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Analysis Of The Book “The 5 Temptations Of A Manager”

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Analysis of the book "The 5 temptations of a manager"

The book of the 5 temptations of a manager, until now, for me, has been the best of the three read, the book I liked a lot, because it kept me intrigued in knowing what each of the temptations were, I also liked theFormat in which they told history through Andrew and Charlie, also each of the temptations extrapolated them to my life, to know if I had them or not, although I am not a manager, I compared them to cases where I worked in a group and with my personalityAnd also from the point of view of a manager, in addition the book was like a boxer and I the boxing sack, mainly at the time when I reached the second temptation, I felt that feeling, for how easy it was to identify myself with that temptation, for that reason the format will be the analysis of temptations one by a. Let’s start with the first temptation, which is to put the position or career before the results of the team or company, where in history, Andrew had this temptation clearly, in my personal case, this temptation I do not have it in its entirety, because I like itThat my team succeeds, in addition to what it serves, that I look good, if in the end my team ends badly, I consider that the results must be above all, also everyone who knows me, knows that I always look for things that thingsThey go well, because I am very perfectionist, but sometimes I can not achieve those results that I want, but we will explain when contrasting the second temptation with my life.

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In addition, the book explains that it is a very common temptation in managers, because once they reach that position, they do not want to lose their post.

The second temptation, which is to put popularity before demanding accounts, I really consider that I have 100%possessed, because I do not like to look bad with anyone, I like to be in good relationship with others, which sometimes takes me Not to ask for an account or being too flexible and this is the reason why sometimes, although I am very perfectionist, I can fail in the groups, because a job of three people, I end up doing it alone, which no matter how much I Strengthen, it is a job of three people, not a job of a people and tends to sometimes notice when I do it alone, even lost rating for not betraying classmates, the book contrasts that for personal life, this temptation is Very good, but for the life of manager this temptation is fatal, since the manager will not ask for accountability to his employees and they will do things in his opinion and without a course, where this can general fatal results for the company.

In the case of the third temptation, put the certainty before clarity, really this temptation, I do not have it, because I characterize myself for my insecurity and I am not afraid to make mistakes, obviously I try as much as possible to be wrong, but in the end I am wrong, I simply understand that it is normal, because we are human and we are not perfect, in the case of insecurity, it is mostly made decisions with limited information, but a good quality that I have is that I analyze very well all possible factors, before To make a decision, really although I am very insecure, I always end up making a decision, no matter if in the end I am wrong, where the book mentions that this temptation is also fatal for a manager, in such a sense, of even if he does not have the first And the second temptation, if said manager has the third temptation, this will lead to not making decisions and not asking for accountability, which is still missing when it comes to being a manager, it really is It is not my particular case, because I do not have the third temptation, but I have 100% temptation. In addition, it is better to make a decision, than simply to do nothing. In the event that each one knows their responsibilities, I really have no problems, because something that characterizes me, is to make sure that things are clear and avoid gaps, seeking to avoid comments, I did not know or interpret it badly.

We arrived at the fourth temptation, which is to put harmony before the productive conflict, in the case of this temptation in particular, I was wrong and I thought I had this temptation, but while I continued reading, I understood that I really did not have it, becauseOne thing is productive conflict and another conflict is that of insults, personal aggressions, etc., Where in my particular case I hate the conflicts of insults and aggressions, for that reason I thought I had this temptation, but it really is not, because I like the productive conflict, because as the book well mentions, the productive conflict leads to obtaining theSolutions optimal to problems and when the productive conflict stops, it generates things under the table, now, I don’t know if it applies, but as soon as the conflict stop being productive and becomes personal and strong insults, inThat same moment I want to stop the same, I consider that every good manager should avoid having this temptation, because that way, there will be better communication and the most optimal solutions can be generated and people will not be left with their saved opinions, simply simplyBecause the manager wants a harmonious environment, because that not expressed opinion could have been the best solution to a problem.

Finally the fifth temptation, which is to put the invulnerability to trust, in the case of this temptation in particular, I do not have it, because who knows me well, knows that he can express his opinions, obviously with respect and I will accept them, even if this agreement or not, also as I mentioned at the beginning to avoid making mistakes, but if it happens, I easily admit that I am wrong and with a tool called the Johari window, which performs in a personal productivity course, I threw me theResult after some surveys that I did to my friends and family, that others know my strengths and weaknesses at their maximum expression, I really do not try to hide my weaknesses, on the contrary I like them to be public, because I like to avoid being recognizedFor one thing, when in the end I am a totally different. Where in the role of a manager, it is crucial not to possess this temptation, because as the book mentions, it is very common for managers to try to show invulnerability, which generates fear and that no employee wants to comment on anything, which in turnOne of those comments can be a constructive criticism that can help be a better manager and in turn improve the situation of the company, it also allows a relationship of trust and respect between employees and the company’s manager to the company to the companytime to express these opinions.

A part that I cannot miss, is where the case is raised where if someone is not good for a position, it must leave it, this happened during one of Charlie and Andrew’s conversations about Charlie’s father and where people left theI use because they did not work well in it, a curious fact is that the book makes a temporary jump of 3 years, where Andrew left his job and a new manager took office and the company was going wonderfully, where he mentionedThat someone gave him some advice on a train, that was Andrew, where that anecdote was very curious, because I left wondering what happened to Andrew’s life, if in the end he succeeded in life, but the book explained thatThe success is relative and depends from the point of view that is seen. This anecdote teaches me, that everything can be tried, but you have to know howI imagined that I was Andrew, and Charlie was asking me the questions to me and it was as if the book analyzed me personally, in addition I also consider that this book must be read by every manager, because in the end, we all possess some of the temptations, ofone way or another.  

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