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Types of Neighbors
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Regardless of where one lives, they are bound to have other individuals living next to or near them. They may be a family with kids, a young couple, roommates, or an individual. These are their neighbors, and one has to meet them whether accidentally or intentionally. Interaction is thus natural and inevitable between individuals who live in the same neighborhood giving one the chance to meet different types of people and with time, learning to deal with them and their characters. Markedly, individuals differ in character and thus there are different types of neighbors.
The over-friendly neighbor uses their social skills to snoop into other peoples’ affairs. They love to gossip, and if one is not careful enough, they are easily pulled into their ventures into matters that do not concern them. The main reason why such individuals socialize is to find something to gossip about. Most of their free time is spent in other peoples’ houses and will always find an excuse to be present in one’s house. In their effort to extract personal information from their neighbors, they end up becoming over-friendly. Such types of neighbors will disturb one by asking extremely personal questions that individuals are not usually comfortable answering, and they cannot draw the line between normal conversation and personal issues. They are likely to ask questions about personal family issues, relationship matters and how much money one earns.

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Individuals are likely to avoid such types of neighbors in the long run.
The mysterious neighbor does not talk much and minds their own business. They have poor or no social skills, and thus, there is little interaction between them and other neighbors. Very little is known about such types of neighbors and this makes them even more mysterious. There is rarely any noise coming from such a neighbor’s apartment, and it’s difficult to determine whether they are home or not. A simple “hello” or “hi” is enough for them when they meet other individuals in the hallway or as they leave in the morning. Such types of neighbors seldom participate in social functions or events that happen locally and are seen alone most of the time. They are mostly away from home and come back late at night or in the morning. Such people are creepy and weird, and it is advisable to let them be since they are less likely to concern themselves with other people’s issues.
The pleasant neighbor is more rational and respects other people’s space. Such types of neighbors do not create trouble and may take their time to welcome new people into the neighborhood. They make conscious efforts to socialize and use socially acceptable means to start conversations with other individuals. The pleasant neighbor is friendly and might often hold social events and parties at their house. They are usually open about what they do and where they work, and thus, it becomes pretty easy to socialize with them. One is likely to become close with such a neighbor. They offer help and advice on various issues, and this is the type of neighbor that most individuals would like to have.
While the above types of neighbors are ones that an individual is likely to encounter, there are others such as those who are judgmental, the show-offs, those who spy on one’s daily schedule and the noisy and troublesome neighbors. When moving, individuals need to know what types their neighbors are in order to avoid troublesome and snoopy neighbors. Some neighbors can also be dangerous, and thus, it is safe to avoid confrontations with neighbors. Everyone has neighbors and thus it is essential to understand what type of neighbors one has in order to coexist peacefully in the community.

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