Supplier diversity
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Topic: Payment Schemes for a two-level consignment stock supply chain system
Essential Question: In what ways are employers promoting diversity?
Questions/Main Ideas: Name: ____________
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Expanding diversity to supply chains Diversifying into the firms that provide them with the raw materials and products and services over work place diversity
Insisting on the importance of supply chain diversity Seeking goods from diverse suppliers enhances innovation and places the firm ahead of competition.
Promoting Work place diversity Work place diversity entails getting individuals of diverse backgrounds to bring in new talents and skills.
Checking for their supply chain diversity success The diversity in their supply chain can be checked through the geographic diversity which entails checking the suppliers of diverse geographic locations.
Employing a dedicated supplier diversity officer To ensure diversity, firms employ a dedicated diversity officer who also demonstrates the commitment that the firms have pertaining the supplier diversity and accountability for the performance targets.
The diversity article, “Employers Seeking to Expand Diversity Efforts Looking at Supply Chains” is about how employers are seeking to expand diversity from just the normal workplace diversity to the diversity in the supply chain. Diversity in the supply chains refers to diversifying their sources of goods and services owing to the merits of diversification.
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Diversification ensures that a firm obtains creativity and also becomes competitive in the face of changing times. Additionally, diversity also ensures that even other parts of the world obtain jobs and in the process create wealth. Supply chain diversity brings innovative solutions into a firm and leads to the generation of new ideas into solving the existing problems. The article also includes excerpts from interviewed top managers who revealed that one of the challenging factors in supplier diversity is the lack of enough resources as it is under-resourced. However, the procurement departments and the D&I departments should work together towards the realization o the goals of supplier diversity.
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