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“The forgotten Saga of Prison Ships” by Kenneth Jackson

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“The forgotten Saga of Prison Ships” by Kenneth Jackson, narrates a horrible chapter in America’s struggle for freedom from the Britain that happened in New York harbor. From 1776 through to 783, the British militaries conquering NY City utilized reckless warships to contain soldiers, and other individuals captured on land. Most of them disobeyed the British rule and refused to swear to pledge their allegiance to the British rule. Some 11,000 convicts died aboard the prison ships during the warfare, and several of them died from disease or starvation. Most of them were inmates who suffered inhuman torture.
In mid-1776, General William Howe arrived in New York with a large troop of 34,000 and a large fleet to negotiate for peace with the Americans. The negotiations failed, and Howe defeated George Washington’s rebel army. The war continued, and Howe, with several American prisoners, defeated Washington and American soldiers and were pushed out of the Island. Throughout their occupation, the British arrested many soldiers and individuals and were to join the Navy or go to prison. They used the ship as prisons and even ordered more to serve as the patriotic cause.
The prisoners became many, and the jails could not hold them all. They were housed on the abandoned warships at the shores in Wallabout Bay. The ships were congested with inhuman conditions where they never had food or water and abundant diseases. Old Jersey was a well-known prison ship, which would contain approximately 1000 prisoners.

