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Aviation and working for Turkish airlines

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Aviation and working for Turkish airlines
The aviation industry has experienced tremendous changes over the years. After the first flight by the Wright brothers in 1903, the first airline in the US started its operations in 1914 (Schade 62). Currently, numerous supersonic jets make routine flights across global oceans, and more than two million people have found employment in aviation, air transportation and aerospace industries. The aviation industry is a global operation that provides employment to multitudes of people, primarily because of the intricate nature of every company’s operations, which calls for a huge number of workers to occupy various work positions. A Labor Force Survey conducted in 2010 indicates that approximately 107,800 people work in the aviation industry in 2,025 companies (Cento 43). Turkish Airlines was founded in 1933 and has been on a growth path since, currently flying to 108 nations and more than 260 destinations globally (Curran 98). I would love to be one of those people who ensure the smooth flow of operations in Turkish airlines as an employee.
As an employee, I will enjoy a wide variety of benefits. According to Cento (112), the benefits available to employees working in the aviation industry differ from one company to the other, and are also dependent on one’s level of engagement. At Turkish Airlines, I am entitled to health, dental, life and vision care insurance, sick pay, personal travel passes, paid vacations and a retirement program.

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Employees in higher positions are entitled to profit sharing schemes.
My primary motivation for choosing a career in the aviation industry is the need for personal and monetary growth. A career at Turkish airlines promises a tradition of growth, service and excitement. However, the company requires people with specific generic skills. My aptitude to work in a team, problem solving, people management, communication and organizational skills are some of the skills that the recruiting board at Turkish airlines looks for in potential employees. According to Curran (32), a career in the aviation industry requires people who are well versed in information technology, health and safety, first aid, languages and customer service. Prior experience or qualification in travel and tourism may be an added advantage. I have most of these qualifications, which is why I believe that choosing Turkish airlines as my employer is the right move if I need to achieve monetary and personal growth.
Interestingly, I have had a passion for the aviation industry since I was ten. My parents have always encouraged me to follow my dream of being a pilot. I am aware that this is a competitive field and one that requires extreme dedication and excellence in academics. According the (Schade, 58), there were approximately 34,990 commercial pilots as of 2012. Job growth in this field is projected to be 21 percent between 2010 and 2020. To work for Turkish airlines, I will have to study for a commercial license in any of the FAA accredited flying schools.
I have always wanted to have a well-paying career. Pilots are among the best paid people as compared to professionals in other occupations. Commercial pilots are categorized into various ranks, the highest being Captain or Pilot in Command. The annual wage for a pilot in this category differs depending on a wide array of factors, such as the size of the company, experience, location, industry and one’s level of education. The median payment for a captain is about 124,000 US dollars per year (Schade 177). I believe I have the potential to earn a lot more than the national median. To do so, I will have to seek employment in a company that has reached maturity. I will also ensure that I have acquired all the required academic and professional qualifications.
My decision to pursue a Bachelor’s degree is in line with my vision of becoming a commercial airline pilot. Most airlines employ commercial pilots with bachelor’s degree in virtually any field. Nevertheless, the majority of potential commercial pilots major in specialized fields, including aviation and aerospace engineering (Cento 108). After my Bachelor’s degree, I will have to complete a specific number of hours in flight training in order to qualify for licensure. A commercial license requires 250 flight hours, as well as 1,500 hours of flight time to obtain an airline transport pilot certificate. In addition, I will have to achieve at least 40 hours of instrument rating, in air and through simulation (Curran 69). Afterwards, I will be required to excel in a written exam, demonstrate my ability to fly and pass an instrument flying rating test. The pilot licensure requirements also demand that all candidates must take a physical exam, including good hearing, vision correctible to 20/20 and no physical impairments that may impede the job (Schade 105). I believe that Turkish airlines is the ideal place for me to acquire my dreams and make it to the highest level in the aviation industry.

Works Cited
Cento, Alessandro. The airline industry challenges in the 21st century. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag, 2009. Print.
Curran, Richard. Air transport and operations : proceedings of the third International Air Transport and Operations Symposium 2012. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2012. Print.
Schade, Vincent. The inclusion of aviation in the european emission trading scheme : analyzing the scope of impact on the aviation industry. Hamburg, Germany: Anchor Academic Publishing, 2014. Print.

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