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Beginnings Of The Racial Uprising

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Beginnings of the racial uprising


We started in South Africa where the segregation was firm since on the one hand were the whites that were 13% of the population that despite being the smallest part were the ones who took the position of people of color, Chinese and blacks, however, there was always resistance to this segregationist regime. In 1990 the main opposition party was at the hands of Nelson Mandela after having been in jail for 27 years. Mandela had encountered a country defeated between poverty and unable to meet basic needs that any human being should have, where illiteracy and mortality of children was great.

As Mandela would do to sustain a country that was unsustainable of so much catastrophe, that there were no good leaders who did not care about the needs of the people, this would cause a civil war to be revealed and produced. (Giddens., 2014)

From the concept of race and ethnicity we will ask ourselves, what is the point and sociological study before this because it has been a social phenomenon that has been characterized by the high conflict that has generated among human beings, there have been religions policies even education was a symbol was symbolof an ethnic conflict.


When we talk about race for sociology, it is a complex issue, since this word also symbol the division between human beings seen from biological, which has generated debates, under the study of that word in a scientific way around the timeswhere also the race and discrimination has been a concept that has spread wars due to the belief that one breed is superior to another.

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An example is in Germany racial superiority, while in the United States it is still believed that racial or ethnic groups commit crimes, and currently when we talk about race, the problem is the way in which you read we see the word since as constructionsocial we have brought the concept of segregation automatically.


It comes from a more biological social concept because social groups is rejected to cultural practices that from a completely social and community perspective of people, without a doubt to understand the concept of ethnicity, the concept of race and this process called this process and this process called this process.racialization.

Well, in the final it means the group of people who share cultural heritage as I said before, the biological issue is included because this group of people have common ancestors speak the same language and practice in the same religion once this concept is doneTo speak more closely about the union of Miami rare times they go hand in hand as a concept of being black has currently transformed into pride based on their own identity taking this as something essential to define individual identity and groups since it is aattribute that the members of a population possess not only some however associated with the minority.

A minority group seeks in principle.

When people have a race or ethnicity characteristic, this opens the way to prejudices and discrimination due to the ignorance of knowing society or the social group with customs in which this race or ethnicity lives since the group is based on stereotypesThe greatest of people from prejudice and the differences of ideas fall on discrimination what is the behavior with the other groups of non -acceptance individuals and treat them with inferiority.

All this explanation can also say that racism is a more extensive way of prejudice where the inferiority of other people is clearer or can also be for their race comparing this that although we are in the 21st century. It is still considered that people of color are lower than white people because these concepts are so risky to the social structure that it is difficult to change it if it is still surprising, how they are where it was even announced that there are no longer the races stillThere is still racism.

The sociological concepts come hand in hand with an ethnological explanation according to the ethnic group, that is why the rejection of the outsiders when they are strangers do not possess the social structure that the rest of the community to which it is entering and the comparison of what has already been learnedFor the new to know, there is a clash of cultures therefore conflict.

To break this problem one of the tools is ethnic integration here any of the methods that can be taken:

The assimilation proposes that the foreigner abandon their customs and cultural resources and begin to join the original practices of the place where his lifestyle is living its language its perspective on society an example would be in the United States the nations of migrantswhich are segregated by the same fact of being emigrants are then destined to a specific area for them as here in Ecuador there is no geographical segregation but the fact that new customs should be attached to new customs.

Another method is the melting pot of cultures, what consists in the union of customs and traditions acquired from their social structure, the present society in which different values and cultural norms from abroad to that community are thus being lived in order to contribute in order to contribute.

Cultural pluralism is a model in which each ethnic culture is respected and union is not encouraged but also coexists with a form of equality but from governing the same policy and economy as Ecuador the indigenous movement that is governed by the same policyand economy but nevertheless they continue with their traditions.

In spite of being ethnic groups, they are still an important factor and actors of society what their work performance is like that it can be public as here in Ecuador the Ministers of Culture how it can be within the community because it still has a contribution still has a contribution althoughIt has also suffered discrimination in the labor market when trying to fill places the work that according to society is not accessible to people of social groups thus giving them the manufacturing sector so that they can perform their work being part of a minority group.

Emigration in the global era

Although this phenomenon has been giving since time immemorial it can be said that it has changed over the years and has gone to hitting the new social norms.

The greatest case of migration is when from the rural part they try to go to the urban part as a form of acceleration within the global integration process giving opening political and cultural economic changes.

But what is the difference between immigration and emigration, since immigration from the displacement of people from one country to another to settle and emigration is of the process by which people leave their country to sit in another combine themselves to produce migratory guidelinesglobal that link countries of origin.

Given this phenomenon, policies have also changed as is the case of Germany, Switzerland and Belgium that have opted for the policy of the imitated worker model because they are emigrants admitted in the country temporarily that vacancies of the labor market have to which the vacancies of the labor market to whichThe country does not completely supply those who in any way even for life in that country can access citizen rights, this is how part of migration becomes a rejection abroad since it will never be considered a complete part ofcommunity.

Globalization and emigration Human migrations have been a tool that have served to mix interact between societies.

One of the factors that promote the community to bring this act of migrating because they are the dynamics of their country of origin such as political oppression demographic pressures even natural phenomena and on the other hand the countries that attract that emigrants enter their countryThey are the ones who have for example a good labor market for a short population for those who are there.

Diversity as a problem.

About 50 years ago the vast majority of land populations lived in a quite homogeneous cultural, social and linguistic environment. Only few adventurers knew different cultures and different worlds which caused disbelief of the people who listened to their stories.

The first civilizational cultural shock in America occurred by the colonization of Portugal and Spain which imposed their culture, language and beliefs on the original communities of America.

