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A-List the 4 Tetrarchic capitals

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A-List the 4 Tetrarchic capitals.
The Four Tetrarchic Capitals Were:
Augusta Treverorum
B. The Four Tetrarchs and Their Capitals.
Nicomedia was the capital of Diocletian
Sirmium was the capital of Galerius,
Mediolanum was the capital of Maximian,
Augusta Treverorum was the capital of Constantius Chlorus
2. A. Why the Goths Were Angry At the Romans.
The Goths were angry at the Romans because the Valens pitched at Goth’s camp, built palisades in preparation for Emperor Gratian to arrive with the Gallic army. Moreover, ambassadors from the Goth asked for a truce but they were sent away by the Romans.
B. What happened to Valens?
Two-thirds of the Valens army were killed by the Goths army while others burned to death
3. A. The Sack of Rome in 410.
The Sack of Rome took place on August 24, 410 when the Roman Empire was attacked by the Visigoths led by King Alaric. During the attack, Rome had been replaced by Raven in 402 as the headquarter of the Western Roman Empire, the sack of Rome came as a shock to friends, foes, and contemporaries of eternal city that maintained its status after the sack. This sack occurred 800 years after the sack by Gauls under the leadership of Brennus in387 BC and was a landmark in collapse of the Roman Empire
The Events that Led Up To It.
There was contention between the two halves of the empire after the death of Theodosius, thus creating a revolt. Later on, the Alaric demanded compensation leading to further negotiations over the homeland of the Rome.

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There was also the transformation of the Germanic tribes through social, economic and technological advancements. Also, the on and off invasion of the Roman Empire by the Goths since 238 caused the sack. Similarly, the death of Fritigern and the subsequent declaration of Alaric as the King and the Visigoth invasion of Greece, Italy led to a series of the siege of Rome.
B. What Happened To the Ashes of Augustus and His Relatives.
They were put in three niches to hold them together and then kept in the mausoleum. The urns were later stolen, and the ashes of the Augustus and his relatives scattered leaving the building undamaged.
4. A. Why Aetius Did Not Destroy Attila When He Had the Chance.
Aetius realized that Attila had stopped advancing after he was defeated and then assessed the political situation. Also, Aetius feared the possible alliance between the Rome and the Huns should he destroy Aetius.
B. How The Second Account Elaborate Or Add Details To The First.
The second account adds detail to the first account by explaining how Aetius used related tactics to discharge his other allies before joining with his Roman troops.
5. The Date When Romulus Augustulus Was Deposed (Forced To Abdicate)?
On 28 August 476
6. The 3 Parts of the Corpus Iuris Civilis.
The Codex Justinianus (529)
The Digest, or Pandects, (533)
The Institutes
7. A. Definition of Jurisprudence.
It is a word derived from two Latin words, Juris meaning law and Prudes meaning knowledge. Thus, it is a legal system, theory or philosophy of law applied in decisions of courts, civil law and in reviewing tribunals. It may also refer to a body or system of laws.
B. The 3 Law Maxims.
The English law
The Scots law
The American treatise
8 A. The Cause of the Riot.
The cause of the riot was the disagreement between the Blues and the Greens after the demands of the green were not met.
B. Theodora’s Remark to Justinian When He Was Ready to Flee.
Theodora’s gave a positive remark to Justinian on condition that he was ready to save himself, everything including funds and the ship was available for Justinian to flee.
9. A. The Three Creeds.
The three creeds also known as ecumenical creeds or universal creeds or Chalcedonian Creed are The Nicene Creed, The Apostles’ Creed, and The Athanasian Creed.
B. The 12 Pts. Of The Nicene Creed.
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth;
And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord;
Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, Born of the Virgin Mary,
Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead.
He ascended into Heaven and were seated at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty.
From thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints.
The forgiveness of sins.
The resurrection of the body.
And life everlasting. Amen.
10. Matching the Ecumenical Councils.
First Council of Nicaea (325) A. Condemned Arianism
First Council of Constantinople (381) B. REVISED Nicene Creed
Council of Ephesus (431) C. Rejected Nestorianism
Council of Chalcedon (451) D. Rejected Monophysitism
Second Council of Constantinople (553) E. Condemned 3 Chapters
Third Council of Constantinople (680-81) F. Condemned Monothelitism
Second Council of Nicaea (787) G. Rejected iconoclasm

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