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A Summary of the Chapters in Oakley and Jensen

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The chapter touches on the growth and development of a child from birth to adulthood. The author claims that the extreme experiences children undergo in their first year of life can significantly change the way they carry out themselves. The brain’s cognitive-emotional plot is drawn earlier in life and parents can either be the topographers or the dupes. Therefore, parents should moderate vicious film images since researchers have linked violent games with hostility among children. In the long run, parents will be able to instill good social and expressive skills to their progenies.
The issue of nutrition and health is explored in the chapter as the author touches on the use of fast foods by many families. Preschool children consume soft drinks regularly as the fast-paced lifestyle make many people have little time to cook in their households. Therefore, this has made children be deprived brain development foods like green leafy vegetables, nuts, and fruits. According to Oakley (2004), deficiency of the foods in the diet of the children has reduced their mental efficiency since the foods produce nutrients that support learning and memory development. Therefore, the chapter suggests various nutrition methods that are crucial for the brain development of a child. The author gives parents a precaution that they should stop giving kids total control over their food choices. On the same note, intake of enough water should be prioritized as hydration is a significant component to the growth of the brain.

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School age brain is made up of two sub-stages: the elementary and middle school years, and the teenage years. Under the stage of elementary and middle school, the brain is seen to be ready to undertake new challenges like reading and many others. Similarly, the children under this category have depicted definitive ideas on the types of foods they choose to consume. Hence, parents need to guide them so as to reduce the intake of the non-nutritious foods from the school lunch counters and in supermarket displays (Oakley, 2004). On the other hand, the groups of children under “the teenager years” make bad choices and come up with lies to cover them up. In this stage, the adolescent brain cells endure substantial changes in synaptic restructuring leading to the development of many connections. Mood, attention, sleep, learning, and memory implications have a slew view for parents and teachers who are responsible for the upkeep of the teenagers.
Oakley (2004) suggests that different bodies should engage the school and community resources so as to educate parents on how to prepare their children for school as many of them have little information on the upkeep of youngsters. In the long run, they will gain acquaintance on the connotation of appropriate nutrition and its relation to healthy brain development. Therefore, this will ensure that children go to school with a mindset to learn and portray healthy minds that grasp concepts quickly.
The chapter takes into consideration on how people can manage the various influences on the brain so as to improve the odds. The author argues that there are four stages of brain development that a child has to undergo before he or she reaches adulthood. Under the conception to the birth stage, the brain of the unborn is influenced by the lifestyle of the mother. The use of drugs and smoking by a pregnant woman affects the embryo as it develops in the womb (Jensen, 2005). Therefore, women in this stage are advised to avoid drugs, smoking and minimize stress so as to protect the developing fetus
The birth to age 2 is a critical juncture as it forms the foundation for the development of earlier skills like learning and reasoning among kids. Therefore, it is important for the caregiver of a child to set good demonstrations on their emotional responses since the stage lays down a frame for a child to learn on how to express their emotions in a social world. On the same note, the parents should provide nutritional supplements and brain friendly foods to their children so as to form a good foundation as they grow.
Age 2 to 5 is the stage where the brain is prepared for school, and it requires intellectual effort and some tough choices by the parents. It involves getting children ready on the fronts of academics, emotional and social skills, and nutrition and health. The parents should limit their children to time they spend on watching television and playing video games by providing them with creative and exploratory playtime (Jensen, 2005). Similarly, the author suggests some crucial things that parents need to implement as they prepare their children on the academic standards of the school. On the same note, they should strengthen the self-concept and influence emotional development among their kids. Therefore, this will aid in reducing aggressive behaviors among teens and other disorders that may be portrayed if a child lacks prior guidance in his or her growth.
The two chapters have a relation in my life as they give me an idea of the development of the brain among growing teens. The ideas are essential to me since I work with adolescents as a drug and alcohol counselor. Therefore, I shall be in a position to analyze various situations that I shall face in my work and give relevant advice to affected victims.
Jensen, E. (2005). Teaching with the Brain in Mind, 2nd Edition (2nd ed.). Alexandria: ASCD.
Oakley, L. (2004). Cognitive development. London: Routledge.

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