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Bad Faith And Reason Today

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Bad faith and reason today


Answering this question is not easy, since it implies analyzing two essential terms of our lives to try to give an explanation or answer to what happens to us or happens around us, these terms are faith and reason. At present these issues generate a lot of controversy due to the different opinions, positions and beliefs that people have.

More when it enters it, it is possible to appreciate the importance of talking about these issues, discussing them and listening to other different points of view, of beliefs, because we really want or not, they are issues that concern us all, it is not foreign to beingshumans, so you believe in some God, have some kind of faith or a rational person or simply do not believe in anything.


Talking about this issue, the relationship or non -relationship between faith and reason, in blind belief and physical evidence, is not easy because it must be very careful with what is said, with what is thought, due to theDifferent positions in this regard, more when many of the religions or beliefs of faith present today, are based on evidence, are based on subjective convictions, without verifying facts, in accepting any truth that is without any evidence ormade to check that supposed truth. Faith and reason two terms that, for me, are quite the opposite, do not complement each other, faith is not rationable.

Faith is totally illogical, the same definition has to do with something unreasonable accepts this without evidence, trusts the invisible.

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This is why faith is demanding, it asks you to create and obey something that, in some way, without having a living proof of it, and yet we do not question ourselves, because we must obey something that we do not know if it is true or not?. 

This goes beyond our compression, it is something illogical, it also allows things to happen in our lives that make no sense, that do not have any explanation, some why?, We even risk everything even life without having evidence that happens or could happen. The human capacity to establish relationships between ideas or concepts is defined as reason and obtain conclusions or form judgments. Something reasonable is something that is possible to verify, the reason evokes to have evidence to be able to verify things through facts. 

A logical truth is accepted because, by meanssomething that faith wants to show us.

Believing without some evidence is illogical, it breaks with our logic, with our reason, so it is contrary to what faith asks us, to believe blindly without asking;All this is something well contradictory to the human being. In believing or not believing it becomes a great dilemma. I guided myself for my reason, for what lived, it is the one that governs me, they are my experiences a priori that define me, that help us make our decisions, our beliefs, our paths.


Today we are in a media society, in a world that demands to believe in what our senses see, they touch, feel, if so we do not accept it, we do not believe it, we do not follow it. If it is not in our logic of things, faith is irrational, as they say is to see to believe. Faith wants to believe without seeing. Faith is not just a feeling or religious emotion, so it is my question faith is reasonable?. The reason is based on evidence, it is our mental ability to understand, examine, discern and accept an idea. Is it from being intelligent to accept something without checking it? Without seeing it?. Faith is based on emotions, sensations, reason in logic

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