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The impact of happier employees

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The Impact of Happier Employees
Institutional Affiliation
Professional certification in an organization is the process by which an employee goes through training on their field of work, and he or she receives a certificate (Oswald & Proto, 2014). Employees gain skills, knowledge, and experiences in their field of work. The certificate is obtained by passing an exam that tests the understanding of the skills. In the perspective of a middle-level manager in our organization, I see professional certification as a vital element in our success. If our employees get professional certification, it will motivate them and boost our group’s success.
Connections between Professional Certification and Employees’ Motivation
Professional certification makes employees feel being valued by the organization. Helping employees gain more skills in their career shows that the organization is interested in changing them to the best. Workers become happy in working in enterprises that heightens their working skills to higher levels. This contribution motivates employees and boosts productivity.
Certified employees are motivated to improve the quality of their products. After learning new skills employees are always eager to put them into practice. This kind of internal motivation arises after training. Employees’ confidence is boosted and works on producing high-quality goods.
Trained employees are motivated to stay and work within their current organization for long. Workers are in a good position to operate systems and programs even when that sector changes.

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Skilled people become experts in their jobs, and they deliver the best. They adapt to organizations systems and are fit in the organization structure.
Certification promotes fairness during employee’s promotion which increases motivation. It becomes difficult to promote employees in case there is no merit considered. More training gives a good basis for promotion. When followers learn that promotion is on a fair basis, they are contented and motivated to do what is right. They yearn for more training, and this stretches their skill improving productivity.
Examples of Professional Certifications
The different examples of professional certifications our organization may opt to give to our employees fall under the following types of professional certification.
Corporate or internal certification – here the organization gives an internal training to the employees and then awards them certificates. This form of training becomes only valid at that organization. This certification is, therefore, not valid in other organizations. An example of this certification in our organization is when our organization decides to perform periodical short training programs to enhance our employees’ skills further.
Product specific certification – This is a form of practice where workers are trained on more advanced skills on how to use a specific product. This certificate runs across the organization for that specific product. A good example of this certificate is given in certain software. In our organization, we can give training on the use of a universal system that is used even by the other organizations.
Professional wide certification – This is the most basic type of certification. It is offered by certain specialists and is portable from one organization to another. Examples include Certified Public Accountant, A+ in basic computer installations, CFP for financial planners.
Calculating Cost Associated with the Professional Certification
In our organization, the cost of professional certification will depend on the type of training we will opt to give our employees. This cost will be calculated as follows.
Total yearly salary budget × 3% = Total training budget.
This budget will ensure that our organization is strategically committed to the development of our employees’ skills.
The total training budget should account for each employees training in this way,
Industry-specific per employee × FTEs = Total training budget.
Where FTEs is Full-Time Equivalents
Explanation of How the Four Functions Approach Will Be Used to Plan, Organize, Lead and Control This Effort
As a middle-level manager, I will determine the need that requires training. The employees will assist me in doing this. I will set the goals and objectives of this training which will assist in coming up with the most effective training.
With the assistance of our upper-level managers, we will isolate the resources required for the training and prepare the training schedule.
I will communicate the need for training to the employees. I will spend time connecting with employees.
Together with the upper management we will assess the employees training program and evaluate the measure of the results. We will check at how effective the training is.
Impact of Happier EmployeesHappy employees are more innovative and creative since they have peace of mind and enjoy working. Creativity adds to the organization’s success. Happy employees are good at providing better customer services. An organization always aims at customer satisfaction in order to make more profits.
Employees’ happiness promotes high accuracy and enhanced analytical abilities. Joy in workers is a sign of a good peace of mind and soberness. Less stress in employees promotes better skill and high exposition of talents. This increases the quality of work and hence more value from the customers. Happy employees do not even complain when handling adversity.
Happy employees provide better services because they work with high motives (Isen & Baron, 1991). These workers have long stayed in the organization, and this reduces the high turnovers decreasing organization stress of always replacing workers. Satisfied and glad employees take fewer leaves because they enjoy being in the workplace which reduces company loses during such times.

Isen, A.M & Baron, R.A (1991).A Positive effect in organizations. L.cummings & B. Straw Eds. Research organization Behaviour: Greenwich, CT: JAI, 1-52
Oswald, AJ, Proto, E &Sgroi, D. (2014). Happiness and Productivity. University of SSWarwick. Available from http://

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