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War in Syria

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Syrian civil war started in 2001 by protesters who were opposing against the government of President Bashar al-Assad. Today the war is fought by various groups such as government supporters and Syrian democratic forces. The protesters marched in the streets demanding for democratic changes in governance and also the release of political captives. Additionally, the protesters also demanded for freedoms, termination of corruption and end of an emergency law that had been there since 1963. In response, the government initiated deadly attacks to the protesters using military tanks. By the end of the year, it is estimated that over 1,000 people were killed. It believed that various fighting groups are financed by foreign actors. After the war broke out, Syrian opposition formed Free Syrian Army and took direct control over of the southern part of Syria. On the other hand, Syrian government had control on the north of Syria. United Nations and other international organizations have accused opposition and the government for violating human rights in the region. The war has caused serious displacement of people and many massacres. Consequently, properties worth billions of shillings have been lost in the form of buildings and businesses.
Since independence, Civilians in Syria have been denied rights to expression, associations, and assembly. The opposition saw violence the only way they could express their grievances to the government. According to United Nations, by June 2013 approximately 90,000 people had been killed.

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By the close of 2015, the figure had been estimated to rise to 250 000 people. United Nations has argued all fighting groups in Syrian war have committed war crimes and violations of human rights. (Macalister, 9)These offenses include murder, rape, torture and enforced disappearances. The fighting groups have also been accused of blocking access to food, water, health and any other humanitarian assistance. The rise of Islamist group (IS) has complicated effort to restore peace. IS has been accused by United Nations of campaigning terror activities in the region. The group is believed to punish and torture those who failed to join them and oppose their terrorist activities. Also, the terror group has also carried mass killings to their opponents and minority religious groups.
Syrian government in 2015 was accused of using chemical weapons that killed dozens of people. However, Syrian President has denied those accusations; in return he blamed the opposition and other fighting groups in the region. More than 4.5 million people have run away from Syria and took refuge to neighboring countries such Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey. Moreover, about 10% of Syrian refugees have sought shelter in countries in Europe such as France and Germany. Most importantly, there are 6.5 internally displaced refugees in Syria. The war in Syria has a big economic impact whereby United Nation estimates that over $3.2bn are needed annually to provide humanitarian assistance in 2016. About 70 percent of people in Syria don’t have access to clean water and also they are unable to meet necessities such as food clothing and shelter. Over 2 million children are out of school as a result of the war. About 80 percent of the populations live in absolute poverty, and their daily income is less than one dollar. Due to this war, the humanitarian agencies are not able to reach about 4.5 million people. (Macalister, 33)
Since 2015, Islamic states have capitalized political instability in Syria. They have been controlling large parts of Syria and other countries such as Iraq. Opposition groups also have sharp divisions and always battling for supremacy. Various efforts have been made to solve the political situation in Syria. For instance, UN Security Council has called for the implementation of peace and security roadmap which include ceasing fire and transitional period ending with elections. Efforts to bring everlasting peace have not born fruits since the international community is also divided and supporting warring groups in the region. For example, the government has enjoyed support from Russia. In contrast, the opposition has been receiving financial and advisory assistance from countries such as Turkey Saudi Arabia, USA, and the United Kingdom. The United States, for example, has come up with a program to train 5,000 rebels on the ground to fight against the government.
Since 2015, about 500,000 people have arrived in Europe Mediterranean shores. The journey is fraught with many dangers in that about 3,000 people drowned in the Mediterranean Sea in their effort to seek refuge in neighboring countries. Some countries In Europe have been unwilling to welcome Syrian refugees in their land. Thus Syrian refugees have faced denial, persecutions and lack of basic necessities in foreign nations.
United Nation experts outlined several outcomes of civil war in Syria. First, the crisis will make Israel safe. Syria has been supporting Palestine in their effort to demand their territorial rights from Israel. On the other hand, America has been using a lot of money to keep Israel safe.These funds will be diverted to other economic use (Weiss, 56). Israel will invest more money to fund the Syrian opposition and this, in the long run, will make Palestine both economically and politically weak.
Syrian crisis may result to increase in terrorist activities in Europe. More terrorist attacks may be experienced since Syria will act as a terrorist breeding ground. Moreover, some developed countries may benefit economically, because they will be selling weapons to various fighting groups in Syria. Most of the deadly weapons used in fighting are manufactured by developed countries. Efforts to bring peace in Syria may not give fruits since some developed countries have economic interests and already taking sides. In 2015, Saudi Arabia increased their military budget to $80 billion. Much of this money will be used to manufacture weapons for sale in Syria.
The war in Syria may cause the outbreak of another world war. Different countries in Europe have been supporting various fighting groups in Syria. For example, the USA has been supporting the opposition while Russia has been supporting the government. These military alliances may in the long run cause the outbreak of another world war.
Humanitarian agencies are sometimes not able to provide necessities to civilians in Syria. If the situation remains, the same, many people are in danger of starvation. Additionally, more people are likely to die due to the outbreak of diseases in refugee camps. Previously, Islam has been extraordinary expanding in all parts of the world. The civil war in Syria may have an adverse impact on the spread of Islam in Europe. People will be associating Islam with terrorist activities.
United nation should play a significant role in guiding countries in the world on how to solve the Syrian crisis. Warring groups should be encouraged to opt for other peaceful ways of solving dispute so as to more save lives. Lastly, countries should be reinvigorated to welcome more refugees as the world looks at alternative ways of solving the dispute.
Works Cited
Macalister-Smith, Peter. “United Nations and Humanitarian Assistance.” International Humanitarian Assistance (2016): 93-110. Web.
Weiss, Max. “Community, Sect, Nation.” The Alawis of Syria War, Faith and Politics in the Levant (2015): 63-76. Web

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