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They referred to this place as “Hell” where more than 12 people would die daily from torture, hunger, and diseases. The Jersy remained the prison until the British surrendered and the war ended in 1783. Only 1,400 prisoners survived of the inmates in the whole prison ship fleet. Approximately, 11,000 men died on the ships between during that time. To honor the dead, by late 19th century, the first monument made at Hudson Avenue was not maintained and people forgot about it. A new monument was built at Fort Greene Park.
Q. 3
Benjamin Rush understands the American women as special partners to their husbands. He views them to be brilliant and can make a home perfect. They are mothers who would take care of their husbands and children, particularly the boy child. Rush decision rest on the fact that Christianity will make society more fun and structured that would make a family live happily. One the other hand, in 1776, Abigail writes to Adams, her husband advising him to include the ladies in drafting new laws for the new nation. She considered that the laws were not favoring the women and that should change. She argued that men despised women for a very long time and the new state should distinguish the women as capable and not just properties. Laws must be made to protect the women from uncontrolled power over them.
Similarly, Wollstonecraft supports women saying that they should be included in the activities of the society. Equality will create more meaningful families. She also urges women to pursue respect in the community zealously. All humans are equal. Women are particularly capable of achieving so many things. But this great character and the able brain has been destroyed due to the culture’s imprisonment. They have assigned minor duties like cooking, which waste their intellect. This has denied the women the chance to reason. Murray confirms that both sexes are equal and capable. She explains that the difference is the kind of education that boys and girls receive after birth. The kind of education they both receive influences their abilities in life. The education that most girls receive entails much of domestic work. Boys are encouraged to be ambitious and work hard to attain goals. She asserts that humans are by nature equal, but it is the tradition that creates the difference. She makes the readers understand the ideas of “equality of sexes,”
The four documents are common in that they all address the abolition of slavery, freedom and civil rights as compared to the American revolution. They all explained how slaves were oppressed and the reasons for their demand to end oppression.
The document, “The Right of Free Suffrage” mainly addresses freedom and slavery. The writer refers to slavery as the act of being governed by individuals they never chose. The writer believed that to assist individuals to abide by the system without their consent is to enslave them. On the other hand, the author defines freedom as the power to elect members of their government. The writer believes that the satisfaction free suffrage is the ultimate end. The author argues for individuals without any property to participate in elections. That poor people live a different life, had their personal liberty and they could be hurt in many ways by the government. Therefore, it is right for them to vote and elect their own representatives, and their protectors. For the writer, freedom will not have been attained if the poor are oppressed, and it is unjust not to include the poor in elections to choose their legislators in their land. Everyone who pays taxes must be given an equal claim to all rights, freedoms, and immunities.
The document, “Pennsylvania Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery” addresses abolition of slavery. It was challenging at that time and passing a law to stop slavery that was totally common was very difficult. Pennsylvania legislature received an act that requested a gradual abolition of slavery in a span of thirty years and was passed in 1780. Its application would have progressively freed slaves and offered the farm owners and slave owners enough time to adapt to the new law. It was the first law to free slaves. Some slave owners moved to court to fight against the law but never succeeded. Slowly, other states also adopted the act such as Massachusetts.
From the document, “Liberating Indentured Servants,” addresses how the servants needed equality during the American Revolution. And it was a concern the kinds of inequality. The indentured servants in New York wanted liberation. Since America had recognized the notion of liberty, the servants believed the idea was conflicting to their condition. They insisted that the nation needed equality, though it was demonstrated everywhere. This movement showed the difference between oppression and liberty and the economy among the North and South. Even though this incident was an influence to the rejection of indentured slavery, it died out in 1800.
The document, “The petition of Slaves to the Massachusetts Legislature” addresses the struggle of colonists’ against British control for equality and civil rights. The enslaved appealed against oppression and wanted freedom and Christian principles. These requests were tabled Massachusetts General Law Court and were compared to the American Revolution with liberty for the enslaved. The court passed many laws eradicating slavery claiming that men were born free. Slavery ended in Massachusetts and other states.
I think George Washington would have been an advocate of religious toleration since in matching his approval of religion; he had a great understanding of religion. Freedom tolerates any religion to implement a unique effect over people’s judgment. Religious freedom shapes traditions, supports virtues, and offers a self-governing source of ethical thinking and power. Writing to the Newport Hebrew worshipers, President Washington-based U. S religious and human rights in natural moralities, and not just toleration. George Washington was more than a president and a vital Cofounder of America. His arguments, judgments, and performances as a military leader, a Head of state, and a partisan leader make him possibly the best national leader in American history. All other presidents can get ideas from his decisions on foreign policies and be protecting the law.
Americans started a war against the British to protect and uphold the traditional human rights of Englishmen. The American Revolution was different from other social revolutions that occurred in China, France or Russia that abolish the institutional fundamentals of the traditional rights and give power to new social leaders. However, the American Revolution had significant consequences. The United States was formed and changed a noble society into a democracy. It also gave a new political meaning to the ordinary essentials of society such as traders, artisans, and farmers.
Participation in politics was low. Reputable merchandisers, rich attorneys, and large farmers would try to gain power and key political agencies during this important period of the American Revolution.
Q. 9
Noah Webster- Equality
Webster considered the equal distribution of property to be more important than other rights. He believes that land is a very valuable property for people to live and appreciate their privileges. He trusts that since the republican societies in the America will survive for a long time because they possess much land. For him, a population that has enough property is the basis supporting a liberal society. For Webster, owning a property and being educated are paramount for a society and without them will lead to a terrible situation that would intimidate the culture of the nation.
Part IV
Charter of Civil liberties by William Penn says that amidst of freedoms, the freedom to worship is very significant and man cannot be happy without this freedom. The freedom of religion allows people to understand themselves better. Finding the inner self will help individuals resolve their internal conflict. Penn mentions to the civil liberties of the freeborn individuals in England to form a model of equal opportunity in the Charter. Penn anticipated a society that allowed the freedom of worship, the agreement and the contribution of the citizens, and other rules concerning the rights to owning property. The Charter of Civil Liberties accepted the power of the King and Congress over the society, though forming a local administration that would recommend and implement the constitution. Penn evidently says the duties the voters have in choosing worthy aspirant to rule. On the other hand, the essay on limited Monarchy and Liberty talks about democracy. Refers to the freedom of states as one that allows people to give their opinions, freely speak on matters regarding the state, and religion.
Part V
The main focus and theme of Samuel Sewall’s essay are biblical and ethical opinions against oppression. His material was the first to be published in fighting slavery in New England. The article condemns oppression and the slave traffic in America and provides controversies contrary to all features of oppression. Sewall fights against the buying and forcefully capturing of slaves and judges his act a terrible crime. He confirms his opinions by using verses from the Bible. On the other hand, the Bacon’s essay is mainly about the complaints of Rebels. The rebels are in conflict with the natives. Complaints are that the native are infringing on their lands, where they intend to farm. They are also complaining about the high taxes they are paying but no returns, making their lives difficult. The natives are suffering and have no future in the new America civilization.
Part VI
Boucher’s argues in his essay that being loyal to the administration is very essential, particularly for the Christian community. He believes that God forms the government that when Christian opposes the administration, by extension they have automatically opposed God’s will. Boucher does not believe in the opinions of a supporter of independence, saying that freedom is the choice of doing everything right but intimidated by doing a wrong thing. As a result, freedom is limited. This essay is mainly about the associations expressing their opinions that America does not need to be enslaved. They believed that the Stamp Act was enacted to experiment their supremacy over colonist and collect money unfairly from them. They believe that there is a significant correlation between freedom and property, in that when the administration attempts to take over one’s property, then it is his or her freedom that is being controlled.

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