Ways of interpreting diversity.

There are different ways with which diversity is treated:

Diversity and equality

Currently the diversity in the way that is presented is much more visible than before this leads us to think that at the same time there is "difference and equality" if we ignore the first so that it is social, cultural, ethnic, political and economic differencesan invisibility of cultural otherness is created. If we ignore the second part we can create any type of discrimination from different areas.

The interculturality paradigm together with gender equity creates a struggle the non -hierarchical horizontal relationships between the different cultures universes without ignoring undeniable differences, or the main equality between people, cultures, religions and civilizations.


There are more than 10,000 concepts for the word culture but many of them do not express something that really integrates interculturality, so it is necessarythis word.

Therefore we can say that "culture" is the thing between the mouth and what comes out of there, is the way we handle and organize our food but also the way we express our living through the language.

The iceberg metaphor

We can interpret culture as an iceberg in the sea the visible part of a culture (human behavior, rituals, architecture, food, art, among others.) Only a small portion and is based on the invisible part (values, norms, beliefs, worldviews, philosophies, entered others.) that embodies how thick culture is.

Culture and culturality

Culture as previously defined is like a second skin of the human being, the human being transforms from the beginning both exterior and that of his own body.

The culturality of the human being is reflected in the manifestation of his own body either in his clothing, hairstyle, tattoos, among others. Production and consumption processes, social and political organization, beliefs and spiritualities.

Beyond essentialist and ethnicist definitions

There is an essentialist approach that says that each culture is characterized by a series of "essential" elements that cannot change over time, but this is not a real concept because these elements always vary during the time either to adapt to the needsof the environment constantly changing.

We must also avoid ethnicism While ethnicities are true are carriers of culture, these are not limited to a certain ethnicity or reserve for native peoples, since within these cultures sub -cultures can be created such as little examples we can haveMestizos, Afro -descendants, Asians.

Relations between cultures

At no time in history, some culture has been static or pure, or suspended in time. The diverse cultures have always been in contact in some way or another. This materiality of cultural relations has given rise to a certain classification of historically assumed forms:

  • Multiculturality, first moment to realize cultural diversity
  • Intraculturality, when we talk about relations in each culture
  • ethnocentrism, of the privileged starting point for each culture of approach to the others
  • Transculturality, when cultures become time hybridizing by contact with others
  • Metaculturality, attitude of finding metaphysical truths valid for all cultures, even knowing that they are particularly a single culture: such as DDs.H H.
  •  Strength, when a culture overwhelms the others by merits that are considered intrinsic to it when they are actually a conjunctural military politicians
  • monoculturality when it is a single culture that hegemonizes over others: as in the constitution of modern nations
  • Interculturality, when the encounter implies mutual enrichment


Basic intercultural principles

The intercultural approach tries to keep in mind at all times the culturality of ideas, theories, attitudes, values and forms of life.

Suspicion hermeneutics

Many times the cultural or supra cultural character has been created is which present us as if they were absolute realities, such as that God is "person", of non -contradiction is absolutely valid. The normality discourse is also very deceiving because it makes us believe that all kinds of cultural manifestation that does not match this concept were abnormal.

Become aware of your own culturality

No person can embody all cultures, what can be taken conscienceanother our cultural code.

Whenever we get out of our "cultural universe" we will find people from another social class, another creed, another culture or with a different language to ours the astonishment of the strangeness of otherness is something understandable and has nothing wrong.

Which becomes complicated and even violent and aggressive when we intend to impose our value judgments.

Sensitivity for asymmetries between cultural

When we find ourselves as members of different cultures and carriers of different cultural values, we are not aware of the power of power, which we represent.

In the real world we find representatives of "cultural universes" with their price in the world’s cultural stock market. The obstacles that we are in interculturality do not have to do only with cultural differences, but with the valuation in question.

It is a fact that there have been dominant cultures which imposed in a certain part of the world their beliefs as their first language the Europeans in the discovery of America later continued with the American culture that was scattered throughout the world. Throughout history, a subaltern culture has become dominant with respect to another subaltern culture.

Let yourself be questioned

We cannot interpret interculturality as a cold theoretical comparison if not as a process where the people involved will interact with another culture or cultures. In this process of dialogue, the individual’s own position and identity may suffer alterations, there is also a character of interculturality that can reveal that another culture can reveal my own identity, however, it is difficult to realize the peculiarities of our own cultural identitysince it is part of us.

No culture is perfect

No human culture can cover all the creative and recreational possibilities of humanity for more sophisticated and modern that this is since what this culture represents is only an example of the factors of the environment that surrounded it and the way in which its members interpreted thereality, being so that no culture can contain all aspects of what the human species has as a potential.

As a product of human creativity, different cultures have defective, attentive aspects in life are negative.

The objective of interculturality

Today the survival of the human species and the planet Earth is at stake which makes a single culture or civilization responsible for which a coexistence and interaction between the different cultures of the human species is necessary to achieve progressset.

In conclusion, social inclusion is very present in the ISCHCPP while the authorities and students presence cooperation for the acceptance of people of different ethnicity. How is students of the Tsachila culture and at the same time the institutional policies that have served as an example for other institutions. Support for the different support to women and creation of a better student environment for people who have not felt adapted in other institutes.


The Institute emerges 1999 from there is a presence to share its main objective that has been the service to the community generating the necessary actions to reach all places in the province of Pichincha where there was never access to higher education. 

Thus, men and women can achieve their dreams of studyThe students of the Concordia San Miguel de los Bancos Pedro Vicente Maldonado even emeralds can access education are part of the institution that over the years has been increasing social responsibility since classes are currently given to deaf and dumb.

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