste. It is ideal for supermarkets, restaurant or any business that is dedicated to meals or drinks.

The sense of touch for guaranteed sales

The main advantage of physical stores over online. When people can feel something, they feel desire for possession and consequently, they generate greater desire to acquire the product. In this order of ideas, the touch corresponds to the stimulus that generates greater possibilities of sale depending on the type of product.

Greater sales flow in messy environments is possible?

A new trend that has been observed in consumer behavior is the association of stacked or messy products with a low price. When the so sought after auctions are announced, the strategy is to make the products not displayed so delicately since, this action, indicates exclusivity and the idea is that everyone feels that they can take advantage of the good prices.

The result of applying the above is the possible creation of rows to buy what is shown in the store in a roughly, which checks the theory that: the well -exhibited has an added value in the client’s eyes and therefore voucherThe penalty to pay more while, "the least shown" is not seen as exclusive and is associated with a low cost. Interesting, right?

Color psychology in store decoration

In previous writings, we have described the importance of a good choice of color in store decoration. However, it is extremely important.

At this point, logic will be very helpful to analyze how the environments with well -combined colors and that go in perfect relationship with the commercial nature of the place directly affect the way of judging the client when buying. These are usually inclined to sites where harmony predominates since they link the environment with the quality of what they are about to acquire. This is the reason why, bad appearance stores sell less.

Considering this, pay close attention to every detail and ensure that each color stands out and is the ideal to transmit to your customers the message you want according to the type of product that you sell. There is no doubt to do that, it is the best way to directly influence the emotions of your visitors, take it into account!  

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