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This paper is an assessment of the big five traits associated with the successful manager. It includes a critique of the five traits by using my current manager as a case study. The first part of the paper looks at the trait of surgency by focusing on traits such as dominance, extraversion, and high energy with determination. The second part of the paper examines the agreeableness where the manager’s qualities of self-awareness and self-management are assessed. Additionally, the paper also looks at the traits of adjustment, conscientiousness and openness. In general, the assessment has shown that my current manager’s success can be traced to the way in which he combines these qualities to give the employees advice. The last section of the paper is a reflection on how I can improve my skills by learning from my manager as well as colleagues. In general, through this paper, I have realized the areas of weakness that I need to improve.
Think Jot Share
The trait of dominance is so important for managers to possess. Through this trait, a manager can take charge of the various activities. Managers who are dominant lead by example as they serve as role models for other employees. For example, if a dominant manager wants to bring about change, they have to lead other employees in ensuring that this goal is realized. Moreover, dominance is also an important trait as it gives the leaders self-confidence which enables them to make tough decisions.

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Additionally, self-confidence also ensures that a manager leads their team with authority and responsibility. Furthermore, dominance is also important as it ensures that managers develop employees. Indeed, when employees realize that their managers are self-confident, they will often seek guidance and the manager will provide helpful feedback. In general, managers should have the trait of dominance as it helps them perform their jobs better.
In my current workplace, I believe that the manager has surgency traits such as dominance and high energy. For example, the manager has a strong dominance when it comes to making decisions such as promotion and demotion; the manager will outline to ensure that the employees understand what is required. Additionally, as for extraversion, the manager is always on the forefront by leading employees perform several functions. The energy and determination of my current manager also ensure that we set goals and work towards realization.
Moreover, the manager also has agreeableness traits of the effective leader. The manager enjoys social relationships will all the employees of the organization. For example, I find that the manager tries to interact with the employees on a personal level by asking them about their life and what they enjoy about work. Furthermore, the manager also tries to know which department every employee works in so that he can give them constructive feedback. The manager also has emotional intelligence through self-awareness, social awareness and self-management. For example, the manager does not let his emotions affect his decision-making process. For instance, there is one occasion where the manager decided that some employees were not performing to the required standards hence they had to be placed on probation. However, this resulted in disagreements where the manager received abusive texts, but through self-management, he was able to control his emotions. In essence, emotional intelligence is significant for managers when performing their day to day functions.
Regarding emotional adjustment, the manager is often in control of his emotions and he is also self-confident. According to Glisson, Dulmus and Sowers (2012), emotional stability ensures collaboration and positive outcomes within a group. For example, there was an occasion where the organization was facing a crisis and this necessitated the response. The media was covering the crisis on a daily occasion and the manager could give updates on the situation. During these interviews, some journalists asked very tough questions but the manager was very stable and tried to answer the questions objectively. The manager has exhibited this kind of emotional intelligence on several occasions, and this has ensured he succeeds.
Furthermore, the manager has also exhibited the traits of integrity and dependability. Regarding integrity, the manager practices ethical decision-making in every activity he does. For example, the decisions the manager makes revolve around issues of resource allocation and this necessitates the need for integrity. The other trait that the manager has is dependability. For example, the manager tries as much as possible to help the employees during work activities and also provide guidance.
Lastly, the manager has also exhibited the openness-to-experience personality dimension. Firstly, there is the trait of flexibility whereby the manager finds it easier to adjust when faced with different situations. For example, the way in which he deals with employees he finds a way adjust his schedule to address any concerns raised. Moreover, the manager’s flexibility can also be said to be the reason for his creativity as he listens to different viewpoints before making a decision. Additionally, the manager also possesses intelligence through his strong interpersonal and leadership skills. One of the specific situations that the manager has displayed a locus of control is during occasions where he reminds employees that the performance of the organization can only be achieved if they all put an effort.
In my estimation, I believe that I can improve my leadership skills by understanding my manager and colleagues’ personalities. For example, through my manager, I now understand how to handle different situations in the workplace without losing objectivity. Additionally, the other way I can improve my skills is that I have to maintain emotional stability if I want to become a better leader. Further, I can also improve my leadership skills by maintaining integrity in all activities that I perform. What is more, I am also ready to assist my colleagues in their activities as a way of developing my dependability skills. Lastly, I have also learned from my manager on the importance of self-confidence when improving one’s skills as a leader.

Glisson, C. A., Dulmus, C. N., & Sowers, K. M. (2012). Social work practice with groups, communities, and organizations: Evidence-based assessments and interventions. John Wiley & Sons.

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