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Vaccination Safety Analysis As A Means Of Disease Prevention

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Vaccination safety analysis as a means of disease prevention

 The set of safety guidelines on vaccination, regulated and supervised by the State, constitutes a set of standards that control the quality and production of vaccines. The practice of vaccination must comply with safety standards developed by international health agencies. WHO has created precise regulation on the quality control of raw materials, used in vaccination such as viruses, antigens, or bacteria for every country manufacturer of vaccines. It confirms the absence of any pollutant, that the production of lots is completely reproducible and uniform with the State Regulation Organisms. In the case of Peru, the person responsible for supervision of imported vaccines is the General Directorate of Medicines inputs and Drugs. Prior to the practice of vaccination, different clinical trials are also carried out under controlled conditions to evaluate its safety and effectiveness. Adiela Saldaña, professional in the Pharmacovigilance Area in Vaccines of the Institute of Public Health (ISP) and representative of Latin America in the World Initiative Committee for Vaccine Safety, states that: "These evaluations are carried out since the creation of a vaccine and vaccine andThey continue throughout the life of the product, even after decades of being used by the population (2015: 1) ”for all the above, vaccines are subject to a rigorous process that supervises the quality of their components, theirreproducibility in different lots and their evolution in the population under vaccination.

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Safety conditions on the side effects of the vaccine do not put the patient’s well -being at risk and there are political organizations that control their evolution. Vaccines, as a biological product they are not completely free of side effects. There is a percentage of possible adverse reactions after the application of biological preparation. Although in most cases the side effects of the vaccine are of mild intensity and does not put the patient’s life at risk, a level of distrust and fear by the population has been generated, which has preferred to opt for rejectionof vaccination in them or their relatives. On the other hand, part of the population does not know the true effects of the vaccine and are influenced by false rumors. An example of this situation could be observed in Africa, with what happened between 2002 and 2003, where a rumor spread that the OPV was being used to reduce the fertility of young girls. This stopped immunizations against polio in Africa and triggered an epidemic of polio in 20 other countries in Africa Asia and the Middle East. To cope with this conflict, WHO has established as an indispensable requirement. Our country has the intervention of ESAVI (events supposedly attributed to vaccination or immunization) that together with the Ministry of Health report any occurrence of secondary effect after the application of the vaccine. This system prioritizes the communication of the results towards the population so that it is informed about the effects of vaccination and any type of rumor is discarded. The side effects of vaccines do not have significant danger in patient’s health and are supervised by the state of the country in which they apply.

Vaccination positively influences the health of the population, since it gives personal and collective benefits. The vaccine has as its main objective to hide, suppress and control different types of diseases. As Adiela Saldaña states "vaccines are the best defense against infectious diseases, after drinking water they are the most effective public health measure in reducing mortality and sequels caused by immunoprevenable diseases" (2015: 1) however, vaccines have a second objective that is essential for the development of a society, free of health disorders. Part of the population has an immature immune system that does not allow them to develop its appropriate defense and immunity. This group of people are very susceptible to getting disease, however, the existing risk will decrease drastically if the patient is in contact with a healthy and vaccinated population. Another aspect that should be taken into account in the influence of vaccination is the effect of mass vaccination. The collective success of vaccines as a means of prevention has caused that many diseases that are currently not very common such as measles, diphtheria or people’s cough, are ignored and important at the time of vaccination is subtracted. Therefore, the practice of vaccination constitutes a great social impact on disease prevention. The influence of vaccination in the population is based on the importance and need that this preventive medium has on people for adequate collective and individual health.

In conclusion, vaccination is a medical procedure that has a strict supervision process on the production and marketing of the biological product, as well as, of all the adverse effects that could occur. In addition, its influence on the population is based on the importance that the vaccine has as a preventive means of both individual and collective levels.

For all the analyzed, it must be recognized that vaccination is a safe and reliable practice that leads to people’s well -being, protecting them from immunoprevenable diseases. The practice of vaccination should not be rejected by fear of side effects, since these can be minimal compared to the positive effect that benefits health in the general population. On the other hand, false rumors about vaccination must be eradicated by the State to avoid the distrust of citizenship and rejection of such practice to health. In the same way, the population must recognize the importance and need for vaccination to avoid disuse over time. 

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