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The Human Being As Natural Being

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Human beings for a natural tendency usually relate to others, we lack instincts (since if we had them we would be tied to the environment where we were born. However, we have been able to generate an independent world to the animal through culture) and that is why we require a long learning period to be able to be autonomous and self-assessment by themselves.

It is enough to review our social structure which has been in constant development since man began to live in community and it is the culture that has allowed us this;The possession of language, the use of symbols that allow the representation of the world, etc.

It is here that morality plays a fundamental role since it conditions our behavior in this happy society where sometimes we become moral judges punishing or judging the redundancy of the acts of others as Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez (1969), ‘points out,’, ‘The statements about the goodness or evil of acts performed, as well as with respect to the preference of a possible action with respect to others, or on the duty or obligation to behave in a certain way, adjusting the conduct to a certain norm or rule of action,They are expressed in the form of judgments ”and that these judgments will not always coincide among the participants since it is here that we must be respectful regarding the opinion or action of the other.

But how does this moral act arise in the human being?

According to the philosopher David Hume, morality is part of us and considers it as part of our own humanity “we have an original feeling of benevolence or humanity that develops or corrects thanks to imagination and reasoning.

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Therefore it would not be incorrect to affirm that we have “moral” since we are born what we will consider as natural skills, according to the psychology professor Yale Paul Bloom where through a series of experiments test as some aspects of morality are naturallyIn us, from childhood and where we would include the following aspects:

  1. The power to distinguish between friendly and those that we can consider cruel, "a moral sense"
  2. The ability to suffer from the pain and penalty of those around us and therefore the desire that this pain is vanished, "empathy and compassion"
  3. A certain tendency to favor the distribution of resources, "rudimentary feeling of equity"
  4. A rudimentary sense of justice, a desire to see reward for good actions and punished the bad.


That said we can affirm that not all oral bases are acquired by learning, but that they are thanks to the biological evolution itself, that is why I agree with the vision of morality that the philosopher Adam Smith possesses, although he considered the manas a selfish being who always seeks the benefit itself but also considered that we are interested in the feeling of others was a beneficial element for our happiness. Happiness, Smith thinks, cannot be achieved without virtue. And the main virtue, for him, is temperance or self-control.

“As selfish that man can be assumed, there are obviously in its nature some principles that make it interested in the fate of others, and make their happiness necessary, although it does not derive from it anything more than pleasureto contemplate it. Such is the case of pity or compassion, the emotion we feel at the misfortune of others when we see it or when they make it conceive in a very vivid way. The one that we feel sorry for the sorrows of others is a matter of fact so obvious that it does not require any demonstration, because this feeling, like all the other original passions of human nature, is not disturbed at all to the most virtuous and humanitarian people, although they may experience it with a deeper sensitivity. But it is not devoid of him totally or the greatest evildoer or the most brutal violator of the laws of society ”(Adam Smith)

But not everything can be acquired from our own biological evolution and that is that morality is not just that if not that also requires learning, the teaching of others, of personal experience that help us "work" our morals for this is pertinent Also pointing to Platon who I dedicate much of his life to understand politics very well without even participating fully in it as well as the teaching of morals, since in education he sees a possibility of directing people’s soul towards people towards The right thing and consequently would affect the "polis" because its inhabitants would be moral beings, Plato is considered a moral educator who emphasized to achieve his moral work and teach others, that is why he founded Academy (the role of educational institutions is not exhausted by the way in the processes of transmission of culture values, but play an important role in this field, thus creating a narrow relationship ón between education, culture and moral development) where better people were dedicated to forge through dialogue and to create universal values ​​which are then valid for the individual and for the community. According to Plato, there is something that is "the truth about how we have to live", and the human intellect knows her when she gets the knowledge of the perfect, immutable and immaterial ideas. Only who achieves this knowledge will have the right qualification to direct the political and moral organization of society, here we find that the ideal state will be what is governed by moral men who love wisdom and in turn virtuous.

Is it possible to really form moral subjects and capable of autonomy?

In this order of ideas it is clear that development is not done in a vacuum but as an learning in the context of norms and customs of a given society and this idea is compatible with that of universal values to which we should all comply;Education can make the development of the moral provisions of which it is educated favorable, but ultimately it depends on it to promote its promotion and development under the development of one’s own will, in the same way it is illogical and contradictory to impose the autonomy of the other andthat this must arise from the subject as an idea of getting rid of the protection of the other.

We can expect from education that guides the educated to make use of their own reason, either in the moral sphere itself as in any other type of activity and thus encourage the self-sufficiency and responsibility of the individual, promoting the improvement of talentsand of the moral potential of each being under the precepts of the responsible use of freedom and that is that the philosopher Kant does not ignore the basic role that these types of institutions play if not agree with them “man is destined, for his reason, to be in a society with men and in it, and through arts and scienceGood life that he calls happiness, and to actively become, in struggle with the obstacles that the rude of his nature, worthy of humanity. The man has, then, to be educated for good… ”(Immanuel Kant)

This is how we must be able to strive to achieve moral perfection, since, it is impossible to achieve this objective in our short step through the world, so we must cultivate virtue taking into account that sooner than early we will have as an obligation thatAssume important responsibilities that will require moral knowledge extended to be carried out with fullness and in the best possible way.

We have managed to contemplate the role of morality in life to be human beings and how it affects our decisions and societies in which man has had to develop playing a very important role and that many have dedicated themselves to studying,It should be said that certainly the human being is moral by nature and that thanks to this he manages to experience and learn to develop according to his environment and culture.

In addition, a host of moral codes has been applied throughout history, adapted to the needs of their respective communities. However, in an increasingly globalized and multicultural world these universal codes that Platon spoke and these should be promoted by education to individuals are necessary.

"Man was destined for society. His morality should therefore adapt to such objective. He was endowed with a sense of good and the badly related to it. This sense is part of its nature as well as the sense of the ear, that of sight and that of touch;It is the true foundation of morality, […] moral sense or awareness is part of a man as much as his leg or arm. It is granted to all human beings to a greater or lesser degree, such as any specific member of the body may be stronger or weaker. It can be strengthened by exercise, like any particular member of the body ”(Jefferson, 2014)

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