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The moral status of the fetus in abortion

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The moral status of the fetus in abortion

The moral status of the fetus in abortion
Part 1A
Issues surrounding the fetus and abortion have been debated in the past, with more emphasis placed on the validity of the subject. It is a contentious issue which has ethical principles attached to it hence its important in the modern world. This topic matters a lot in the contemporary society because the fetus status has had controversial view points from both doctors and philosophers. Doctors have been divided on the issue and most of them view the worth status of the fetus as being vital before a human being is born (Giubilini & Minerva, 2013). Christians on the other hand, view the fetus as life that is being generated hence the need to preserve it to maturity. For them, there is a need to have respect and justice for all fetuses because they are at the point where they are developing into being something after some period.
All these issues not only make the topic important but also provide some insights which need some more discussion and literature. The topic on matters because it clearly presents various conflicting issues which need to be understood and clarified for purposes of coming up with a common consensus which can be used both in research and also in the medical field where the idea is usually centered. The two main points that often get more attention include the idea of whether the fetus is a being and the idea of abortion during this stage. The topic requires more attention to making both those in the medical field and the people in general to understand the idea of a fetus and its importance as a stage of human growth.

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Part 1B
The status of the fetus has become an important topic which has not only brought about controversies but has also made many people differ in their opinions. This is a stage which often leads to human beings, but most people contend that it is only part of growth and not a human being hence eliminating it has not issued. When people decide to eliminate such a stage, abortion takes place, and the end of the process is reached. Women have options when they are pregnant where most of them decide to abort because they cannot enter into the parenting process. This is usually a hard task for most people because of the economic position they find themselves and many other issues like planning to continue with education or career. Advancements in such areas can be critical for human beings because they are usually left with minimal options of taking care of their children, a task that is both demanding physically and emotionally.
The issue of abortion has become a controversial topic as most people do not agree on the validity of the unborn. For some, the fetus is not human hence eliminating it has no moral obligation, while others view it as a person who should be looked after till maturity. Individuals who are under the age of 18years usually require the permission of their parents to undergo the operation, while in other regions a judge is given the mandate of making such a decision. The issue has become vital in the society as most people do not understand that there are legal and moral issues that are usually attached to abortion.
As much as it can be seen as being morally wrong or right ethically, there are also other legal issues that are often attached to the issues surrounding abortion. The killing of an innocent soul or development is seen as being wrong, while it can be right when other conditions prevail. The issues of morality come in because of the nature of the unborn, as it deserves respect as it is growing towards maturity. Legally, it is also seen a crime to kill, while the idea of whether the unborn is a human being is currently under discussion by most people and organizations around the globe. Those that contend that the unborn is a human being see it as a crime to kill during an abortion, a process they want to be abolished, albeit under different circumstances.
Part 2 A
The life that is developing in the womb should be protected at all costs so that it reaches its maturity time. Those that are for abortion do not adhere to the principle of life which should always be guarded. Life is an important component which people should consider before deciding to perform an abortion. Morally, it is wrong to terminate a pregnancy before it matures due to the pain encountered and moral obligation of life. Those that terminate the fetus should understand that the unborn has a moral obligation to live, and they ought to be given an opportunity to grow so that they can be able to make their decisions. A fetus is usually seen as a part or process of growth which is not fully human, hence the increasing number of abortion around the globe. The fetus should always be considered as being a baby even if it’s not viable, because of the continual process of growth after some time (Porter, 2013).
Part 2 B
The fetus is considered as being as a person because of the continual growth that often takes place in the womb of a mother. The Bible strongly disagrees with the idea of eliminating the fetus from the womb because it is seen as being murder. Christians offer no exceptions on the issue and most of them often see the acts of abortion as conflicting when following biblical principles.
Further, people should understand that life often begins from conception, giving life a particular stage that is after birth should be considered as being irrational. It is vital to note that machines usually become whole from parts, but this is usually different when considering human beings. People become alive as a whole, and they deem to exist immediately after conception. When life starts, it never requires any regeneration except for oxygen and diet, which often completes the cycle till death.
Also, man has a responsibility of taking care of life, and this often begins with self and extends to other living creatures. When terminating a pregnancy, life usually stops, and this contradicts with the principle of life preservation by human beings. It is also true that terminating the fetus is morally wrong because of the dangers that can be caused to the mother, even with the increasing technological advancements in the medical field. Most studies indicate that breast cancer is mostly associated with abortion, an act that is usually not regulated. Different regions have their standards and regulations on the process, but most of them do not follow after them because of the processes involved.
Lastly, it should be noted that the heart of the baby usually becomes operational after 20 days, and by the 40th day, the brain starts to function. This is the fact that should always be considered before terminating the fetus, and in the determination of life. It is also vital to note that babies are capable of surviving outside the womb after 21 weeks, and by the 14 weeks they are usually sensitive to pain except the head and back of the body. The embryo should always be considered as a being, and terminating it should be known to be morally wrong.
Part 2 C
It should always be understood that killing others is wrong, and people have the right to live and make their judgments. Evidence indicates that the fetus is part and parcel of growth hence morally wrong to terminate it before it matures. This is, therefore, an innocent human being who is actually under growth and should be given the opportunity and respect it deserves until it’s born.
Being a code of genetics, the fetus should be considered as being a unique human being who not only should be accorded respect but love and care. Potential life should not be destroyed but always nurtured to ensure full growth. It is wrong to destroy the fetus during an abortion because that is already life which is growing in the womb. It should be understood that killing a fellow human being is wrong and should be punishable by law. Legally, individuals need to be given the opportunity to live and enjoy life even when they are not fully grown.

Giubilini, A., & Minerva, F. (2013). After-birth abortion: why should the baby live? Journal of medical ethics, 39(5), 261-3.
Porter, L. (2013). Abortion, infanticide and moral context. Journal of medical ethics, 39(5), 350-2.

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