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The Cultural Impact Of The Digital Era

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The cultural impact of the digital era


Today it can be seen that the digital age is causing a terrible impact, since, thanks to technological advance, young people grow from an early age with a technological device in their hands. Digital culture no longer prohibits, as analogical, the proliferation of identities, but also making themMarket niches associated with certain identities (Lerner, 2013). As time goes by, families lose the identity of what today is home, because they are pending social networks with their technological devices.

The impact of technological progress today facilitates many functions such as online purchases, anyone in the world can contact through the network, either to offer products or services or simply meet new people. A clear example is digital marketing, which is a tool that facilitates companies to promote their products and thus see the needs of people today.

Thanks to globalization you can see enough technological advancement, since it implies that new generations grow with some technological device, thus creating a new lifestyle for future generations. Digital culture no longer prohibits the dissemination of identities, but the incitation becoming consumer vectors that commercialize their protective potential by capturing them within the logic of the market and industry, managing the needs and administering the differences to establish market niches associated withcertain identities.

Speaking of "digital change" it is a revolution, but rather it is an evolution, a contextualized change and determined by great transformations in the last century by the sectors dedicated to informative, communicative and cultural production.

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Seeing at the point of consolidating marketing logic in the functioning of different cultural industries, which results in a hegemonic reproduction of the most successful products, measured in strictly economic terms, and a growing acceleration of the rotation of the rotation ofAll cultural products (Fast-Sellers).

Today cultural industries face a new challenge characterized by transformations caused by the digital age. There are many questions about this process, the need to rethink the role that the various institutions develop in cultural policy planning arises.


Young people and digital culture

Today there has been an almost linear association between digital technologies (telephone, cell phone, internet and computers) and youth. Young are currently indicated as main protagonists of the digital era, who are the ones who face the challenge of being the object of specific public policies that promote their inclusion in the digital world, when their opportunities and appropriation capacities are very different according to theSocial, technological and cultural sector.

From the perspective of marketing products in the digital age, the adolescent consumer acquires great importance because he is seen as a potential client in the future. Market strategies point to the products that please young people and lifestyle they aspire to, thus capture customers as soon as possible and make adolescents choose certain brands to which they can remain faithful throughout their lives(Berrios, 2007). Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to instill some attitudes and behaviors of responsible consumption in all social sectors, but especially in adolescents, which allow themas autonomous, responsible and critical people. In a society in which young people wantvalue their needs and know the influence that the market and society exert on them, all this as a result of the digital age.

Technology in the digital era

New communication technologies are transforming education and enhancing teaching possibilities, which leads to thinking about the generation of new trends in pedagogical content. The integration of technologies is not a novel phenomenon in formal education, such as books, the board as its usefulness in classrooms. There are a large number of technological possibilities to transform the traditional representations of school knowledge into modes of expression to audiovisual and interactive languages.

Faced with a dominant speech about the digital era that praises the simplicity and elimination of intermediaries in favor of a direct and instant relationship, supply and demand enters, we observe, in some sectors, a notable elongation of the value chain, withnew marketing windows, and the presence of new intermediaries: ISP, portals and internet search engines, multiplex managers on digital radio and television, etc


It is possible to conclude that neither technology nor the market, by themselves, can guarantee balanced cultural industries in the digital era or reconcile the economic perspective with the creative and ideological diversity of a democratic society. This change is more a discontinuity than a break and combines with the processes of technological convergence and of dispersion of cultural identities at least in regard to communication technologies and the type of subjects of consumers and users of the same. Here is the need to have public policies that far from being guided by an economic and unilateral concept of culture and communication, verifiable today tend to create the necessary conditions to guarantee a dynamic and plural public space. You can insist on the idea that in the globalized world in which one lives it is impossible to live apart from technology, and therefore education can neither should even turn its back;Society is a media society that offers many opportunities to young people, and in which they have a lot to do and what to say. Therefore, it is the responsibility of families, educational institutions and administration to help them prepare and know how to function in it, understanding and training as free citizens. 

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