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Texas leads in Greenhouse Gas Emissions for the U.S

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Texas Leads in Greenhouse Gas Emissions for the U.S
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Texas has been ranked the leading greenhouse gas emitter among the states that are under the administration of America. Therefore, this paper shall discuss the reasons that have led to the focus on why Texas has been ranked as the number one emitter of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases. This shall be in comparison to the other states that make up the United States of America. On the same note, the paper shall focus on the strategies that can be adopted to reduce the emissions of the greenhouse gases so as to improve the health conditions of the state of Texas and the overall union.
Texas is one of the states that are under the administration of America. The state has many coal-fired power plants and oil refineries. The state is also boarded with less populated states that use coal to produce electricity. This has made the state to be ranked highest among the states that contribute to greenhouse emissions in the United States of America. This has led to high pollution of the environment within the states of America and the globe at large.
Reasons why Texas Leads in Greenhouse Gas Emission for the U.S
Texas produces a large amount of greenhouse gases from its coal-burning plants and the oil refineries that are situated within the state (Wallace, Meckel, Carr, Treviño & Yang, 2013). This is because it highly depends on coal burning in the production of electricity that is essential for running its activities within the state.

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On the same note, the state government earns a lot of revenue from the coal-burning industries. This is through the taxes that the state receives from the plants. The administration of Texas argues that the USA shall lose trillion dollars in case the regulation on the emission of the gases is implemented. Therefore, this has made the state officials, including the governor to support the coal-burning industries. Hence, the officials who run the administration in Texas have become reluctant to regulate the emission of greenhouse gases. The Governor of Texas and his subordinates have gone ahead to challenge the administration of the Union that is led by President Barrack Obama in the Supreme Court over its major initiatives on the changes on the climate. This has made Texas to lead in greenhouse gas emissions in the USA due to the support that the industries receive from the state officials (Maroto-Valer, 2011). On the same note, the court challenges that have always been launched by the Texas administration have delayed the adoption of new environmental regulations by the state. This has made the industries continue to emit the greenhouse gases to the environment in large amounts.
The high population of Texas has added value to the greenhouse emission. This is because the high population produces carbon dioxide through breathing than any other state. The two greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and water vapour are produced by people when they exhale. On the same note, the state’s major consumers of energy include the chemical and refining processes. This is because they support the state’s extraction exertions of fossil fuel. They also have many energy-extensive activities in the USA. This has made Texas to be ranked the number one emitter of carbon dioxide in the USA.
Texas is boarded with less populated states like Dakota and Wyoming that burn coal to produce electricity to the nearby states. This has made Texas to receive greenhouse gases from these less populated states. Texas also receives energy from these less populated states that do contribute to its pollution levels (Holtz, Nance & Finley, 2001). Consequently, this has led to the increase in pollution levels in the state of Texas. Therefore, thus has made Texas to be labelled number one emitter of greenhouse gases in the United States of America. Texas officials have a hold that they can do nothing that is valuable to reduce the pollution levels since any decision that they may take will haunt its economic development.
Ways to Lessen Texas Emission of Greenhouse Gases
Texas can apply many ways to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases so as to make it be a healthier state. This can be done through the reduction of the demand for fossil fuels that shall in turn reduce global warming through the usage of energy in a wiser manner (Hileman, 2002). The citizens who occupy Texas should recycle, reduce and reuse their household waste. If the citizens buy products that have a minimal packaging will help to reduce wastes in the state. The state will save a large number of pounds of carbon dioxide by applying the recycling technique of the household wastes (Hileman, 2002). On the same note, Texas should develop a global carbon framework so as to reduce greenhouse gas and minimise carbon leakage. This will deliver a good environmental outcome in its long-term application. On the same note, Texas should improve energy efficiency so as to reduce greenhouse emissions. This shall help provide the adoption of new energy strategies and resource efficiency measures (Chowdhury, 2012). The application of global energy efficiency standards should be applied in Texas as one of its strategies to lessen the emissions of these gases to the environment. This can be through the consideration of chemical innovative initiatives.
Texas should develop and implement new technologies so as to help to stop, reverse and slow the greenhouse gas emissions. The significant role of chemistry merchandises should be applied in this particular strategy. On the same note, Texas should provide inducements through rewarding industries that have implemented and invested in technologies that assist in reducing the greenhouse gases (Chowdhury, 2012). The policies should apply basic cost measures so as to identify the strategies and technologies that they should reward and offer their support.
Chowdhury, G. (2012). How digital information services can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Online Information Review, 36(4), 489-506.
Hileman, B. (2002). How to Reduce Greenhouse Gases. Chemical & Engineering News, 80(21), 37-41.
Holtz, M., Nance, P., & Finley, R. (2001). Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions through CO2 EOR in Texas. Environ. Geosci., 8(1), 187-199.
Maroto-Valer, M. (2011). Why carbon capture and storage? Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol, 1(1), 3-4.
Wallace, K., Meckel, T., Carr, D., Treviño, R., & Yang, C. (2013). Regional CO 2 sequestration capacity assessment for the coastal and offshore Texas Miocene interval. Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol, 4(1), 53-65.

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