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Team Coaching: The Company’S Keys

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Team coaching: the company’s keys

"There are no special awards for those who arrive alone to the goal" – Coaching since its inception has been the promoter of human capital development, promoting efficiency and efficiency in the equipment and therefore throughout the organization. When Time Magazine asked Katsuaki Watanabe “Why is Toyota more profitable than his main competitors in the United States and why it has been much more successful?"He replied:" In Toyota everyone works as a team. We even call our suppliers ". This small dialogue gives us lights of the true sense of coaching in a high performance team.

Team coaching, extends far beyond the sports field and although it is relatively recent in organizations, it is greatly benefiting from these in activities that includes the advice, training and orientation of equipment, being the leader of the team an element an element key code. The myth of the perfect leader prevails in many companies, organizations, sports teams and even in the policy of the countries. Every day we expect more from our leaders and we put high hopes in their miraculous powers to change things, they are not super – heroes, however, we are very prone to criticism and to blame them when they do not meet our so unrealistic expectations. Therefore, coaching is emphasized as a tool capable of leading us to an exhaustive analysis of the team within the organization, we are responsible for success in our organization.

Now, what are the functions of the coach? – Coach’s role varies considerably according to the circumstances and needs of the team.

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However, within its main functions are to help your team discover their identity, help the team identify what you want to achieve, help the team to analyze what you cannot and should not do, help the team To know their fundamental procedures, help the team to develop their creativity, help the team measure their own process (how and how much it learn). It is surprising how managers barely know the proper way how to communicate and interrelate with the teams of their organization, an extremely important issue that occupies the coach.

Do we want rapid results? – If we talk about speed, coaching works to achieve transformative results, so the process is slow since it contemplates a change of habits, both in the plane of behaviors and in the plans of thoughts and emotions, and we well know of that that strange attraction that keep us in the old habits (the comfort zone) and how many obstacles slow us in our path of improvement and excellence. Thus, coaching is not indicated for changes from one day to the other, so you must have "patience and good humor".

Teams need to know what high performance is with the purpose of planning and forming their own commitment to improve. Is there any discipline that contributes to it?, Yes, there is not only one but "five team’s performance disciplines" that contemplate: make: Be clear what is intended to do the team. Clarify: The team must fully know what its own mission, purposes, strategic objectives, values, goals, roles and procedures; committing themselves to them. Create together: the team will be more effective when working with synergy. Connect: attract team staff, customers, investors, suppliers, partners; all those that are necessary for the organization. Fundamental Learning: The pace of learning of the team must be aligned with the progress of the organization. Under my perception, the main discipline is to establish a commitment to the team, not only in terms of learning itself, but to know how to learn more effectively.

What is the tour of being an effective team to a high performance transformational team? – It is challenging and demanding, the path implies empowerment, commitment and patience; Recall that a well -directed team has many more possibilities to achieve success in complex organizations. We must be careful when replacing the myth of the super-heroic leader with that of the super-team that will achieve everything for himself and try to meet all expectations.

I will conclude this essay with the next phrase "If the only tool you have is a hammer, you will treat everything as if it were a nail". This can cause many nails and crooked screws, whether we are a team coach, a leader, or a team member who would like it to be better. You must carefully choose the tools, which must be adapted to the particular needs of the equipment, the context and the current needs. One of my criteria to achieve a successful equipment coaching process is that this together with the coach develops an innovative tool capable of effectively applying coaching and that leads to achievements the planned results. 

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