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Test On The Electronic Commerce Law

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Test on the Electronic Commerce Law

Electronic commerce

In electronic commerce there are several characteristics that are fundamental among them;Global scope is the advantage that this type of trade has, ubiquity this allows to be in several places at the same time, interactivity to relate more personal between the consumer and the company, forming a more solid relationship of trade. This type of trade helps increase sales opportunities due to its wide range of advertising, that way you can make new products or services offered for the wide variety of users known, where they will be a fundamental part that will help strengthen theBrand of a certain product that are consuming or making it known a new brand.

According to the history of the beginning of this type of electronic commerce, it began in 1995 a few years after the opening that was given to the Internet for this purpose, where Amazon was one of the first to use this type of trade and before with theName to Cadabra.

As we can realize there are several benefits in the use of this way of doing trade, flexibility and simplification are part of the benefits obtained since it allows working with little personnel, good architecture and technological supports, access to information is another ofThe ways to help know the product and that the user is reported better and at the time he wants, a lower investment cost is another benefit because operations staff and physical space are reduced.

Within this type of trade there are some types or modalities:

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  • B2B Electronic Commerce (relations between companies): Virtual markets or E-Marketplace are virtual environments that facilitate business processes between companies, where it is the purchase and sale of goods and services.
  • Business To Consumer Electronic Commerce (B2C): It is the company or virtual store relationship to a individual or consumer.
  • Electronic Commerce Consumer To Consumer (C2C): Direct online trade between individuals.
  • E-commerce G2C: from the consumer government (Goverment to consumer). It covers all those transactions, buying and payments that a citizen can make before online systems of the state.

Consumer rights and privacy in electronic environments are increasingThey were carried out in ports and places of easy access to it, but at present everything has changed with the use of the Internet, the web portals, virtual stores and online companies, where they offer 24 -hour services, so there are intermediaries that offerConsumer security, but companies also have certain licenses and safety conditions for their clients that in some cases do not complete.

For them there are directives created for the protection of users and consumers, Directive 2000/31/EC, of June 8, 2000: Directive 99/93/EC, of the European Parliament and the Council, of December 13, 1999:Royal Decree- Law 14/99, of September 17, on Electronic Signature: Article 23 of Law 34/2002 of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce: These are some of the legal positions, where there are several situations where users are harmed.

  •  The use of adhesion contracts or general hiring conditions.
  •  The use of abusive clauses that in many cases harm consumer rights.
  •  The existence of frauds and deceptions in offers. These frauds and deceptions are accentuated on the Internet.
  •  The so -called "information deficit". On the Internet this deficit is greater, since you cannot see the physical object, just photographs.
  •  The impulsive will statements: Click-Wrap and Web-Wrap agreements. The contract is perfected with the consumer’s sole click.
  •  Legal insecurity in international contracts. Internet entails an increase in international contracts. This internationality scares the consumer because he does not know where the demand will have to file and does not know what right will be applied.


Online consumer rights are an adaptation of the basic rights of consumers such as:

  1. Right to know the identity of the company.
  2. informed of the identity and location of the company with which you are trading
  3. Right to clear, concise and updated information about the product or service
  4. Right to know shipping costs.
  5. Right not to facilitate personal data that is not necessary for transaction.
  6. Right to the protection of personal data.
  7. Right to use different means of payment and that these are safe.
  8. Right to receive personalized attention by alternative means to email.
  9. Right to receive the order within a maximum period of 30 days, unless the buyer and consumer have agreed a different term
  10. Right to compensation for non -compliance with the delivery period.
  11. Right to give up the purchase: consumers have the right to renounce the purchase within a period of fourteen days from the receipt of the product, taking charge of the return expenses.
  12. Right to repair or replace a damaged product.
  13. Right to be informed of the reception of commercial information.
  14. Right to be informed of the use of cookies.


Every consumer has basic protection rights in front of the merchant

  • Right to the protection of your health and safety: except for those who are regulated in normal and predictable conditions of use.
  • Right to the protection of their economic and social interests: the law establishes that the offer, promotion and advertising of the products must adjust to their nature and conditions.
  • Right to correct information: they must incorporate truthful, effective and sufficient information about their essential characteristics
  • Right to Education and Training in Consumer
  • Right to representation, consultation and participation: consumers have the right to become organizations to improve the defense of their interests.
  • Right to protection in situations of inferiority, subordination or helpless.
  • Right to compensation or repair of damages or losses suffered.


ICT) information and communication technologies, more and more evolve and develop, caused by social consumption and habits. The ease of information allows to have easy access to products and services knowing their respective characteristics and giving us better skills to select in improvement way, thus giving advantages to the consumer such as: saving time, better prices, greater differentiation of products, greater fanof products.

As in all types of commerce there are certain levels of buyers such as the social commerce, mainly in markets that bring together certain peculiarities, homogeneous products and services, requirement of technical knowledge.

This depends on the purchasing power of each individual, and that is where some communities or groups are created that give reference of some service or product that is being needed, this is one of the ways of having confidence to buy and see if it really meets theneeds that we are looking for, an example of them are mobile applications where comments and qualifications of them can generate trust.

Each of the companies or businesses that work through the Internet must be arranged every time to improve and meet certain demands of the new consumers that are increasingly due to the ease of accesses they have and in the times that are being born, it isFor them that are cataloged as digital natives, who will have the task of sending several expectations as needs.

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