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Suggested Thesis: Freedom is a symbol that gave the African American hope, They express the appreciation through the rise of Black Activism

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The Development and Benefits of America Freedom to African Americans through Civil Wars Name:
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Before the 1860s, the America nation was sharply divided socially, politically, and economically between the northern and the southern states. Out of the total 34 states at the time, the majority of the southern states had the highest number of slaves who were either on the runaway or who we bound slaves. The main economic activities in the southern states were agriculture based with exports in tobacco, corn, and cotton. Most of the exports were consumed by the northern states that were specializing in the processing of the agricultural products, while some other exports were taken to Europe. Some processing industries were also set up in the southern states, making the economy to grow favorably. However, there was disagreement on the plight of the slaves that the southern states wanted to be distributed across the union. The northern states restricted the use of the slaves to the southern states, refusing to accept their advancement beyond the states they existed. Since the slaves were mostly African Americans, the freedom they have today is a symbol that gave them hope, and they express the appreciation through the rise of Black Activism
The continued disagreements saw most companies that were in the south moved to the northern states, leaving the southern states with only agricultural produce as their source of economic activity (Genovese, 2014). The economy became bad as the agricultural produce was not enough to sustain much of the population without added jobs.

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The union government also blocked the southern ports for the export, further putting a situation that was already strained economically into a dire state of need. Schools deteriorated, the health of the people became very poor. The draught of 1862 further made things worse, as most of the southern people, especially the African Americans were hit hard by famine (Fitzpatrick, 2014).
The southern states thought this was unbearable and were targeting to elect a president who would champion for their rights like John C. Breckinridge. However, when it was announced that Abraham Lincoln won the 19861 elections, up to seven southern states ceded from the American Union to form the Confederate States, and was later buoyed by four more. They then resolved not to recognize the union leadership under Abraham Lincoln, demanding the Union soldiers at Fort Sumter to lower the American flag in April 1961 (Bostick, 2009). When the Union soldiers responded, war broke out, and it became the infamous civil war that killed over 600000 Americans.
The war did not mean well for the southern states, as the economy and the financial systems plundered further. Life became more difficult as there was no food, proper housing and even education for the women and the children. The little money that was available was heavily used in the civil wars, and the men who would be working to provide for their families decide to participate in the wars as soldiers. It became more difficult for the states to provide favorable economic activities as the only reliable economic pillar in the southern states, the railway’s networks became useless economically. Medical facilities lacked at the time as the medical technologies had not discovered the cure for even simple ailments. Some African American men also joined the union wars to fight against their southern states oppressors, further worsening the economic situations for their communities.
Most of the casualties in the combination of the events were the African Americans. For the white Americans who lived in the south, the wars found them when they were already better financially. Their ability to interact with the northern states boosted their economic and social provisions as they were able to find schools and better social amenities for their families. Moving the manufacturing companies to the north meant that where the African Americans work as casual laborers were cut, thus retaining them with the unpredictable and the unsustainable agricultural activities to fend for themselves (Jones, 1992).
Several prominent African Americans role in the civil wars defined its course. John Lawson who supplied deck guns, and was nearly killed by Confederate soldiers in August 1984, but with a single leg continued his work after regaining conscience. Musket heroes like James Daniel Gardner and Miles James as well as Union surgeon Alexander Thomas Augusta were all critical African American figures in the course of the civil war.
The impacts of the wars were both far-reaching. The main benefit that the southern states got was the abolition of the slaves. Their demands were therefore met though they were defeated in the wars. People were also considered the same with equal rights to mean that the African Americans would participate in elections and ownership of property in the US. This ushered in a new era of the reconstruction and rebuilding a united America. Freedom was thus given to all the people, and the African Americans have made good use of the freedom championing for their recognition and rights.

Bostick, D. W. (2009). The Union is Dissolved!: Charleston and Fort Sumter in the Civil War. The History Press.
Fitzpatrick, S. (2014). The Southern Famine Relief Commission: Feeding the South while Founding Reconciliation. Madison Historical Review, 8(1), 1.
Genovese, E. D. (2014). The political economy of slavery: Studies in the economy and society of the slave South. Wesleyan University Press.
Jones, J. (1992). The Dispossessed: America’s Underclasses from the Civil War to the present. Basic Books (AZ).

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