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Asthma, Chronic Respiratory Tract Disease

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Asthma, chronic respiratory tract disease


Given the complexity of the disease, there are various concepts and causes for asthma. A first concept is to understand it as a chronic respiratory disease, which is more common in pediatric patients, where various cells and mediators of inflammation intervene, partly conditioned by genetic factors.

For WHO (2019) asthma is chronic disease whose main symptoms are dyspnea and wheezing, which manifest differently in the person who suffers from it, being able to occur on different occasions during the day or week, and with greater severity withphysical activity or night. It is a chronic disease that affects various areas, and that the individuals who suffer from it cause them dyspnea, thoracic oppression, very frequently at night, generally compromising the airways, although with different intensity.

Asthma diagnosis

For pediatricians it is essential. Clinically, it can be seen differently as time intensity and usually occurs at night more frequently. At that time another type of aerial virus disease would be ruled out.

Causes of asthma

Asthma is not necessarily inherited, because there are also cases that are presented without parents having suffered. When you have asthma, the airways are more sensitive than normal, and tend to get irritated and harden very easily following a variety of elements called "triggers". Some examples of "triggers" are:

The alergies

ALLERGIAS: If you have allergies, you are also more likely to have asthma.

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This type of asthma in general begins in children, but it can also occur in adults. The most common allergenics (which cause allergies) are the pollen of plants, trees and grass, mold, cockroach droppings, dogs and cat dandruff and dust mites. This can cause sneezing, wheezing, hairpipes and nasal moqueo. If the lungs are very irritated, allergenics can cause asthma attack.

Respiratory infections: sinusitis or frequent pulmonary infections can also cause asthma. Infections can cause sibilation episodes or lack of air more prolonged than allergies. In fact, respiratory viruses are the most common cause of asthma attacks serious enough to have to miss school or work


  • The smoke of car escape tubes, buses, trucks, etc.
  • Chemicals like garden sprays
  • The mold and dust
  • Strong odors from paint, perfumes, colonies, hair spray, deodorants and cleaning products
  • The smoke of cigarette tobacco, pipes or cigarettes
  • Changes in temperature or weather
  • Stress or exercise 
  • Medications, including aspirin and beta blockers (heart medications or blood pressure)
  • Sulphites present in foods such as nuts, wine and beer


Symptoms of asthma


This is the most frequent symptom consists of rings in the form of whistles, which mainly come from the chest when the person breathes or when the air passes. 


Although cough is very recurrent in people, perhaps caused by some respiratory disease, it can also mean an indication of asthma, mainly if the cough is presented more recurrently and with greater intensity in the early morning. It can also occur when the person has some physical activity or the patient has some very intense emotion.

Respiratory difficulties

The person is difficult or costs to pass or expel the air. It will be presented when you have flu or cough. Another way to be presented is when an emotion is too intense or is exposed to tobacco smoke. 

Thoracic oppression

The patient will have the feeling that someone is oppressing him in the chest or intense pain. 


Stress can be defined as the protection that the human has to face various threat situations. When there is excess of this there will be a voltage discharge that will occur naturally, this will be an involuntary response;When presented constantly there will be an anomality that will prevent normal body functioning.

Academic stress

Academic stress is a systemic process, of an adaptive and essentially psychological nature, which is presented when the student is subjected, in school contexts, to a series of demands that, under the assessment of the student himself are considered stressors;When these stressors cause systematic imbalance (stressful situation) that manifests itself in a series of symptoms (imbalance indicators);And when this imbalance forces the student to perform coping actions to restore systemic balance,

Stress can also be defined as a life event that alters the environment and causes a high pattern of tension, interfering with the individual’s responses. Stress is an emotional state that can affect us all at any age, to a greater or lesser extent, according to the situation we are in and the resources we have to handle that situation, it may be the case of a child who changesfrom school, a young man who is expecting to perform a good performance at his studio center or an adult who maintains a family and sees his income reduced by an economic crisis. 

Causes of academic stress

Stress frequently exerts negative effects on academic performance, on the healthIt reacts to everyday pressures, in addition to the cultural and social aspects to which the subjects are subjected, because in their society, they try to achieve defined goals, prestige levels and behavior patterns that the cultural group imposes and expects from its members,so that a frustration in the realization of these aspects can trigger stress. 

There are several types of stress (stress in professional workers, students, academic students). The most investigated is academic stress. Academic stress is a systemic process of an adaptive and essentially psychological nature where 4 factors are considered: academic stressors, subjective experience, moderators of academic stress, effects of academic stress. The Medical School is recognized as a stressor that negatively affects academic performance, health and good psychological condition of students.


  1. Ana M, R. (2009). Basic concepts: of stress and how it affects . Psychological Care Service of the University of Malaga, 1.
  2. Angel, l., & Valera, s. (2012). asthma in childhood and adolescence . Maria Jose Jove Foundation, 52-53.
  3. Corn, j. (2013). Patient information series. American Thoracic Society, 7-8.
  4. María Teresa Asensi Monzó, M. D. (2018). Integral asthma management. Pediatrics Update 2018, 490.
  5. Mutó, f. B. (S/f). BRONCHIAL ASTHMA. Clinical action guide in A. P., two.
  6. Omar, m. P., & Alberto, M. P. (2013). Academic Stress: Causes and consequences. Multimed, 186.
  7. S. García de la blonde, s. P. (2016). Asthma: concept. Pediatral Integral, 80-96.
  8. Toribio-Ferrera, c., & Franco-Bárcenas, s. (2016). Academic Stress: The silent enemy. Health and administration, 11.

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