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Tourism And Religious Conflict

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Tourism and religious conflict


Tourism is one of the greatest generators of economic and cultural development where it is practiced, this is because people from other places sharing their cultures and investing in the tourist destination that visits. From these two issues, our central problems derive, which is based on detecting what are the main reasons for people to perform religious tourism in Guadalajara de Buga, and investigating what influence the cultural heritage has in Buga.

 Now the identity of religious tourism is being lost, since some people attend those places with the aim of just taking pictures of these architectures, but they do not give the opportunity or are not interested in the history of that site, but given This is not bad, because it is still good for the economy of that city, but how to motivate people to learn more about their religious history and the heritage that it possesses? Travel agencies and public entities should make more advertising and describe the site more motivating people who are not believers to do religious tourism. Similarly, we will raise new tourism promotion measures for Buga.

To start this work and what we want to raise, we will first make known what cultural heritage in Colombia is, and what is religious tourism. They are two basic definitions that we must take into account before reading the investigation. When we refer to the term heritage, we talk about an inheritance that our ancestors left us, whether tangible and intangible goods to continue with the legacy of our history.

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Culture can be defined as a set of traditions, customs, ideals that characterize us as a society. Therefore, cultural heritage is the material and immaterial goods that create a link with the place where we are. Religious tourism is a kind of tourism that is based on the displacement of people whose greatest motivation is faith; Although we are often like that, some people do this kind of tourism interested in knowing religion or its representative infrastructure.


The use of the word heritage covers many axes, both economic and material, referring to the goods, objects, values ​​or customs of a person or economy. They are not considered as immediate consumer goods, since it seeks to accumulate successively their wealth, building and maintaining over time. Therefore, this is a set of people’s result on their economic activities, which helps their capital and the goods received by inheritance. We can conclude that assets are a set of goods that are intended from generation to generation, as a class of inheritance that constitutes the material foundation of other generations. 

” The exploration of the heritage has evolved from monumental objects and architecture towards broader and more inclusive visions and has stopped focusing exclusively on the internal meaning of objects, to take care of the production process, social circulation and meanings that different actors attribute to the patrimonial. This new definition departs from the traditional heritage logic based on the extraordinary, the heritage is defined as “everything that is socially considered worthy of conservation, regardless of its utilitarian interest” ‘’ ’. 


The concept of culture has taken many transformations, so much that it has been reached as a final decision raised by the United Nations Educational, Science and Culture Organization in 1982, which was also taken by the General Law of Colombian Culture of 1997, culture raises as a set of material and spiritual, intellectual and affective features that characterize a society or social group, covering aspects such as art, literature, values, traditions, beliefs. 

 Cultural heritage 

Cultural heritage is what we as a society receive through an inheritance that has been built over time, which has helped to promote the growth of society that has passed from generation to generation, improving the relationships between these societies and living conditions of these. Cultural heritage has a footprint that our ancestors have left it over time to different generations, gradually building an identity for society. 

Law 1185 of 2008, in its article 1.º, which modifies article 4.º of Law 397 of 1997, defines cultural heritage as everything that manifests itself as Colombian nationality, such as: the Castilian language, indigenous ethnic groups, black race, traditions, ancestral knowledge, cultural landscape; as well as the movable property in which literature, works of art, architectures, monuments, museums, urban, etc. 

Law 397 of 1997, recognizes the assets of cultural interest such as: “ They are property of cultural interest of the national level those declared as such by law, the Ministry of Culture or the General Archive of the Nation, in its competence, because of the special interest that the good magazine for the community throughout the national territory. In order for a natural or legal person to want to make a statement of a good as a BIC, it must fill out the data contemplated in Resolution 983 of May 20, 2010 are:

  • Natural person: Name and ID
  • Legal Person: must present the company name, the ID, the Certificate of the Chamber of Commerce with an expedition date not exceeding two months.
  • Location data: the address where. If he lives outside the country he must be of Colombian nationality.
  • In what quality acts: manifestation of a person interested in a good. In case of being sent on behalf of a group, a power must be accredited, or the application must be signed by the group with their personal data.
  • This must argue the interests, if it is particular or general.

Information from the property or urban group

  • Identification: Expose the name with which the urban group is known
  • Location: to say in which department and municipality is located, and publicize its address.
  • A general description of its physical characteristics, its history and conservation status must be made
  • Color photographs must be attached where the good can be appreciated in a general and detailed way.

When the urban group’s property is located in Licbic of Decree 1080 of 2015 For the real estate of the Urban Group, the Special Management and Protection Plan will be executed, it must be attached to the regulations of said Decree. As part of the PEMP, the following requirements established for conservation real estate, architectural, and contextual conservation should be met:

 Information of the good

It is necessary to fill out the Inventory Card of Real Estate Assets that can be found in the SIPA of the Ministry of Culture. Where you must fill out the requested data:

  • Identification of the good: Information about the good must be provided, where it is located, who is the author, origin, date of construction and real estate registration.
  • Legal aspect: the regulations that protect the registered good will be requested: Territorial Planning Plan, Basic Territorial Planning Plan or Territorial Planning Scheme of the Municipality, and the level of protection of the good.
  • Physical appearance: Describe infrastructure and its history. In this, a photograph of said good must be attached to verify if it meets these descriptions
  • Assessment of its cultural significance: the historical and social value that may have is well must be expressed, as well as its cultural significance.


In Colombia, the Constitution and the law take culture as a foundation of Colombian society, as a process generated individually or collectively by Colombians, these constitute a large part of the identity and culture of Colombians. We can find three areas that help build culture: the cultural environment, the national environment. 

These three areas are closely related, since they are aspects with which we live people day by day we are appropriating it as ours, something significant for our social growth. Culture has become a symbol of nationality. It can be considered as an individual or collectively generated process by building what would be called as a cultural heritage. We can conclude that culture is a reflection of what we are as an individual and as a society, the way in which Colombians live.

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