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Leadership skills refer to the competent abilities portrayed by a leader in his performance. These skills give the leaders a mandate to influence others and successfully play their role. Leadership skills have three categories which include interpersonal, administrative, and conceptual skills. Managerial skills are fundamentally required in a leader; they include the ability of an individual to manage people, resources, as well as technical competence. Interpersonal skills involve how a leader relate to others it entails of emotional intelligence, ability to handle conflict, and socially perceptive. On the other hand, conceptual skills describe how well a leader can work with ideas, and it involves thinking. These skills include problem-solving, vision creation, and strategic planning. This paper will evaluate the type of leadership skills portrayed by the former Twitter CEO Evan Williams and indicate his areas of strengths and weaknesses.
Keywords: Leadership skills, Decision-making, Managing Conflicts, Socially perceptive.

Administrative skills Answer
Managing people Poor
Managing resources Average
Showing technical competence Very good
Comment Based on the information given by the article, Mr. Williams portrays have poor skills in managing people because, in his previous working experience, one of his partners indicated that Mr. Williams had a weakness in taking care of the people who helped him earn his success.

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It can also be explained by his inability to make quick decisions regarding his colleagues and their suitable positions. He also possesses average skills in managing resources, which has helped Twitter maintain its place in the social media industry. In addition to that, he also portrays a strong technical competence, which explains why he stepped down from being the CEO to a position that will allow him to focus on the product development (Miller, 2018).
Interpersonal Skills Answer
Socially perceptive Poor
Showing emotional intelligence Average
Managing conflict Weak
Comment Mr. Williams is not socially perceptive because he does not put into consideration things that could lead to dissatisfaction among his employees. For instance, his act of stepping down as being the CEO as well as his failure to consult the employees when making critical decisions. For example, when working with blogger Mr. Williams fired his employees due to lack of capital without doing any consultations. This also indicates that his poor at managing conflicts, also attributed by his inability to make the final decision (Miller, 2018).
Question 2
Mr. Williams leadership shows his role as an informational leader than an interpersonal or decisional managerial leader because he actively focuses on bringing information to the company that will facilitate the growth of their product. As mentioned by one of his colleagues, Mr. Williams does not say much, but with his short speech, people listen attentively to what he has in mind. Thus, this shows that Mr. William is an influential leader who can play a significant part in bringing pleasant change to the company (Miller, 2018). He is also full of innovative ideas and always wishes to see people do things in the right way.
Question 3
The main strengths portrayed by Mr. Williams include his ability to learn from others as well as from his mistakes. In the article, Mr. Williams pointed out that, his past failure enabled him to acquire the skills of working as a team. As a leader, this is an essential aspect because one knows when to listen and when action needs to be taken. Additionally, Mr. Williams walks the walk; this means that he leads by being an example to his employees. For instance, his technical competence gives him the mandate to show people what is expected of them to improve their product (Miller, 2018). However, the primary weakness demonstrated by this leader is his inability to make a final decision which may be unhealthy for the company, especially where instant choices are needed.
Question 4
As a coach, my advice for Mr. Williams is that he should work on improving his interpersonal skills; this will entail thorough research on how to become socially perceptive to avoid leaving a dissatisfied audience. He should also learn how to manage conflicts in the workplace which can be made possible by improving his decision-making skills. Consequently, he should openly share with his employees and partners regarding pressing issues (Miller, 2018). This way, he will learn how to come up with practical and satisfying decisions within the appropriate time.
Question 5
To become a socially perceptive leader I should have awareness and insight of what motivate others, what is of importance to them, how they are likely to react in case changes, and the problems they are facing. This will help me know how my ideas will fit with other peoples’ ideas without leaving any party dissatisfied.

Miller, C. (2018). Why Evan Williams of Twitter Demoted Himself. Retrieved from

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