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types of lies people tell

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Types of Lies People Tell
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Types of Lies People Tell
Product promotion and advertisement are the current trends in the world of business. Marketing departments of every firm keep updated about the latest catching phrases and convincing language that that can convince customers to buy their products (Denny, 2013). The paper shall outline some of the common lies that business people tell customers in the name of marketing their products and services.
It is common to find the phrase “Spending is health and makes you happy” by most business premises. This phrase is very misguiding especially for children related products where people spend anyhow without close consideration. Some marketers use the phrase, “Quality is objective.” The negative side of these misguiding words is that customers may follow the idea of smell and taste without considering the negative impacts of the product (Nancarrow, Brace & Wright, 2001). Additionally, some people use the words, “Taste fresh” when talking about harmful products such as tobacco. Customers are lured easily into buying the products without remembering the real impacts of the products.
The other common phrase that people lie is the phrase, “It does what they say it does.” Most drug related products are attached to such a phrase to convince buyers who do not think beyond their heads. Some people keep lying how taking a given product is a personal choice.

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The adverts shown on television such as those of Coca-Cola cheat customers that using Coca-Cola product is their choice basing on a biased survey. Another term used is, “It looks exactly like the other one.” This phrase is used to compare a new or a poor product to a known product so that customers can be convinced to buy the product (Nancarrow, Brace & Wright, 2001). The real sense in the advert is that the derived utility is totally different from the main product.
Last but very important, people use numbers to cheat other people about their products. For instance, the adverts of Colgate indicate the products as being the number one solution to teeth problems. The numbers convince people on the quality attached to the product when in a real sense the product is just ordinary like it’s supplementary. Ranking and numbering as the best and the number one product in the market are a plain lie that people need to understand.
In precise, what we hear from the business people in not necessarily correct about the product. The main point that people need to note is that business people are out for business and nothing else (Denny, 2013). Therefore, it advisable for all people to be on the look out to avoid being fooled by cheap words. Believing in what majority think as being right is a destructive approach that makes one to be lied easily. The catchy attractive phrases in the market ought to be ignored as much as possible to avoid falling into the trap of liars. The marketers on the other side need to be ethical in their business activities to prevent the spread of lies to the public.
Denny, R. (2013). Selling to win. London: Kogan Page.
Nancarrow, C., Brace, I., & Wright, L. (2001). “Tell me, Lies, Tell me Sweet Little Lies”: Dealing with Socially Desirable Responses in Market Research. The Marketing Review, 2(1), 55-69.

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