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The Raven

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The raven
The poem of The Raven who was born on January 19, 1809 narrates the ordeals with a character who is struggling to cope with the realities of the present following the loss of a loved one. As it commences Poe describes how the day was in his hometown Maryland in his anticipation of a guest who is not there in the first place. As described, the person is likely to be Virginia Clem, her wife (Meltzer 2). Following his comments on the realization that the guest was not there and the sounds were just imaginary, one comes to learn that the author is nostalgic of the past; hence the motivation in describing his tribulations with life. He also has the fear of death besides being anxious about the unknown. His intention in narrating the ordeals is to share his experiences with the rest about the tragic developments that followed the demise of Lenore (Meltzer 3). This is affirmed by the statement “from my books surcease the sorrow- sorrow for the lost one”, Lenore.
The selection of a saddening theme is also a way with which the author relives his frustrations; thus freeing his soul from bitterness. He also intends to reveal to the audiences the circumstances in life that can lead one into frustrations such as the demise of a loved one. Another reason for the composition of the piece that manifest in the reading is that the author is hopeless about the future. He has the feeling that the past was more promising, unlike the present times. This explains why he uses terms such as “the rustling curtains frightened me”.

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He only imagines of nonexistence sounds that rekindle his memories about the enticing past. As the narration proceeds, the compelling issue that comes out in the second stanza is that the narrator believes that human actions are consequential. He affirms this by citing a raven that he believe brought bad luck after its encounters with persons who failed to heed to Gods command.
After reading the eight stanzas of the poem, one gets the impression that the desire to create an entertaining piece was also the motivation behind the composition of the poem. Had such not been the case, the poet could not have ended each stanza with a rhyme. Poe is also fighting boredom in opting to compose the poem. According to the description in the first stanza, the main character is fighting boredom by opting to read a book. He is equally delusional about life hence the reason he cannot even fathom whether he is dreaming on encountering a real event in life. The objective of conveying a message that will persuade audiences to sympathize with people suffering due to the loss of their loved one also motivated the composition of the poem. In his case, the goal is encouraging people to acknowledge the role of Lenore in his life.

The motivation of the author
One of the notable motivators that might have compelled the author to write the piece was the urge to share an experience that people face in times of grief. The author intended to employ literary tactics in the conveyance of a message that will evoke critical thinking about a different situation. For instance, he employs sarcasm by describing a bird as dumb yet he selects it as the object for delivering a crucial message to the bereaved in the poem. Another motivation that could have influenced the author in the creation of the article is the desire to utilize numerous stylistic devices in the conveyance of his messages to audiences. When using alteration, the author intends to create emphasis about the situation on the month of December thus sharing his experiences with the rest in the form of writing. His anticipation is that the conveyance of the message will inspire people into actions that help improve the society in many ways. As a result, the improvement will have resulted in the accomplishment of the author’s objectives that include inspiring people to share the experiences with the rest of humanity.
Likewise, the author was motivated by the need to express her situation to enable the masses sympathize with him, and forgive him for his debts and misgivings. As noted by Meyers (28), the author grappled with financial situations that made his life frustrating. He lived an extravagant that lead him to massive debts of which he was unable to settle. The author kept promising to reform but he failed to do so.

The author is equally using the opportunity to exploit his potential in writing. He had a hobby in composing literacy articles and such is expressed when he relies heavily on the use of symbolism in the description. In using the bird, for instance, the author expresses naivety of humanity indirectly. In addition to being philosophical, he writes the poem in reverse. As noted, one can read it backward when seeking to conceptualize the whole meaning of the story (Meyers 213). The method comes out as interesting since the meaning of the poem comes out as never ending. For that reason, one cannot conclude objectively that the author’s troubles will cease. When he uses terms such as “never-ending” in the description of a situation, he puzzles audiences since he does not provide a concrete solution to the situation faced the bereaved. Instead, he only focuses on the negative of the bird by exposing its ignorance. Another literary element that makes the article more of a descriptive writing is the use of symbolism in expressing fear. The objective of the author is enticing audiences into reading his works.
Lastly, the infusion of a combination of techniques facilitates the accomplishment of several objectives of the author and one of them is arousing the curiosity of audiences to read the poem. Another motivator that manifest in the reading is the urge to compose an entertaining piece and the goal to inspire human beings into different actions. In addition to evoking the emotions of audiences, the author uses the opportunity to exploit his potential in writing. This is seen when he uses the title Raven symbolically in describing himself in an attempt to seek sympathy with the audiences. Given that Raven is creatures of the universe that survive barely on less food, the author opts to sympathize with the bird in an attempt to satirize a situation that people faces when confronted by death.

Works Cited
Meyers, Jeffrey. Edgar Allan Poe: His Life and Legacy. New York: Cooper Square Press, 2000. Print
Meltzer, Milton. Edgar Allan Poe: A Biography. Brookfield, Conn: Twenty-First Century Books, 2003. Print.

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